Back again, again.

[From Rick Marken (2004.04.22.0920)]

I will be coming to the CSG meeting and I have re-subscribed to CSGNet,
though I will try to spend more time on the new yahoo group
(Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos) to see if things go any better over
there. I'm attaching a post to me from Bill Powers that was instrumental in
my decision (the post was sent to CSGNet as well but apparently didn't make
it due to an address error). Also instrumental in my decision were
expressions of regret and appeals to come to the meeting from some people I
admire who are in CSG (for those who hate my guts, don't worry, it wasn't a
groundswell; let's just say it was more than one person).

So I am looking to seeing my friends (both of them;-)) at the CSG meeting
this year.

Best regards




From: Bill Powers <>
Date: Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:47:46 AM US/Pacific
To: "Control Systems Group Network (CSGnet)" <>
Subject: Re: Fresh Air

[From Bill Powers (2004.04.18.0746 MST)]

I'm CCing this to you in case you've already acted.

Rick Marken (2004.04.17.2050)--

I'm signing off of CSGNet, I will not be coming to the CSG meeting
this summer, and I will no longer be participating in CSG (all these
decisions were made with my darling Linda's support and endorsement).

Well, it's understandable, but it's a pity to give Bill Williams what
he seems to want (though I doubt whether he could face knowing what he
really wants). From Bruce Nevin's replies and skimming Bill's posts I
gather than Bill has constructed a gigantic rationalization for his
self-indulgent rantings -- he's just trying to show us something about
control systems, if we would only grasp his message. In this way he
can indulge in the worst of his apparently limitless capacity for
nastiness while telling himself that it's all in the interest of
furthering our understanding, and implying if not claiming outright
that nobody around here understands PCT as well as he does (no wonder
he has problems with Marc Abrams). This might be slightly plausible if
only he could keep his glee and his self-congratulation from showing.

What Williams doesn't seem to realize is that while words can't hurt
anyone, the apparent intent behind them certainly can if the recipient
had been hoping for a friendly or fruitful relationship. Williams'
irrational hostility has resulted in changes in my initial perceptions
of him as an intelligent and creative person into something so
different that I feel I have lost a friend and found something
loathsome under a rock. The way to stop being hurt by that sort of
loss is simply to give up the hope for friendship or mutual
accomplishment, which removes the error and the hurt, along with any
desire for that person's company. So his words can no longer lead to
either hurt or pleasure. They are just what he says, and reveal
whatever they reveal about him (what one considers funny is probably
the most revealing of all). Take what he says at face value, That is
the real Bill Williams, even if he imagines something noble going on
in the secret recesses of his mind (shudder).

I hope we can stop talking about this guy and those like him pretty
soon. There are lots of other things to talk about. I don't want to be
driven off by him and forced out of contact with all the people I get
along with just fine. What I'm trying out right now is simply acting
as my own monitor; if I see posts that are in the same vein as usual I
just go tsk tsk and deal with them as with any sort of dog poop (even
noble dog poop). That's the plan; let's see how it works.

If you change your mind, I'll be very pleased.

By the way, all this reminds me of my Don Quixote childhood. I
couldn't stand seeing people bullied even in first grade, and thought
others couldn't stand it either. So I kept jumping on the bully's back
while he was at work and yelling "Come on, grab him," and discovering
that I was just putting on an interesting spectacle. Ouch. But one
doesn't learn some things for the simple reason that one doesn't want
them to be true.


Bill P.

Richard S. Marken
Home: 310 474 0313
Cell: 310 729 1400

[From Bjorn
Simonsen(2004.04.22.21:00 EuST)]

[From Rick
Marken (2004.04.22.0920)]

I will be
coming to the CSG meeting and I have re-subscribed to CSGNet,

This was good
news. You are a part of CSGnet and for me it is unthinkable that you are not.

You should have
that reference yourself.

We have
witnessed a central part of HPCT. The Slowing factor is greater at the highest



Hi, Rick --

Good news. Philter out the Philistines, sez I.


At 10:21 AM 4/22/2004, you wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2004.04.22.0920)]

I will be coming to the CSG meeting and I have re-subscribed to CSGNet,
though I will try to spend more time on the new yahoo group
(Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos) to see if things go any better over
there. I'm attaching a post to me from Bill Powers that was instrumental in
my decision (the post was sent to CSGNet as well but apparently didn't make
it due to an address error). Also instrumental in my decision were
expressions of regret and appeals to come to the meeting from some people I
admire who are in CSG (for those who hate my guts, don't worry, it wasn't a
groundswell; let's just say it was more than one person).

