Martin's postings


Has anyone been able to transfer Martin's files csg.9206.sea and
mailsplitter.bin to a Mac successfully? I tried to do this today but
they came out as document files. If anyone knows how to do this, please
send me an informative message that I can include with them.

The files have been moved to a subdirectory called mmt.



Bill Silvert at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2
InterNet Address:

[Martin Taylor 920710 17:30]
(Bill Silvert 920710)

Has anyone been able to transfer Martin's files csg.9206.sea and
mailsplitter.bin to a Mac successfully? I tried to do this today but
they came out as document files. If anyone knows how to do this, please
send me an informative message that I can include with them.

Did you transfer the files in MacBinary II format? If you use NCSA telnet,
you set binary mode on the transfer, and MacBinary in the File menu. I use
Fetch 2.1b4 from Dartmouth myself. I know one can do it with Zterm (shareware)
because I've done it that way over the phone from home. I have never used
Kermit, but MacTerminal 2 or 3 also will handle MacBinary files. (I recommend
Zterm, available on and other places if you are coming
in over the phone, Fetch if you are ftp'ing from the Mac). If you are ftp'ing
from a mainframe, use binary mode and then be sure you are downloading to
the Mac in MacBinary mode.

Sorry if it's confusing. I just used Fetch directly from my Mac. It's lovely
for ftp purposes. Does all these format checks and transfers in the proper
mode automatically. Available on


PS. I just checked that the Mailsplitter (at least) was correctly uploaded
by downloading it. It's fine. Runs normally. I used Fetch to download it.