May Program

Via a separate list I received the announcement below. Don't recall seeing
it on CSG. Did I miss it?

Two meetings that might interest the training community, particularly those
affiliated with universities and other educational organizations:

May 13-14 - National Conference on Internal Control Psychology, Northeastern
University, Boston. Designed for mental health professionals, educators and
students, particularly in behavioral psychology. Speakers: William T Powers,
author of Making Sense of Behavior: The Meaning of Control (and four
scientific works on PCT), originator of Perceptual Control Theory and
co-founder of The Control Systems Group, a world-wide association of
scientists and other professionals who have met annyually for the past 14
years to discuss and plan research around PCT. Albert Ellis, president of the
Albert Ellis Institute, New York, founder of rational emotive behavior
therapy (the first of the modern copgnitive-behavior therapies); William
Glasser, head of the William Glasser Institute, a focal point for training
and development world-wide in reality therapy; Alfie Kohn, author of Punished
by Rewards and No Contest: the Case Against Competition and many other books.
He's known as the country's leading critic of competition. The conference
offers 14 PDPs. Call 617-373-3276 for information.

The 1999 annual meeting of the Control Systems Group (CSG) is July 21-25 at
the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Topics: theorietical and
practical applications of Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) in the behavioral,
social and life sciences. This is a small and informal meeting, open to
anyone interested in PCT who wants to present work or ideas, or who simply
wants to listen and learn. A preconference workshop on Methods of Levels
will be led by William T. Powers, originator of PCT. For details, call
Richard Marken, 310-336-6215 or send e-mail to or:


Fred Nickols
Distance Consulting
(609) 490-0095