This subcategory is for public posting of agendas and minutes of IAPCT Executive Board meetings. Minutes include the date and time of the next ensuing meeting. The meeting zoom link will be posted here as well, so that interested IAPCT members can attend as nonvoting participants.
In accord with the IAPCT Bylaws, the board comprises the four IAPCT officers (three of whom are elected to staggered 3-year terms) and one board member at large elected annually. As of the 2020 annual meeting of the IAPCT, they are:
- President (until 2022): Eva de Hullu
- Vice-President (until 2021): Warren Mansell
- Treasurer: Bruce Nevin
- Secretary (until 2023): Rich Pfau
- Member at large (until 2021): Lloyd Klinedinst
General guidance to the board comes from the membership, and is documented primarily in the bylaws and in the list of perceptions for collective control articulated first in the 2017 annual meeting of the IAPCT and updated from time to time.