A Puzzling Tale, Different Worlds

[From Bruce Gregory (980423.1050 EDT)]

Rick Marken (980423.0745)]

PCT suggests that human problems result, not from the fact that
we live in different perceptual worlds, but from the fact that
we live in (and control perceptions of) the _same_ physical world.

Doesn't "suggests" strike you as a weasel word? Are you telling us the party
line or simply making a suggestion?

Best Offer

[From Bruce Gregory (980423.1057 EDT)]

Rick Marken (980423.0745)

Bruce Gregory (980423.0945 EDT) --

1. The situation you describe [Bruce Gregory (980423.0650 EDT)] is
not a conflict. The car going 25 mph is just a disturbance to
a perception you want to control (your speed).

2. One symptom of terminal Bruce Abbott's disease is answering
substantive posts with cute, non-substantive stories. I suggest
that you check into your nearest PCT clinic immediately;-)

I would have been amazed had you responded in any other way. You never

Best Offer

[From Rick Marken (980423.1230)]


PCT suggests that human problems result, not from the fact that
we live in different perceptual worlds, but from the fact that
we live in (and control perceptions of) the _same_ physical world.

Bruce Gregory (980423.1050 EDT) --

Doesn't "suggests" strike you as a weasel word?

Yes! I'd change "suggests" to "shows".

Bill Powers (980423.0800 MDT) --

Note what this says about the subject of "different worlds." It
says that in fact conflict can occur only if the perceptual
functions are identical but for a constant multiplier -- that is,
if they are parallel. Effective conflict approaches absolute
conflict as parallelism is approached. This is the proof of
Rick's earlier claim that conflict can occur only when the
different systems are experiencing the _same_ perceptual world
(if the real mathematicians here will permit me to use the word

Thanks. So now I can re-write my statement above as follows:

PCT shows that human problems (conflicts) result, not from the fact
that we live in different perceptual worlds, but from the fact that
we live in, and often control the _same_ perceptions of, the _same_
physical world.

I am still working on the development of a demonstration of this
fact -- the fact that conflict occurs when systems control the
same rather than different perceptual representations of the same
environment. I hope to have something in a couple weeks but I
would appreciate any ideas about what might constitute an
informative demo along these lines.




Richard S. Marken Phone or Fax: 310 474-0313
Life Learning Associates e-mail: rmarken@earthlink.net

Richard Marken wrote:

I am still working on the development of a demonstration of this
fact -- the fact that conflict occurs when systems control the
same rather than different perceptual representations of the same
environment. I hope to have something in a couple weeks but I
would appreciate any ideas about what might constitute an
informative demo along these lines.

I remember a couple who fought over the the best arrangement of items on
a mantle. They kept on changing the arrangement and undoing what the
other had done. There was only one acceptable arrangement for each
person. Needless to say, this couple didn't stay married.


From: David Goldstein
Subject: Re:A Puzzling Tale, Different Worlds
Date: 4/24/98