From Tom Bourbon [052792 -- 0:46]

   I need copies of books and computer demonstrations on PCT.
In July, I will present material on PCT at a workshop-conference,
Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science 92, in France. The
organizers have requested that participants bring copies of books
they have written or edited. Since I have done neither, I would
like to use material from others -- Wayne Hershberger, Bill
Powers, Clark McPhail, Ed. If you can provide a copy of anything
you wrote or edited, please send it to me. (I have several extra
copies of the ABS issue on PCT and will take them, so Rick is
off the hook.)
   Also, please send the latest versions of any demonstrations or
modeling projects that you would like me to show. I will have my
own over-the-shoulder 386 DOS machine, and the organizers will
provide a room with a DOS machine and a Mac. (I have zero
experience with Macs, so please make it self-explanatory if
you can. Chris Love, do you have anything far enough along to
show, on LITTLE BABY?)
   Please send all material, by the second week in June, to
my new address (as of 1 June):
       Division of Neurosurgery E-17
       University of Texas Medical Branch
       Galveston, Texas 77550
I hope some of you can kick in and help the lone representative
of PCT. (Actually, Andy Papanicolaou, my colleague in Galveston,
will arrive for a few days during the second week of the meeting.
Like the cavalry riding to the rescue!)

Tom Bourbon <TBourbon@SFAustin.BitNet>
Dept. of Psychology
Stephen F. Austin State Univ.
Nacogdoches, TX 75962 Ph. (409)568-4402

From Tom Bourbon [052792 -- 0:46]

  I need copies of books and computer demonstrations on PCT. . . .

I wouldlike to use material from others -- Wayne Hershberger, Bill

Powers, Clark McPhail, Ed. If you can provide a copy of anything
you wrote or edited, please send it to me. (
  Also, please send the latest versions of any demonstrations or
modeling projects that you would like me to show. I will have my
own over-the-shoulder 386 DOS machine, and the organizers will
provide a room with a DOS machine and a Mac.
  Please send all material, by the second week in June, to
my new address (as of 1 June):
      Division of Neurosurgery E-17
      University of Texas Medical Branch
      Galveston, Texas 77550


I have been in Washington, D.C. for ten days and am just now sorting
through snail and e-mail. First, I did receive the manuscript draft you
sent me and it looks quite useful. I have simply been swamped with end of
the semester and then research obligations in Washington. I am now back at
the home-stand and working away on book #2, Acting Together: The
Organization of Crowds. I will gradually piece together a composite draft
of the MSS presentations and circulate it this summer before Durango.
Sorry I cannot move quicker but such is my life.

Second, I am awaiting reprints of, "Simulating purposive individual and
collective action", the lead article in Social Science Computer Review,
10:1-28, coauthored by McPhail, Powers, and Tucker. This is a full blown
account with illustrations of the "gatherings" program. I believe that you
have the edition of this program (a.k.a. Crowd) from which those
illustrations were printed. If you want another copy I will send one by
express mail. I will also send a pre-print copy of the SSCR paper if you
wish. Regretably I have little else to send. I think there is too little
HPCT in my book, The Myth of the Madding Crowd, to warrant including it in
whatever you take to France. Correct me if I am wrong on this point.

When will you return to Galveston? The reason I ask is that I will be in
Galveston for a family reunion over the long Fourth of July holiday
weekend. Nice timing huh?

Congratulations on your new post, on the prospects for what will prove to
be an exciting experience for you and a revolutionary intellectual
experience for all those who are fortunate to witness your presentations.
You do it superbly well; I only wish that I could be there to witness your
performance and your answers to the questions I am sure you will provoke.
Best wishes. Bon voyage. Break a leg, (and as ballet dancers always say as
they go on stage - merde)!