Local news; Chapman and Agre

[From Bill Powers (940715.1350 MDT)]

Yesterday morning I noticed a little smoke on a ridge in the Mountain
Ute reservation about 11 miles west of our back deck. By midafternoon it
was a solid column a mile wide with flames showing through at the base.
Today that part of the fire is not so spectacular, but the news is that
it has spread west, covers over 2000 acres, and is out of control. It's
about 10 miles south of Durango -- no threat to Durango, apparently, but
the town is full of smoke and the moon last night was red. For me, at
least, an uncontrollable perception. For the 350 or so firefighters out
there, and the equal number on the way, an incontrovertible proof that
there is a Boss Reality.

Send rain.

Paul George (940715.1005)--

What is it that the heretics :slight_smile: Chapman and Agre say that differs from
'pure' PCT? They seem to catch a lot of flack in this forum.

Just from me, and you can put it down to prejudice. They seem to make up
a lot of peculiar terms for what turn out to be simple things, like
their proposal that behavior is "situated." This means that behavior
takes place in an environment, as near as I can figure. For AI types
this may be a major discovery, but not for anyone else. They're probably
doing no harm; I just don't go in for high-falutin' generalizations.
There are lots of true statements one can make, the only polite response
to which is "My, that _is_ interesting." I have a feeling that they
belabor me with earnest urgings to grasp simple facts, as if they see
something in them of, unfortunately, inexpressible importance.

So now you know that Im not very impressed by their work. Won't I look
silly when they turn out to be right?



Bill P.