[From Rick Marken (2018.05.05.1500)]
RM: I must admit that when I posted my “Minority
Report”, announcing that I would stop unsolicited posting to CSGNet, I was
busy feeling rather sorry for myself. Since Bill passed away I have been
alternately surprised, frustrated, angered and hurt by the response to my posts
to CSGNet. But over the last few days I’ve had what I think was a nice “up
a level” experience, which basically involved realizing that one of my
highest level goals is to present an accurate account of PCT that can be the
basis of furthering PCT science; and that I realized that I can achieve this
goal by, among other things, posting to CSGNet, regardless of how well those
posts are received.Â
RM: So I will start my return to unsolicited posting by
explaining why the “fundamental misunderstandings” about PCT that I
mentioned in my “Minority Report” are, indeed, fundamental
misunderstandings. (This post is not really unsolicited; after giving me some
MOL therapy, my co-author on “Controlling People”, Tim Carey,
suggested that it would be useful if I would post an explanation of why these
misunderstandings about PCT are, indeed, misunderstandings, and maybe even post
a copy of it to the MOL list.) So here it goes:
RM: First here is the list of misunderstandings about PCT
that I posted in my “Minority Report”:
- Organisms control only perceptions, not the aspects of the
environment that correspond to those perceptions. - The test for the controlled variable is not an essential
component of PCT-based research. - PCT shows that you can’t control the behavior of another
person. - Social stability arises from interpersonal conflict.
- The power law of movement is not an example of a behavioral
RM: I believe that all of these misunderstandings are a
result from taking a “mathematical-logical” rather than a
“scientific/engineering” approach to PCT. The mathematical-logical
approach treats PCT as a set of axioms from which conclusions about behavior
are derived like mathematical theorems. The scientific/engineering approach, on
the other hand, treats PCT as a set of tentative guesses about the mechanisms
that explain the behavior that is actually observed. The correctness of PCT
explanations of behavior is, therefore, evaluated very differently by these two
approaches. The mathematical-logical
approach evaluates the correctness of these explanations in terms of whether
they are properly derived from the theoretical “axioms” .The
scientific/engineering approach, on the other hand, evaluates the correctness
of these explanations by testing to see whether they correspond to what is
actually observer in appropriate tests or demonstrations.
RM: It’s easy to see how taking the mathematical-logical
approach to PCT could lead one to conclude that the five misunderstandings
listed above are actually correct implications about behavior from a PCT
perspective. For example, PCT does say that organisms control only a perceptual
signal. This perceptual signal is not the same as the aspect of the environment
to which it corresponds. So it’s logically correct to conclude that PCT says
that organisms control only perceptions, not the aspects of the environment
that correspond to those perceptions. And the logical corollary to this is that
one cannot necessarily tell what perception an organism is controlling by
testing to see whether a particular aspect of the environment is being
controlled. So the test for the controlled variable, which involves only
testing to see whether certain aspects of the environment are under control,
can’t possibly be an essential component of PCT because there is no necessary
relationship between any aspect of the environment that might be under control
and the perceptual variables that the organism is actually controlling.
RM: Because PCT says that a person’s behavior involves
control of a perceptual signal that is accessible only to the person themselves
it is also logical to conclude that it is impossible to control that person’s
behavior. And PCT also shows that, under the appropriate conditions, when
several control systems control the same perceptual variable relative to
somewhat different reference levels, there will be a conflict but the
perceptual variable will be maintained at virtual reference level that is the
average of the reference levels of all the systems involved in the conflict.
Since the perceptual variable is being stabilized by a “society” of
control systems, it is logical to conclude that social stability arises from
interpersonal conflict.
RM: Finally, PCT says that there will be a consistent,
negative relationship between the disturbance to a controlled variable and the
actions that compensate for the effect of that disturbance. The power law of
movement seems to be an example of such a disturbance-action relationship; the
power law is the observation that when we make curved movements we slow down in
proportion to the degree of curvature through which we are moving. So it looks
like variations in the speed of movement are actions that compensate for the
disturbance of variations in the degree of curvature through which the movement
is being made. So the power law is not a behavioral illusion because that
relationship is not assumed to reflect characteristics of the organism that
transform the “stimulus” of curvature in to “response” of
movement speed.
RM: So all five misunderstandings of PCT listed above are
perfectly logical deductions about behavior when one takes the
mathematical-logical approach to PCT. They can only be seen as
misunderstandings when one takes the scientific/engineering approach to PCT.
from the scientific engineering perspective the idea that organisms control
only perceptions, not the aspects of the environment that correspond to those
perceptions, is instantly seen as having things completely backwards; the idea
that organisms control perceptions is a theory designed to account for the
observation that organisms can be seen to control aspects of their environment.