So I am looking to seeing my friends (both of them;-)) at the CSG meeting
this year.

Best regards

> From: Bill Powers <>
> Date: Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:47:46 AM US/Pacific
> To: "Control Systems Group Network (CSGnet)" <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Fresh Air
> [From Bill Powers (2004.04.18.0746 MST)]
> I'm CCing this to you in case you've already acted.
> Rick Marken (2004.04.17.2050)--
>> I'm signing off of CSGNet, I will not be coming to the CSG meeting
>> this summer, and I will no longer be participating in CSG (all these
>> decisions were made with my darling Linda's support and endorsement).
> Well, it's understandable, but it's a pity to give Bill Williams what
> he seems to want (though I doubt whether he could face knowing what he
> really wants). From Bruce Nevin's replies and skimming Bill's posts I
> gather than Bill has constructed a gigantic rationalization for his
> self-indulgent rantings -- he's just trying to show us something about
> control systems, if we would only grasp his message. In this way he
> can indulge in the worst of his apparently limitless capacity for
> nastiness while telling himself that it's all in the interest of
> furthering our understanding, and implying if not claiming outright
> that nobody around here understands PCT as well as he does (no wonder
> he has problems with Marc Abrams). This might be slightly plausible if
> only he could keep his glee and his self-congratulation from showing.
> What Williams doesn't seem to realize is that while words can't hurt
> anyone, the apparent intent behind them certainly can if the recipient
> had been hoping for a friendly or fruitful relationship. Williams'
> irrational hostility has resulted in changes in my initial perceptions
> of him as an intelligent and creative person into something so
> different that I feel I have lost a friend and found something
> loathsome under a rock. The way to stop being hurt by that sort of
> loss is simply to give up the hope for friendship or mutual
> accomplishment, which removes the error and the hurt, along with any
> desire for that person's company. So his words can no longer lead to
> either hurt or pleasure. They are just what he says, and reveal
> whatever they reveal about him (what one considers funny is probably
> the most revealing of all). Take what he says at face value, That is
> the real Bill Williams, even if he imagines something noble going on
> in the secret recesses of his mind (shudder).
> I hope we can stop talking about this guy and those like him pretty
> soon. There are lots of other things to talk about. I don't want to be
> driven off by him and forced out of contact with all the people I get
> along with just fine. What I'm trying out right now is simply acting
> as my own monitor; if I see posts that are in the same vein as usual I
> just go tsk tsk and deal with them as with any sort of dog poop (even
> noble dog poop). That's the plan; let's see how it works.
> If you change your mind, I'll be very pleased.
> By the way, all this reminds me of my Don Quixote childhood. I
> couldn't stand seeing people bullied even in first grade, and thought
> others couldn't stand it either. So I kept jumping on the bully's back
> while he was at work and yelling "Come on, grab him," and discovering
> that I was just putting on an interesting spectacle. Ouch. But one
> doesn't learn some things for the simple reason that one doesn't want
> them to be true.
> Best,
> Bill P.

Richard S. Marken
Home: 310 474 0313
Cell: 310 729 1400

[From Stefan Balke (2004 04.22.)

Rick Marken (2004.04.22.0920)

I will be coming to the CSG meeting and I have re-subscribed to CSGNet,

Yeah, that�s goood - I'm happy that your are back, because I trust your
opinion as correct, serious and engaged. Please learn something from the
rank fight problems that I am observing as a lurker: not all participiants
are in the matter of pct than you are. Be patient, don�t worry - some people
need more time to understand pct than you do. I'm still in the situation of
a learner after 10 years of reading and musing about pct. Some contributions
are not as qualified than others - that�s normal. Most of the readers don`t
contribute at all - you are one of the few persons who really understands
pct and publishes about it. I do not want to miss your opinion and

In my understanding we (the participants of csgnet) _should_ have a common
goal: to make sure that pct is the appropriate philosophy and scientific
base to help solving the scientific and social problems the world is facing
in the different areas. That doesn�t mean that (h)pct is already perfect,
but it works quiet well in the state it is right now. This common goal
would, if widely accepted, not lead to rank order fights but to an analysis
about what is needed to achieve the goal. We have something to do. (By the
way: what does Linda say about your come back :slight_smile: )

Best regards

[From Dick Robertson,2004.04.22.1810CDT]

Richard Marken wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2004.04.22.0920)]

I will be coming to the CSG meeting and I have re-subscribed to CSGNet,
though I will try to spend more time on the new yahoo group


See God is even letting my email go through today


From[Bill Williams 22 April 2004 5:40 PM CST]

[From Rick Marken (2004.04.22.0920)]

I will be coming to the CSG meeting and I have re-subscribed to CSGNet

Readers of the CSGnet may remember I said when Rick announced his departure

From[Bill Williams 18 March 2004 2:00 AM CST]

Before celebrating Rick's departure, I think it would be a good idea to
remember that Rick has threaten to leave before. So, it would be prudent not
to place too much confidence in what Rick says. If I may modify Marken's
principle that you can't tell what someone is doing by watching what they
are doing, to a version that fits the current situation-- you can't tell
what Marken is going to do by listening to what he says he is going to do.

Still I an severely disappointed.

However in compensation, Rick attaches a message from Bill Powers doing some
maintaince on Rick's attitude.

Bill Powers says,

> >
> Well, it's understandable, but it's a pity to give Bill Williams what
> he seems to want (though I doubt whether he could face knowing what he
> really wants).

I think I could face having your dad and the crack-pot economics going away.
I think
that I could knowingly face up that.

And, with my dog Snips I can face up to almost anything-- even Bill Powers
to bite me doesn't scare me. Not when I have my dog Snips by my side.
Bill Powers
know anything about how to bite. But, Snips really does know how to bite.
So, Bill Powers is welcome to come-- for dinner.

From Bruce Nevin's replies and skimming Bill's posts I
> gather than Bill has constructed a gigantic rationalization for his
> self-indulgent rantings --

Yes, I know, if you can't say when you can find anything good to say
about Bill Powers' dad, you really do have to construct a "gagantic
rationalization" if only in support of an argument that last time anyone
looked out the door, before it got slammed, there was a reality out there.

he's just trying to show us something about

> control systems, if we would only grasp his message.

Well, if I cann't teach you anything about the economy, maybe I could show
people a thing or two about counter control. But, we missed the chance for
a really good demo when Bill Powers saved Rick's ass from that mean
spirited bitch.

Bill has this a bit confused, That is about losing one's grasp, it is the
that has trouble grasping Bill Powers' dad's message, you know the one
about all the money leaking off to somewhere. Maybe professor Bruun can
explain it to Bill. Or, maybe Bill can explain to professor Bruun it to

In this way he

> can indulge in the worst of his apparently limitless capacity for
> nastiness

The very worst thing most nasty thing of all that I can do is to laugh.

Bill Powers' idea of a good time is to, without a shred of evidence, argue
that everyone who is a credentialized expert in economics is either too
stupid to figure out what is going on, or has prostituted them themselves
to the business interests. Then after making this insane claim, he likes to
assume an air of innocences and say, "Who me? And then when a pail of
shit (thank you Marc) hits him square in the face, he sputters, stuff about
dog poop.

while telling himself that it's all in the interest of

> furthering our understanding, and implying if not claiming outright
> that nobody around here understands PCT as well as he does (no wonder
> he has problems with Marc Abrams).

Do I have problems with Marc? This is news to me. Has Marc ever sent me
a 3 gazilon byte file and blown my system to bits? Not so far. I wouldn't
that I have a problem with Marc. After all Marc is the guy who taught me
how to
talk thrash. How could I have a problem with a guy like that?

This might be slightly plausible if

> only he could keep his glee and his self-congratulation from showing.

Nothing warms Bill Powers' heart, or something or other, more than knowing
that I
am having a good time.

> What Williams doesn't seem to realize is that while words can't hurt
> anyone, the apparent intent behind them certainly can if the recipient
> had been hoping for a friendly or fruitful relationship.

You can tell when Bill Powers is in a friendly mood-- he calls you
Or, even better "dog poop." Bill Powers wasn't looking for a friend. What
wanted was more Ricks. People who didn't have a clue, but could say, "Great
post Bill !" and do it over and over for years on end.

