Modified MCT model, first try

[From Bill Powers (970306.1034 MST)]

Hans Blom (970306) --

Since you're busy, I thought I'd try my hand at fixing the MCT model to use
the correct equation for the theodolite response. This works, but there's
some transient oscillation, so I may have the indices off by one step either
way. Perhaps you can find time to check them over, now that the main part of
the program is fixed. The program, theo6MCT, is appended at the end.

The derivation is as follows.


x := x + v*dt + 0.5*a*dt*dt;
v := v + a*dt;

The values of xold and vold are saved using your method. v is automatically
the "new old" value of v when the next iteration comes around, since it's
computed _after_ the equation that uses it.


x(t+dt) = x(t) + v(t)*dt + 0.5*(u+d)/J)*dt*dt;

assert x(t+dt) = r(t+dt), using estimated disturbance and
true velocity, and dropping index. It is assumed that velocity, like
position, is sensed. We then derive

r = x + v*dt + 0.5*(u+d)*dt*dt/J;

(u+d) = 2*J/dt/dt*([r- x - v*dt];

Program step (d is estimated disturbance):

u := 2*J/dt/dt*(r - x - v*dt);


Uses same equation above:

x(t+dt) = x(t) + v(t)*dt + 0.5*(u+d)/J)*dt*dt;


Subtract true x (tx) from predicted x (px), to find difference between
predicted d (pd) and true d (td)k, using true velocity tv and predicted
velocity pv:

px - tx = (pv - tv)*dt + (u+pd - u-td)*dt*dt/J

which yields, I think,

pd - td = 2*J/dt/dt*[(px - dx) - (pv-tv)*dt], or as a program step,

d := d - 2*J/dt/dt*(px-tx - (pv-tv)*dt);

In the program I use slightly different symbols (trued for td, xpre for px,
etc.). I'm not sure I've used the "old" and "current" values of variables
correctly in the right places. Can you check this out?

Program follows.


Bill P.


a := (u + trued)/J;

program theo6mct;
This program compares the performance of the MCT and PCT models. Both
models are controlling the position of a theodolite, under the
following conditions:

change of position: 1 radian.
time resolution: 0.01 sec (dt).
Maximum available output torque: 100 newton-meters
Moment of inertia of theodolite: 1 newton-meter^2
Rate of change of reference signal: variable from keyboard
disturbance: 100 n-m, 3 sec duration, random starting time.

The MCT model runs first, in the lower half of the screen. The slope
of the change in reference signal can be adjusted up and down (by
factors of 1.5) by pressing the + and - keys, shifted or unshifted. A
new run is done every time any key is pressed -- except 'p' or 'q'.

Pressing the 'q' key exits the program at any time. Pressing the 'p'
key switches to running the PCT model; after the first time, pressing
'p' or 'm' switches control to the PCT or MCT model, for further
adjustments of the slopes.

The beginning time of the disturbance varies randomly each time a new
run occurs. By pressing the space bar, new runs can be done with the
same value of the slope of the reference signal's rise but a different
start of the disturbance. Thus you can see what happens when there
is or is not a disturbance occurring during the change in reference

MCT program by Hans Blom; PCT program and presentation by W. T. Powers
4 March 1997

  dos, crt, graph, grutils;

  J, K, dt, r, x, u, a, v: real;
  xold, vold, xpre, vpre, xsav, vsav: real;
  d, d1, d2, trued, t, pslope,mslope, umax: real;
  gv, gx, rv, rx: real;
  xplot: integer;
  maxx, maxy,ycenter: integer;
  ch: char;
  numstr: string;
  fo: text;
  ismct: boolean;

function make_reference (t: real; var slope: real): real;
  {this function defines the setpoint at time t}
var ref: real;
if (t >= 3.0) then
  ref := slope*(t - 3.0);
  if ref > 1.0 then ref := 1.0;
  make_reference := ref;
  else make_reference := 0.0

function true_disturb (t: real): real;
  {this function defines the true disturbance}
  if (t < 6.0) or (t > 8.0) then
    true_disturb := 0.0
    true_disturb := 50.0;

procedure do_observation;
var a: real;
{this function generates the x that the controller will observe}
  trued := true_disturb(t);
  a := (u + trued)/J;
  xsav := x; {save present x}
  vsav := v;
  x := x + v*dt + 0.5*a*dt*dt;
  v := v + a*dt;
  xold := xsav; {xold := previous x}
  vold := vsav;

procedure plotit(baseline: integer);

  xplot := round(50.0*t)+ 180;
  putpixel(xplot,baseline - round(100.0*r),yellow);
  putpixel(xplot,baseline - round(100.0*x),white);
  putpixel(xplot,baseline - round(trued),lightred);
  putpixel(xplot,baseline - round(u),lightcyan);

procedure legends;
  outtextxy(0,0,'Pointing angle');
  outtextxy(0,15,'Ref level');
  outtextxy(0,30,'Output torque');


Procedure PCTmodel;
ismct := false;
  t := 0.0; {start at zero time}
  d := 0.0; {assume no disturbance initially}
  v := 0.0;
  x := 0.0;
  gv := 100.0;
  gx := 50.0;

  outtextxy(0,60,'Slope = '+numstr);

  outtextxy(150,100,'PCT MODEL');
  umax := 0.0;
repeat {the control loop starts here}

  r := make_reference (t,pslope); {define reference}

  rv := gx* (r - x); {velocity ref level = output of position control}
  u := gv*(rv - v); {output force = output of velocity control}

  if abs(u) > umax then umax := abs(u);

  if u < -100.0 then u := -100.0 else {limit output, if desired}
    if u > +100.0 then u := +100.0;

  t := t + dt;

until t >= 9.0; {at this point the loop ends}
outtextxy(0,75,'Max torque = ' + numstr + ' n-m');

ch := readkey;
if ch in ['=','+'] then pslope := pslope*1.5;
if ch in ['_','-'] then pslope := pslope/1.5;
until ch in ['q','Q','m','M'];

