Listening to Horses

[From Bruce Gregory 9980311.1515 EST)]

On PBS the other night I saw a fascinating story about Monty
Roberts _A Man Who Listens to Horses_ (Random House). In the
program we watch Monty cut a mustang out of a herd of wild
horses. Isolate the horse. Overcome the horse's fear and get him
to accept a bridle, saddle, and rider, all in the course of
three days on the open plains. All this happens because
Roberts's observations of the behavior of horses led him to
develop an approach that requires no force or restraint. Now
people have been "breaking" horses for thousands of years. How
is that nobody before Roberts saw what he saw and concluded what
he concluded?

The relevance of this story for CSGnet is left as an exercise
for those who might be interested.
