Marken Book Selections Now on Web!

[from Gary Cziko 951120.1740 GMT]

I am pleased to announce that the full text (and graphics) of three of Rick
Marken's articles in _Mind Readings_ as well as abstracts for all other
articles in the book are now available on the CSG Web site.

Marken, Richard S. (1992). _Mind readings: Experimental studies of
purpose_. Chapel Hill, NC: New View.

It can be found via the References section of the main CSG document (under
"Marken") at: (don't forget the final slash--good advice from
Jack the Ripper)

or accessed directly at: (another final slash).

Now let's see if we can soon get the Bourbon stuff on the Web as
well (hint, hint) so that the virtual PCT library will continue to grow and
change the course of human history.



Gary Cziko
Associate Professor Telephone 217-333-8527
Educational Psychology FAX: 217-244-7620
University of Illinois E-mail:
1310 S. Sixth Street Radio: N9MJZ
210 Education Building
Champaign, Illinois 61820-6990