-----Original Message-----
From: (via csgnet Mailing List)
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2019 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Stack exchange
Where have I ever refused to use PCT terminology.
HB : I'm sorry to say it Philip, but I don't remember when you used real PCT
terminology for expressing your thoughts about PCT.
PY earlier :... we can express ourselves in a way that doesn't specifically
involve PCT vocabulary.
HB : The question is : how do we now that you are talking about PCT ?
PY : One time I suggested that we remove the words "a perception of" in the
phrase "controlling a perception of a variable" because it is undue
PY : If you really want to help distinguish feedback control from
feedforward control, which seems to be one of the main points, if not the
only main point of PCT, I suggest fixing the corresponding demo on this
HB : Right. I usually say that PCT needs upgrade. And this is the case
which needs full experimental support and "filtering" of terms and thus
clearing the fog about what PCT is.
Let us say that I would hypothetically offer suggestion :
1. We start new project for ex. "PCT Experimental book - Control of
perception" and we all sign needed agreements.
2. I give the whole PCT starting explanation for experiments and anyone on
CSGnet can make experiment on his own cboice after having consultation with
me. If not I can advice experiment on basis of knowing you through
discussions on CSGnet.
3. All results from members who will cooperate (also Barb and Allie could be
welcome) can be handled by Bruce Abbott and Rick Marken statistics).
Linguistic arrangments can be done by Bruce Nevin and so on.
4. Interpretation of results can be done by all members and thus all members
will be acquanted with PCT through practice. I'm sure that everyone could
grasp the essence of PCT.
5. We celebrate success on some CSGnet meeting presenting the results and
real experimental PCT to all American scientist that touch the scientific
field of PCT. Also members can invite experts from other countries on the
World. I assume it can be a "PCT bum" in the World scientific community. Why
? Because will be sure that what we are presenting about PCT has real Life
What would you say on this hypothetical suggestion ? Any other oppinion ?