This subcategory is for us to develop support for research and publication. This is among IAPCT collectively controlled perceptions (desiderata) that were identified at the 2017 Annual meeting.
Topics can include, for example:
- Funding sources
- Proposals
- Discussion of how to do PCT research ‘under the radar’ in a conventional research environment
- Discussion of how to present PCT in a subversive way, so the audience starts to realize the consequences of basic principles only after they’ve accepted them in ‘innocent’ guise. (This is politic, but perilous: see References below for the caveat.)
- A roster of research in progress.
- Discussion of, an contributions to, developing a comprehensive PCT bibliography (posted and updated on the website) to facilitate lists of references in publications.
- A pertinent 2010 discussion with Bill Powers that resulted in the 2011 jointly-written paper.
- A Manifesto for Control Theorists