Procedure MCTmodel;
ismct := true;
setviewport(0,ycenter+1,maxx,maxy - 10,ClipOff);
  t := 0.0; {start at zero time}
  xold := 0.0; {start at zero position}
  vold := 0.0;
  x := xold; {and at zero velocity}
  v := vold;
  d := 0.0; {assume no disturbance initially}
  v := 0.0;
  outtextxy(0,60,'Slope = '+numstr);
  outtextxy(150,100,'MCT MODEL');
  umax := 0.0;
repeat {the control loop starts here}

  r := make_reference (t,mslope); {define reference}

  u := J/dt/dt*(r - x - v*dt);
  if abs(u) > umax then umax := abs(u);

  {LIMIT OUTPUT TO +/- 100 N-M}
  if u < -100.0 then u := -100.0 else {limit output, if desired}
    if u > +100.0 then u := +100.0;

  a := (u+d)/J;
  xpre := x + v*dt + 0.5*a*dt*dt;
  vpre := v + a*dt;

  do_observation; {calculate next x and next v}
  t := t + dt;

  d := d - 2*J/dt/dt * ((xold - xpre) - (vold - vpre)*dt);

until t >= 9.0; {at this point the loop ends}

outtextxy(0,75,'Max torque = ' + numstr + ' n-m');

ch := readkey;
if ch in ['=','+'] then mslope := mslope*1.5;
if ch in ['_','-'] then mslope := mslope/1.5;

until ch in ['q','Q','p','P'];

  clrscr; {clear screen}
  maxy := getmaxy;
  maxx := getmaxx;
  ycenter := (maxy+1) div 2;
  J := 1.0; {or whatever value...}
  dt := 0.01; {or whatever value...}
  K := (J / dt) / dt; {auxiliary constant}
  mslope := 0.4;
  pslope := 0.4;
  outtextxy(0,maxy - 10,'q to quit, space to repeat, +/- to change slope');
  ch := 'm';

  if ch in ['m','M'] then MCTmodel;
  if ch in ['p','P'] then PCTmodel;
  until ch in ['q','Q'];

[Martin Taylor 970306 14:10]

Bill Powers (970306.1034 MST)] to Hans Blom (970306) --

Since you're busy, I thought I'd try my hand at fixing the MCT model to use
the correct equation for the theodolite response. This works, but there's
some transient oscillation, so I may have the indices off by one step either

Maybe I'm way off base, here. But anyway...

Is it possible that the transient oscillations that keep showing up in the
MCT simulations are not an artifact at all, but correspond to the different
spectral responses of the MCT and PCT models? The PCT model has an integrator
output stage, and thus a 6dB per octave fall-off in the loop gain. If I
interpret it correctly, the MCT model has a rectangular band, which is
why it gets the one-(computational)-step error correction. But the impulse
response of a rectangular band filter oscillates. Could this be what is

That's quite apart from the problem _in principle_ that any one-step
correction has to be considered suspect, in that it violates the Nyquist
criterion for being able to assert that the simulation system is likely
to be giving results similar to those that would be obtained in the
real system being simulated. Hans says that one cannot talk about the
varying values between the observed sample points. But the real system
has values at all moments in time, whether they are observed or not. A
simulation ought to be able to work with these intermediate values, by
sampling time much faster.

The MCT model would be much more secure in my mind if the _same_ model
were checked using a dt one-tenth of the original value, and it showed
that the error was corrected exactly at the tenth quicker sample, and
thereafter stayed at zero. The faster-sampled simulation of the same model
should also be able to track the oscillations, if they are real and
not a computational artifact. The _same_ model would be one in which the
MCT controller could look at the value only on every tenth sample, even
though the simulation looks on every sample. (The same goes, of course,
for the PCT model, though in this case it seems less imperative, because
the PCT model makes no claims about one-step correction, and asserts that
the "real" observations are made continuously).


[From Bill Powers (970307.0922 MST)]

Martin Taylor 970306 14:10 -

Is it possible that the transient oscillations that keep showing up in the
MCT simulations are not an artifact at all, but correspond to the
different spectral responses of the MCT and PCT models?

Not the ones I refer to as "computational artifacts." Some oscillations are
real; they show up as damped oscillations with many points per oscillation
(the period might be 10 or more iterations). But the computational artifacts
are distinguished by the fact that the period is exactly 2 iterations, never
more and never less. This is the case where the program is alternating
between two values, as when a Newton's Method square-root calculation fails
to converge because of rounding error. The alternation simply takes place as
fast as the computer can compute.


Bill P.

[Hans Blom, 970310b]

(Bill Powers (970306.1034 MST))

Since you're busy, I thought I'd try my hand at fixing the MCT model
to use the correct equation for the theodolite response. This works,
but there's some transient oscillation, so I may have the indices
off by one step either way.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Repair, except by a recognized MCT
repair technician, voids all warrantees ;-). Don't call it an MCT
model and you can do any kind of tinkering you like. But don't call
it my program then...

The derivation is as follows.

I'll check it at a later time and try to find the differences. They
are subtle, but they are there, obviously.



[Hans Blom, 970310c]

(Martin Taylor 970306 14:10)

Hans says that one cannot talk about the varying values between the
observed sample points. But the real system has values at all
moments in time, whether they are observed or not.

Given the formalism of difference equations, where data are defined
only at the points T, T=Dt, T+2dt, T+3dt, etc, it is indeed
impossible to talk about intermediate times. As to the "real" system,
it can usually be expressed in this formalism. Shannon says so ;-).

