Linking Perception, Cognition, and Action: Psychophysical Observations and Neural Network Modelling

I have added a comment that is independent of the level of grasp!


On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 4:08 PM, Ted Cloak wrote:

Would someone with a better grasp of this stuff please write a comment on this article? I searched for Powers, Marken, control, and feedback, and found no meaningful use of any.


Linking Perception, Cognition, and Action: Psychophysical Observations and Neural Network Modelling

Dr Warren Mansell
Reader in Psychology
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist & Chartered Clinical Psychologist
School of Psychological Sciences

Coupland I
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 8589


See for further information on our trial of CBT for Bipolar Disorders in NW England

The highly acclaimed therapy manual on A Transdiagnostic Approach to CBT using Method of Levels is available now.

Check for further information on Perceptual Control Theory

[From Rick Marken (2014.08.04.0900)]

Would someone with a better grasp of this stuff please write a comment on this article? I searched for Powers, Marken, control, and feedback, and found no meaningful use of any.

RM: That's because they don't understand that they are dealing with purposeful behavior! Their model accounts for the observed behavior of the subjects when the subjects' purpose corresponds (at least qualitatively) to what the experimenters wanted their purpose to be: moving a cursor to indicate which interval was longer. If the subject's don't adopt that purpose -- for example, if they adopt the purpose of leaving the room -- then their model doesn't work at all. there has to be something in the model that represents the potentially variable purpose of the subjects. that variable is, of course, the reference signal in PCT. This is why Warren's comment is perfectly correct! I will add this point as a comment myself, if I am able to register for PloS.
Best regards


On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Ted Cloak <<>> wrote:


<Linking Perception, Cognition, and Action: Psychophysical Observations and Neural Network Modelling; Linking Perception, Cognition, and Action: Psychophysical Observations and Neural Network Modelling

<Linking Perception, Cognition, and Action: Psychophysical Observations and Neural Network Modelling; Linking Perception, Cognition, and Action: Psychophysical Observations and Neural Network Modelling

Richard S. Marken
Author of Doing Research on Purpose
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