2 minute intro to PCT in Finnish

[Eetu Pikkarainen� 2017-11-13 12:15]

Hi all,

FYI, I took part to a staff training course about creating teaching videos. Here is my study product: a two minute introduction to PCT https://vimeo.com/241503968

It is in Finnish and as far as I know this is the first public presentation about PCT in Finnish. Below is a raw transalation of the text to English:

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT): Short introduction.

Perceptual Control Theory presents a hypothetical model of from the grounds of the action of the human being.
The developed model is extremely simple in principle and available to be empirically tested, and it is based on the mathematical theory of so-called control systems or of servomechanisms. The core of the model can be sealed to the enclosed figure.

The most important basic task for us and every organism is self-preservation, in other words staying alive. This requires keeping the values of so-called intrinsic variables - for example temperature of the body - within certain very narrow limits.

This bringing and keeping of the value of a variable at a certain predetermined level despite possible disturbance effects is just what is called control.

The control of internal variables is often connected to the interaction with the environment. We must either repel or get different effects from the environment to control our internal variables. So that we could affect some internal variable some external variable must be influenced. With the evolution many kinds of ways and means to affect our environment have developed to us.

The control requires that we can perceive the different values of the variable in question. From this follows the most original insight of the theory according to which for example the control of the room temperature is always the control of the controller's own perception, in other words experience of the temperature.

Controlling of the perception requires a predetermined reference value, in other words a goal to which the perception should be adjusted. If perception already is in accordance with the goal, we do not need to take any action. If instead we have too cold or hot we will for example change our clothing or adjust the heater.

References and more information:

Powers, W. 1973/2005. Behavior: the Control of Perception.

Powers, W. 1998. Making Sense of Behavior: The Meaning of Control.

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) Project. https://www.researchgate.net/project/Perceptual-Control-Theory-PCT

Perceptual Control Theory Archives. http://www.pctresources.com/

Pikkarainen, E. 2016. Towards Perceptual Control Theory - A coherent, intuitive and empirically testable model of action. (Unpublished manuscript, available at: https://wiki.oulu.fi/download/attachments/22119055/PCT_EP.pdf )

Eetu Pikkarainen
PhD (Ed.), (Title of) Adjunct Prof., University Lecturer (in Education)
Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland
Research Group: https://wiki.oulu.fi/display/theored

Schools in Transition: Linking Past, Present, and Future in Educational Practice
��� Edited by Pauli Siljander, Kimmo Kontio and Eetu Pikkarainen
��� https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.sensepublishers.com_catalogs_bookseries_other-2Dbooks_schools-2Din-2Dtransition_&d=DwMGaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=-dJBNItYEMOLt6aj_KjGi2LMO_Q8QB-ZzxIZIF8DGyQ&m=0nhfyP3k5-Wr6mhZrUnj5mPm1NDoqG-YillmP7AEVms&s=0r7kgNNHJhKIUPUNRy_M4-6gMGtyCTrV7vOjwub4cW4&e=

Yliopistonlehtori, KT, dos.
Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta
Tutkimusryhm�: https://wiki.oulu.fi/display/theored
Oulun yliopisto

[From Bruce Abbott (2017.11.13.1125 EST)]

Eetu, listening to your talk in Finnish reminded me of just how difficult it
must be to understand ideas and debates conducted in what is not one's
native language. Well done!


[Eetu Pikkarainen� 2017-11-13 12:15]

Hi all,

FYI, I took part to a staff training course about creating teaching videos.
Here is my study product: a two minute introduction to PCT

It is in Finnish and as far as I know this is the first public presentation
about PCT in Finnish. Below is a raw transalation of the text to English:

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT): Short introduction.

Perceptual Control Theory presents a hypothetical model of from the grounds
of the action of the human being.
The developed model is extremely simple in principle and available to be
empirically tested, and it is based on the mathematical theory of so-called
control systems or of servomechanisms. The core of the model can be sealed
to the enclosed figure.

The most important basic task for us and every organism is
self-preservation, in other words staying alive. This requires keeping the
values of so-called intrinsic variables - for example temperature of the
body - within certain very narrow limits.

This bringing and keeping of the value of a variable at a certain
predetermined level despite possible disturbance effects is just what is
called control.

The control of internal variables is often connected to the interaction with
the environment. We must either repel or get different effects from the
environment to control our internal variables. So that we could affect some
internal variable some external variable must be influenced. With the
evolution many kinds of ways and means to affect our environment have
developed to us.

The control requires that we can perceive the different values of the
variable in question. From this follows the most original insight of the
theory according to which for example the control of the room temperature is
always the control of the controller's own perception, in other words
experience of the temperature.

Controlling of the perception requires a predetermined reference value, in
other words a goal to which the perception should be adjusted. If perception
already is in accordance with the goal, we do not need to take any action If
instead we have too cold or hot we will for example change our clothing or
adjust the heater.

References and more information:

Powers, W. 1973/2005. Behavior: the Control of Perception.

Powers, W. 1998. Making Sense of Behavior: The Meaning of Control.

Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) Project.

Perceptual Control Theory Archives. http://www.pctresources.com/

Pikkarainen, E. 2016. Towards Perceptual Control Theory - A coherent,
intuitive and empirically testable model of action. (Unpublished manuscript,
available at: https://wiki.oulu.fi/download/attachments/22119055/PCT_EP.pdf

Eetu Pikkarainen
PhD (Ed.), (Title of) Adjunct Prof., University Lecturer (in Education)
Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland Research Group:

Schools in Transition: Linking Past, Present, and Future in Educational
��� Edited by Pauli Siljander, Kimmo Kontio and Eetu Pikkarainen

Yliopistonlehtori, KT, dos.
Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta
Tutkimusryhm�: https://wiki.oulu.fi/display/theored
Oulun yliopisto