What we know for a fact is that organisms control aspects of their environment;
we guess that this happening because organisms are controlling perceptual
signals that are analogs of variations in the aspects of the environment that
we see being controlled.
RM: We use the test for the controlled variable to determine
the aspects of their environment that organisms control. So the idea that the
test for the controlled variable is not essential because the results do not
necessarily reveal the aspects of the environment that correspond to the
perceptions that are controlled is nonsense from the point of view of the
scientific/engineering approach to PCT. The test for the controlled variable is
the only basis we have for determining what perceptual variables an organism
might be controlling. And it is easy to demonstrate
(http://www.mindreadings.com/ControlDemo/Mindread.html) that the results of the
test for the controlled variable provide a very reliable indication of what
aspects of the environment are under control and, thus, what perceptions we
should imagine are being be controlled; the theoretical perceptions we imagine
to be controlled correspond exactly to the aspects of the environment that we
have found to be controlled using the test for the controlled variable.
RM: A crucial difference between the mathematical-logical
and scientific/engineering approach to PCT to in the attitude toward observation
and test. Those who take the mathematical-logical approach to PCT express a
particular disdain for observation and test in the form of what are called the
PCT “demos”, such as the computer demos at http://www.mindreadings.com/demos.htm. But
these demos have been an essential part of the scientific/engineering approach
to PCT from the very start, as can be seen in the lovely “portable
demos” described in the 1960 Powers, Clark and McFarland article “A
General Feedback Theory of Human Behavior: Part II” reprinted in Living
Control Systems, pp 25-45. Using demos
such as this it is easy to show that you can control the behavior of another
person (http://www.mindreadings.com/ControlDemo/BehavioralControl.html) and that that the power law of movement is an example of a
behavioral illusion (as shown by the demo described in the “Facts of
Logic” section of Marken and Shaffer, 2018
(https://www.dropbox.com/s/3m51ko4vs1xdult/MarkenShafferReappraisal.pdf?dl=0). Â
RM: The scientific/engineering approach to PCT doesn’t deny
that social stability can arise from interpersonal conflict. However, there is,
to my knowledge, no demonstration of that it can. Such a demonstration would
involve showing that groups of real organisms produce stable results like those
produced by the simulations of multiple control systems control the same
variable relative to different references. Until such demonstrations are
produced, the idea that social stability can arise from interpersonal conflict
must remain a conclusion that is true only from the perspective of the
mathematical-logical approach to PCT.
RM: I’ll conclude this already rather long post with a copy
of an even longer post from Bill Powers. This post was sent to me by someone
who is not on CSGNet but is one of the few people who respect my work on PCT
(and the feeling is mutual). It’s a post from 1995 where Bill provides and
analysis of why he thinks there is so much friction between himself and Martin
Taylor. I’m posting it to show that Bill’s approach to PCT was most
emphatically the scientific/engineering approach. And that he was not a big fan
of the mathematical-logical approach. I have bolded some of the sections that I
think are particularly germane to the problems I have been having in
discussions on CSGNet. Like Bill, who
says at the end of this post “I have no illusions about changing your
style to correct what I see as mistakes”, I also have no illusions about
changing the approach to PCT of those on CSGNet to correct what I see as
mistakes. But I hope this helps you see why the friction on CSGNet exists.
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 05:24:50 -0600
Subject: Friction
Hello, Martin – (no CCs)
I have become increasingly frustrated with our communications and have
trying to figure out what is wrong. In the middle of the night a
occurred to me. A bit of browsing through the archives – not
exhaustive –
has brought up a number of topics all of which have led me to the same
frustration with your approach that I am currently experiencing. The
ones I
recall now, which are probably not all of them, are (in no particular
Information about the disturbance flowing through the perceptual signal
enable control to take place.
The perceptual function composed of an S-shaped response followed by an
A discussion on bandwidth in relation to maximum realizable gain in a
The “bomb” effect.
Flip-flops or cross-connections as explanations of category
association, contrast.
Categories as existing parallel to the analogue hierarchy.
Control system organization as being a model of the environment.
I finally realized that there is a common element in your treatment of
these subjects. It is very much like the way you took off on the basis
assuming that my limitation of the disturbance magnitude in Hans’ set
disturbances was due to insufficient output strength in my model, which
turn was caused by too short a word length. Having assumed the truth of
premise without particularly checking to see if it was true, you then
built a
series of plausible deductions from the assumption, which happened to
a general principle you were trying to get across. Unfortunately, the
was false. I would not be surprised, however, if you decided that even
if the
premise happened to be false in that case, the deductions you made from
were probably true.
