[From Bruce Abbott (951207.1330 EST)]
Bill Powers (951206.0655 MST) --
Martin Taylor 951206 13:10
I haven't seen a response, except Bruce's, to my suggestion that
there are two normally independent control loops involved in the
experimental situation called "reinforcement.I've been thinking about it.
Guys, pardon me if I sound a bit negative, but isn't this all obvious? I
started to write up a program about 12 months ago that included this
arrangement, about the time Bill was posting his OPCOND.PAS series of
models, but then decided just to assume that the food, once delivered, would
be eaten. For the purpose of the simulation we were developing, this was
sufficient. This is the same kind of simplification we have done in
tracking models, where the lower-level systems doing the mouse movements
aren't modeled but are simply assumed to be doing their jobs.
In this case you do want to model both main systems. For a rat experiment,
having no pellet present constitutes error in the system doing the
lever-pressing; lever-pressing produces (through the schedule of
reinforcement) a food pellet (eliminating the error in this system), which
is a precondition for eating. Eating reduces error a little bit in the
nutrient-control system and rapidly removes the food (time directly
proportional to size of pellet and inversely proportional to rate of eating;
rate of eating proportional to error in nutrient-control system unless
eating-rate has reached a maximum), thus restoring error in the system
involved in lever-pressing. In other words, eating disturbs the
pellet-perception control system while eliminating a condition that must be
true before eating food can occur or continue.
For a pigeon experiment, the only important difference is that the grain
magazine is raised for a fixed period; thus food-access is terminated at a
fixed time following presentation rather than being terminated by
consumption of the available food, as is the case with the rat.
If you wish to extend this model even further, note that the rat can't press
the lever until it has approached the lever and made some kind of contact
with it in a way that will permit the lever to be moved downward, and that
it can't eat the pellet until it has approached the food cup and siezed the
pellet. There is a definite sequence that must be followed, a series of
perceptions that must be "true" before the next control system can do its
job. In operant conditioning terminology, each completed act produces a
"stimulus" (perception) that "sets the occasion" for the next act. Whole
cycle from lever-press to eating and back to lever-press comprises a series
of such "discriminated operants." Thus, even a simple contingency between
some act and food actually implements what is termed a "chain" schedule,
although this term is usually reserved for schedules in which two or more
explicit "links" are programmed, as when pecking a green key is reinforced
on an FR-5 schedule, completion of which changes the key color to red, and
pecking the now red key is reinforced on a VI 15-s schedule with grain.
The way you're both talking, you sound as though you believe you've come up
with some fundamental new insight into the nature of an operant conditioning
experiment. Am I missing something? Or is what I thought so obvious as not
to be worth mentioning (given that it was not required for the simulations
we were developing) really new to you?