A Note From
Eric on the
High Desert Subject: Time: 8:37 AM
Joining CSGnet Date: 5/11/94
Good Morning! I would like to join the CSGnet group and begin participating
in the dialogue about Perceptual Control Theory. I am in a K-12 public
school district in Southwest Wyoming, USA, where Control Theory is a major
focus of our school redesign efforts. We have over 100 teachers and school
administrators who now have training in Control Theory and we are anxious to
continue our learning and application of CT. Additionally, we are coming
on-line with Internet and by next Fall will have Internet access for all our
school buildings, teachers and school administrators. Personally, I am Asst.
Supt of Schools here in Green River, Wyoming, and have trained with Ed Ford
and the Institute for Reality Therapy. I will complete my certification with
the Institute next February and look forward to learning more from the
members of this dialogue group about applications of CT outside the setting
the Institute targets. Any information that you have relative to membership
in the group would be helpful. Thanks! Eric Newton. P.S. My Internet