In each of the above subjects, you began with a theoretical possibility
developed it just far enough to see some possible implications of it.
Then you
quickly built a plausible and ever-more-detailed series of deductions
those implications, and arrived at what seemed to you an interesting
phenomenon. You could see in your mind’s eye how the Bomb would sit
ticking, ready to go off if the right combination of disturbances
You could imagine information flowing from the disturbance through the
perceptual system to the output, where it got used up in producing the
that would counteract the disturbance. You could see the s-shaped
curves and
integrators acting like a perceptron for the input part of a control
You could see a whole hierarchy of discrete categories with hysteresis,
running in parallel to the analog hierarchy. And the fact that you
could see
in principle how certain other phenomena might flow from the initial
conceptualizations was enough to convince you that the initial
conceptualizations must be correct.
So what happens is that the tail wags the dog: the attractiveness and
of the conclusions drawn from the initial assumptions convinces you
that the
initial assumptions must have been right. And once that has happened,
forget completely that the initial assumptions were never established
as true,
and you speak of the conclusions as if they were now established facts;
even start using them to prove other conclusions.
The name of this type of reasoning process, or one name, is of course
"mathematics." In mathematics (including logic, or is it the
other way
around), it doesn’t matter whether the initial assumptions are
factually true
or in some way supportable by evidence. The assumptions are simply the
process of setting up the chessboard with a problem, so you can work
out a
solution to it. Once the field of play is established, you can then
working out the theorems and proofs, encountering beauty and
entertainment at
many stages along the way. You begin to get a feel for the system you
created, so its major conclusions become familiar parts of that
world. These major conclusions become theorems on which to build
further; they
get names like “information about the disturbance” and
“The Bomb” andÂ
"crossconnections."Â Since they have been derived by correct reasoning from the
premises, there is no reason to doubt them any more; they become real.
premises drop out of sight; they were never very important anyway,
except as a
way to get the game started. The real fun is in building the structure
ideas on those premises.
Judging from various comments you have made about your interests and
preferences, I don’t think that this is a completely inappropriate
of your modus operandi. Your approach is not the engineering approach
to a
physical system, but the mathematical-logical approach to a
This hypothesis explains to me your disdain for “mere
demonstrations.” If you
have worked out the logic correctly, what is the point in doing an
demonstration of it, and doing different demonstrations to bring out
one point
or another? If you understand addition, what is the point of
that 9 + 1 = 10, and 8 + 2 = 10, and so forth? If you understand the
structure of information theory from Shannon on up, what is the point
demonstrating what you already know to be true: that the signals inside
control system must contain or pass along information about the
and that it is this information that makes control (and everything
possible? And most important, if you have shown that there are no
errors in reaching a conclusion about real behavior, what is the point
going through the labor of showing by direct experiment that the
actually fits the data? If the data do not agree with the conclusion,
must have been some error or something unaccounted for in the
That last if-then is the only way I can explain your reaction to
when we actually try out some of your proposals. In the long
-in-perception debacle, we tried computing the reduction in the
uncertainty in
The perception, then in its first derivative, then both again with
shifts, and in every case the results disagreed with your deductions
what we should find. By rights, this should have brought you up short
caused you to question the very basis on which you built your
deductions. But
that didn’t occur: you simply abandoned the attempt to make a correct
deduction that would fit the data and turned to other subjects.
If I had been in your shoes, I would have had to backtrack through the
trying to find the error, and eventually (if no logical mistake could
be found
that would fix the problem) I would have gone all the way back to the
starting premises on which the whole logical structure is built: if
there are
no mistakes in the logic, yet the conclusions do not fit observation,
then the
only place left to find an error is in the premises. And for me,
painful the decision, the only conclusion I could then reach is that
entire system is built on false-to-reality premises.
When I went through the process of computing reduction in uncertainty
the disturbance due to the perceptual signal, under your tutelage, I
noticed a
fact, and mentioned it, that seemed significant to me. In the process
computing the conditional probabilities, I noticed that I would get the
conditional probabilities no matter in what order I did the sampling of
disturbance waveform. So in principle there was an infinity of
waveforms that would allow me to compute the same quantity of
information in
the perception. This made it very hard for me to see how the outcome
could be
an output waveform based on the “information” that was
arranged in the same
sequence as the elements of the disturbance waveform, which of course
necessary if the effect of the disturbance is to be canceled.
