Request to remove member from Discourse discussions


I see that it can’t not be clicked “like it” in my posts (except in “W.T. Powers and deserved place…”(where Richard Pfau clicked heart). In my other answers that is not possible. For example : Warren Mansel has sign of heart in his respons to you and my respons where I wrote that you are misleading about autopoiesis doesn’t have “heart” for clicking “like it”. Why?

You threatened me in the beginning that conversations on Discourse can be “filtered” if they are abuse. But you never proved me which part could be abuse and what you “flitered”.

About “Autopoiesis and control” just show me anything where did you find that these two terms are related and I’ll believe you it’s your idea. As far as I know I was the first in history of Cybernetics to define autopoiesis in terms of control. And you didn’t mention that.But you promised you will use my presentation as a source in problem with “control unit” analysis. I think that if you use somebody’s thoughts you should mention that. And it was in the middle of our discussion about Maturana.

I still don’t understand what you filtered as “abuse” and what you didn’t.

V V pon., 1. nov. 2021 ob 20:42 je oseba Bruce E. Nevin via IAPCT <> napisala: