Article, one more time

[From Dag Forssell (940331 1600)]

Additional cuts, plus a call from Rick... another iteration:



Conventional psychology teaches us that the only thing we can
legitimately study and deal with is peoples' behavior. It is
widely understood that the purpose of conventional psychology is
the prediction and control of behavior. This behavioristic point
of view encourages managers to think of people as something to be
manipulated. What can we do to get our people to be the way we want
them to be? How can we motivate them? How can we get them to come
on time, work harder, show more loyalty to the company, pay more
attention? In short: How can we control their behavior?

When we are unhappy with the results of the performance of another,
we ask: Why did you do that? Can't you do something better? We
tell people: You can't do that; your behavior is unacceptable! Here
is what I would do if I were you... This is the accepted method in
that situation. If you say this..., the customer will do that...
We focus on and try to reinforce, reward, train and modify

The questions above often lead to defensive excuses, conflict and
resentment. Accidentally, they may lead to a productive discussion
of wants. It does not make matters easier that the term behavior
itself is poorly defined and confusing. Behavior refers to action,
but is invariably define by the result: harassing behavior, loving
behavior, cooperative behavior, leadership behavior...

PCT explains how we develop our own understanding, make our own
choices based on our values and standards, and act freely--control
our own perceptions. The last thing we want is for someone else to
try to control our behavior.

We associate in organizations to satisfy our goals~express
ourselves through our work, satisfy economic needs, and interact
with others. We have to accept the general goals of our
organization, be willing to work with agreed standards, and make
choices consistent with the organization's short and long term

PCT psychology shows clearly that action is a by-product of wants,
perceptions and circumstances. When we are unhappy with the
results of the performance of another, it is best to ignore the
action/behavior--the by-product or symptom--and ask instead about
the wants and perceptions, which are the causes. (As suggested by
exhibit 13).

A leadership approach based on PCT recognizes that associates have
to be taught to how to work, manage, interact with others and so
forth by thinking about wants and perceptions, not by memorizing
action patterns. You stimulate creative thought through questions
rather than manipulative coercion. Respect for your associates'
internal world of wants and perceptions is critical.

When you change your focus from behavior to wants and perceptions
you compel your associate to think, to sort out internal conflict,
and allow your associate to control well: to satisfy personal and
company wants at the same time. You are seen as a teacher rather
than as a controlling agent.

Old habits die hard. This change in focus may feel awkward for a
time, but the payoff will be great.

Printing 15 copies. Suggestions for #16++…???

Best, Dag