Your reply was brief and dismissive: you just compute the conditional
probabilities on pairs of successive values of the waveform, and get
probabilities of the first derivatives. But after thinking that over, I
realized that the same problem still existed: one could rearrange the
and get the same conditional probabilities. So how could the
passed in the perceptual signal possibly be responsible for producing
RIGHT output waveform?
When I mentioned this (I am pretty sure I mentioned it), there was no
that I recall. The failure to get the right results when we used the
derivatives as elements, even time-shifted, reinforced my doubts about
process, but not being an expert in information theory I did not feel
competent to ferret out the cause of the problem.
I now realize that you did not search for the cause of the problem by
backtracking through information theory. You just gave up on it. This
did not
solve the problem, but it left the intellectual structure of
theory in your head undisturbed. If PCT is correct, we can use this
to guess at the nature of the variable you were – and are –
I remember getting a frantic phone call from Chris Love shortly after
start of the Little Baby project. He had tried to set up a big complex
hierarchy of control systems in which, per the boss’s suggestion, the
perceptual function was an S-shaped curve followed by an integrator.
reason he called was that he hadn’t been able to get even a single
control system to work. I tried to explain to him that a control system
organized that way would be trying to control a variable that was the
function of the proposed form, namely a nonlinear first derivative that
to infinity at zero and maximum perceptual signal. He was not then
knowledgeable about control theory, so I just suggested that he move
integrator to the output function, and preferably make the input
linear. He tried that, and got a working control system for the first
several months into the project. I felt very sorry for Chris, because
he had
to try to make the suggested model work, and it could not work.
On other occasions, I have pointed out to you a shortcoming of the
approach, in that it doesn’t yield perceptual signals which are
representations of controlled variables. The nonlinearities and other
properties limit the output to a yes-no signal, which is good only for
discrete control. However, in the fairly recent past, I noticed that
you were
still referring to the S-shaped input function with an integrator as
part of
the model. Chris’ problems do not seem to have shaken your faith one
bit. Or
perhaps they have simply led you to abandon that problem, and go to
discrete systems. Obviously it has not led you to re-examine the
behind the perceptron approach.
I think that in deciding to be an abstract theoretician, you have
simply cut
off your higher level systems from lower-level perceptions, operating
higher-level systems in the imagination mode. And I think that this is
mistake. If you don’t continually check your higher-level models
experiences by interacting with the outside world at the lowest levels,
run the risk of creating a systematic delusion about the nature of the
one that is internally consistent, but which is not consistent with
what your
senses could tell you if you consulted them. Abstract thought alone is
not a reliable way to learn about nature.
This is why I am so adamant about demonstrations and experiments. You
have to
close the loop through the external environment if you’re to achieve
control. No matter how self-evident or obvious or logically necessary a
conclusion may seem, it is still necessary to find a way to test it by
interacting with the world. And when you do such tests, it is necessary
to pay
attention to the outcome, because if the outcomes don’t agree with the
it says that something is wrong with the logic or with the premises on
it’s founded. No matter how convinced you are that you have the right
nature is perfectly capable of contradicting you.
And this says something else, too. It says that there is really very
point in building up big deductive structures on premises that have not
experimentally demonstrated. Your cross-connection ideas about category
perception may prove to be quite right, but you have no way to verify
such cross connections exist or work in the ways you assume they work.
Technology has simply not reached the stage where we can do this in a
working brain. Perhaps it would be possible to do experiments to check,
least, the conclusions, to see if people actually work in the way that
hypothetical model works. But unless you can also check the premises,
you are
on very uncertain ground. For any circuit that accomplishes a given
there are a dozen different ones that would do the same thing. There
always be uncertainties in our models, but why deliberately make them
as large
as possible?
I have no illusions about changing your style to correct what I see as
mistakes. What you make of what I say is in your hands alone. But if
you want
to understand where our frictions come from, you have to know how I
the way you work, and how limited it looks to me. You have to
understand that
even where you think you see agreement, you may be considering only a
range of meanings of what I or others say, meanings that fit your
but that may only represent one point of intersection of trajectories
that are
headed in different directions. And you have to realize that you often
hastily, making assumptions that a more careful reading would quickly
straight and then leaping ahead to draw unwarranted conclusions –
seeing agreement where there is actually no agreement, or only a very
agreement. This is another penalty for working in the imagination mode.
are far from the only person to work this way, of course.
Obviously, I have considered only YOUR problems, not my own. I am sure
all of this looks quite different to you. If you want to turn the
tables, you
have every right.
Richard S. MarkenÂ
"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery