[Martin Taylor 970408 11:30]
I initially thought of sending this message to Gary privately, but on
reflection, I think the question might be of concern to other CSGnet
At the beginning of April, or thereabouts, I asked Gary Cziko if he would
help be to unsubscribe by original address for CSGnet mailings (at work,
which I couldn't do because the machine from which I subscribed is dead)
and subscribe me at home (which I could have done myself, I guess). Luckily,
the subscription worked, but the unsubscription didn't, so I've been getting
two sets of CSGnet mailings for the last few days. This is lucky, because
otherwise I would not have known that some messages come to one address and
not to the other. In particular, there was a message from Marken with the
subject "PCT Informatics" that was addressed to CSGnet and appeared only
at home a couple of days ago, and one from Hans Blom that has not (yet)
appeared at home though it has appeared at work (it may yet appear at home,
I guess, since it's one from last night).
I wonder whether there are other "erraticisms" in the message delivery?
From time to time I see duplicate messages, sent by people who have not seen
their original, though I may have seen it some days earlier. And there was
the February message of mine, which was delivered to the list a couple of
weeks ago.
Is there a way of determining what messages have been transmitted for
delivery, and relating that list to a list of messages accepted by the
machines at the various delivery addresses?