[From Bruce Abbott (950616.1720 EST)]
Rick Marken (950616.1400)
I think you may be right again.
Rick, I'm ALWAYS right. (Except when I'm wrong, which is fairly often.)
But I am surprised by one thing. You don't seem to be working very hard at
thinking of ways of showing what's wrong with reinforcement theory.
Golly gee Boss, don't a feller git some time off fer good behavior? You've
kep me so busy workin' hard a showin' how reinforcement theory CAN account
for certain data that I've hardly had time left for anythin' else. Now ya
want me ta work on my VACATION? What a slave driver. An' another thing,
you pay lousy. I keep waitin' fer th' check ta come in, but I ain't seen
nothin' since I JOINED this outfit! When the heck is PAYDAY?
O.K., I'll think about it. Th' check is in the mail, right? (;->