ABA'96, San Fran, May 24-28

[From Chris Cherpas (951116.0947 PT)]


The Association for Behavior Analysis is having its annual convention
in San Francisco May 24-28, 1996. It's officially considered too late
to submit a workshop, invited address, etc., but if anyone in PCT would
be interested in presenting, I might be able to talk to somebody in ABA
to get it scheduled. Actually, a workshop, "PCT for Behavior Analysts"
could be extremely interesting. I can imagine, in addition to the
essential concepts being presented, there being some terminological
translations (what do you mean by "control" in your language?), demos
(including ones that workshop participants could do), some of the stuff
on how functional relations between behavior and environment can conceal
control systems, and pointers to applications in clinical, management,
and (maybe) educational realms.

Just a thought,