B:CP Course Week 6: Study Guide for CH. 5 The Control System Unit of Organization

[From Rick Marken (2013.08.03.1220)]

And here is the Study Guide for Ch. 5.



Study Guide, Ch 5 Control Unit of Organization.doc (27.5 KB)


Richard S. Marken PhD

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[From Rupert Young (2013.08.10 15.40)]

My responses.
1. Can you describe the difference between the model in Figure 5.1 and the one in Figure 5.2? Hint: One is a model of objective behavior, the other a model of the mechanisms that can produce such behavior

The former describes the concepts and relationships of the tracking task from a neutral viewpoint, whereas the latter is from the perspective of the organism describing the actual components and mechanisms internal to that organism.

2\. Use the Live Block diagram at: <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31298693/LiveBlock.exe>https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31298693/LiveBlock.exe

To determine the effect of a change in loop gain (A) on quality of control. You can change the loop gain by setting “Parameter Slides” to “Show” and then using the slide to change the Output gain. Does the change in gain work the way PowerMs says in the chapter? How can you tell?

Yes, if you mean tighter control rather than more response to stimuli, with increasing gain. You can tell because the higher the gain the quicker the perception matches the reference, and doesn't overshoot.

1. In what sense is the model described in this chapter contain “devoid of specific behavioral content” as Powers said of it in the Preface? How does the model get “content”?

The model provides the "form" of the mechanism of behavioural control, but the mechanism, components and signals do not refer to any specific behaviours, or actions; that is, they do not "represent" real-world variables or perceptions. Only when control systems are taken in the context of a behaving system embodied within an environment (real or virtual) can the processes be said to "represent" the specific "content" of perceptions and variables.

Leading questions:

1. No, it means that the response will be closer to 100% of the error.
2. Comfortableness of reading.
3. Zero; key inside keyhole. Yes, regarding perceived distance between two.
4. In between. Yes, some people like classical music, some heavy-metal thrash house rock music.
5. Yes.
6. Eye contact, no yawning. Talk louder, wave at them, say "hellooo!"
7. The perception being controlled might be my desire to appear attentive. If false, the error would indicate that I am not acheiving that desire. If true, no error. Yes, I think so.
8. Dullness. Walk away.
9. No, not at all, it doesn't mean something is "wrong", but that there is a difference between the current state and the desired goal. That's called death.
10. Yes. Achievement, not listening to negative people, positive thinking.
