Managerial Performance

[From Fred Nickols (2004.01.04.1212)] --

Rick Marken (2004.01.04.1825)

> I've been trying to take a PCT look at managerial performance (in an
> admittedly broad brush way). The product is at the following URL:
> Comments, etc. welcome.

My first comment is "Wow", what a well-written and well though out
piece. This has to be one of the best descriptions of control theory I
have ever seen. I think you do a very good job of describing the theory
in terms of concrete examples from management. Up to page 9 I think
there is really no way to improve it. I only have two suggestions for
the last part of the paper.

Thanks, Rick. I take your "Wow" as high praise indeed. Thanks also for the
suggestions below.

First, I think I would eliminate Figure 2 and just do the summary
verbally. Figure 2 is a different kind of flow diagram than Figure 1
and I think it could be misleading. Anyway, I don't think it's really
necessary since it doesn't say much more than what you say in you
numbered list of comments.

Second, I suggest adding one implication that you didn't mention but
that I think is very important, especially to managers. The implication
is something like: it's the state of the perception, not the actions
taken to get that perception to the goal, that matters. The point is
that managers should be willing to change their actions if what they
are doing does not seem to be getting the perception to the goal. I
think this is important because managers (like all people) may be
inclined to continue on a particular course of action because that
action is _supposed_ to produce the right results. But what we get
from the control theory, I think, is the idea that getting the intended
result (controlled condition) is more important that the means used
(actions taken) to get it.

Very nice paper, Fred.

Thanks again. I'll try to sharpen it up a bit, including incorporating your
suggestions, and then see if I can interest someone in publishing it.


Fred Nickols
Distance Consulting
"Assistance at a Distance"


On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 08:01 AM, Fred Nickols wrote:

[From Bruce Gregory (2004.01.04.1241)]

Fred Nickols (2004.01.04.1212)

One suggestion. I think the paper would benefit from one or two
extended examples. As it is written, it may take a prior understanding
of PCT to fully understand the proposed model.

Bruce Gregory

"Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no
one was listening, everything must be said again.
                                                                                Andre Gide

"What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow men. That is the entire
Law; all the rest is commentary."

                                                                                The Talmud

[From Fred Nickols (2004.01.05.0849)] --

I've revised the Managerial Performance paper to reflect Rick's feedback.
It has a very different second paragraph, I've deleted Figure 2 and tried to
incorporate what I thought Rick was suggesting in the implications section.
I also corrected a few typos and grammatical errors.

The link to the article remains the same:


Fred Nickols
Distance Consulting
"Assistance at a Distance"

[From Rick Marken (2004.01.05.0915)]

Fred Nickols (2004.01.05.0849) --

I've revised the Managerial Performance paper to reflect Rick's feedback.
It has a very different second paragraph, I've deleted Figure 2 and tried to
incorporate what I thought Rick was suggesting in the implications section.
I also corrected a few typos and grammatical errors.

I'll try to get to it ASAP. I also liked Bill's suggestion about discussing
micro management. I think that would be a good implication to add as well.




Richard S. Marken
Home: 310 474 0313
Cell: 310 729 1400

[From Rick Marken (2004.01.06.2155)]

Fred Nickols (2004.01.05.0849) --

I've revised the Managerial Performance paper to reflect Rick's
It has a very different second paragraph, I've deleted Figure 2 and
tried to
incorporate what I thought Rick was suggesting in the implications
I also corrected a few typos and grammatical errors.

The link to the article remains the same:

It looks great, Fred. I still think it would be nice to add (as an
implication) a comment about the problems that arise when managers feel
compelled to micromanage their employees. Other than that, however,I
think it's a really nice, concise, accurate description of the
implications of PCT for management.

Best regards



Richard S. Marken
Home 310 474-0313
Cell 310 729-1400