Alfie Kohn

[from Gary Cziko 950203.1627 GMT]

Joel Judd (950203) wrote:

The reference for his latest book is:

Kohn, A. 1994. Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold stars,
incentive plans, A's, praise, and other bribes.

Has he or his views been presented here before?

Yes, Kohn and his book have come up a few times on the net. I have read
his book and find it very interesting and consistent in many ways with PCT.
But Rick Marken pointed out that the research he uses to support his
anti-reward thesis is the same type of group-statistics research that
PCTers tend to criticize as useless for understanding individual behavior.

I do, however, think he might find PCT of interest and would be happy to
send him a note along with our CSG intro document. Do you have an e-mail
address or fax number for him? Or perhaps you would want to forward the
intro doc to him?--Gary