Request to remove member from Discourse discussions

This is in reply to Fundamental literature on the reorganization system - #6 by Borislav_Harihari

My answer to your question about being able to see your replies does not belong in the topic about reorganization as a fundamental aspect of PCT. That’s the reason why I put it in a new topic in the subcategory about guidance in using Discourse.

In that answer I compared using email vs. using the web interface to Discourse. Among other things, I showed how quotations and links are nicer (in my opinion) in the web interface but more difficult and less attractive and useful in email. To illustrate that I linked to a different topic. For the illustration, I picked a topic that at least had something to do with replies in Discourse.

It sounds like you are angry about what you imagine to be perceptions that I am controlling. Is that true?

If that is true, what makes you so confident that you have identified my CVs?

“I’ll give you one day and then XYZ” is a threat. Threats and other forms of verbal abuse are perceptions that we control collectively with a reference value of zero. For evidence of that collective control, scroll up and review earlier posts in this topic.

“So how can Bruce get away with threatening me” you might say. This is not a threat, Boris. It is a condition of participation on Discourse. Our conduct on Discourse is collectively controlled: there is general agreement that abusive language is unprofessional and that it repels people who we want to attract to PCT. Resistance to disturbance of a collectively controlled variable is not a threat. It is a condition of participation.

Temporarily, I’m in the personally unpleasant position of acting to resist the disturbance that you presented. However, any one of us can do likewise. Resisting disturbance in an inappropriate way will likewise be a disturbance that someone else might act to resist. That’s how this form of collective control works.

I have placed this reply in a topic that is relevant because it provides strong evidence for the collective control that is the basis for it. I am defending your access to participate in conversations here, Boris. It will take some time for me to be able to reply to your post advocating Maturana’s views. Remain civil, and that conversation can proceed. But to write with care takes time, and refreshing my memory about Maturana will take time.

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