Williams' irrational hostility

Bill Powers has this idea that it is "irrational hostility" for anyone to
take offence
at being called "garbage." After all Why would anyone take offence at
being called

has resulted in changes in my initial perceptions

> of him as an intelligent and creative person into something so
> different that I feel I have lost a friend

Too bad I never could see what Bill Powers saw in his dad's _leakages_,
this is the
most important thing in the world for Bill. More important that all his
work on
control theory and anything else. Briliant stuff. Too bad the economists
have ignored

And, Bill goes on to say of me that, I am something that he might have

>> found something loathsome under a rock.

Sort of like the way I feel about Bill Powers when he says that he will bite

Bill goes on to say,

The way to stop being hurt by that sort of

> loss is simply to give up the hope for friendship or mutual
> accomplishment,

Yes, I don't think that there is much chance that I will find anything more
to say about Bill's dad's leakages stuff than silence. I managed to
silence for more than decade, but that wasn't enough for Bill Powers.

which removes the error and the hurt, along with any

> desire for that person's company.

Bill Powers' is an OK guy. But, watch out for Bill Powers' dad. And, when
Powers and his dad get in a fight, pretty soon there is an expectation that
everyone should join in.

So his words can no longer lead to

> either hurt or pleasure. They are just what he says, and reveal
> whatever they reveal about him (what one considers funny is probably
> the most revealing of all).

I consider self pity rather funny.

And, I really do consider my fable "Running Naked in the Forest" funny.

And, I thought Rick's idea that pedohiles would make good police officer
to be hillarious. Once it gets into your mind, it is hard to chase it out.

And, Rick's calling Michelle an "ignorant slut." well, I didn't think that
was so
funny, but it was definately a bit strange. Like taking aim and shooting
in the foot.

Take what he says at face value,

I hear this echo. It is saying something like "schocking stupidity." Yes,
that is it,
"schocking stupidity." Now, why would I be hearing something like that?

That is the real Bill Williams, even if he imagines something noble

going on

> in the secret recesses of his mind (shudder).

I keep hearing this echo and it is growing louder. Its about this great
we are gong to Mars, some of us at least, and it won't cost a thing.

> I hope we can stop talking about this guy and those like him pretty
> soon. There are lots of other things to talk about. I don't want to be
> driven off by him and forced out of contact with all the people I get
> along with just fine.

Especially the guy who's learned to yap, "Great post Bill."

What I'm trying out right now is simply acting

> as my own monitor;

This is a novel insight, Bill Powers is going to attempt to control what he
But, watch out, these resolutions have a half-life that is shorter than
promises to go away and never come back. And, for confirmation of this, see
the very next sentence, in which

Bill Powers says,

if I see posts that are in the same vein as usual I

> just go tsk tsk and deal with them as with any sort of dog poop (even
> noble dog poop). That's the plan; let's see how it works.

Bill Powers is not very self reflective But then people as old as Bill
get into ghost dances with their dads are rarely self-reflective people.

And, maybe it is a generational thing, but the people I know call it dog

> By the way, all this reminds me of my Don Quixote childhood. I
> couldn't stand seeing people bullied even in first grade, and thought
> others couldn't stand it either. So I kept jumping on the bully's back
> while he was at work and yelling "Come on, grab him," and discovering
> that I was just putting on an interesting spectacle. Ouch. But one
> doesn't learn some things for the simple reason that one doesn't want
> them to be true.

Bill Powers really ought to try his hand at writing fables, he obviously has
knack for it.

Maybe he could finish the fable his dad started and tell us where all the
needed up after it leaked out of the economy. And, then Bill Powers would
achieved his dream by putting one over on dear ole dad, and solving the
economic mystery-- and I could write another fable, and this time I would
call it
"Running Naked on Wallstreet." It might be a great success.

[Boss Man 22 April 2004]

Bill Williams 22 April 2004 5:40 PM CST

Bill Powers really ought to try his hand at writing fables, he
obviously has
knack for it.

Maybe he could finish the fable his dad started and tell us where all
ended up after it leaked out of the economy.

At last word, the money that leaked out of the economy is located somewhere in Syria, along with the missing
Weapons of Mass Destruction.

[From Bill Powers (2004.04.22.1929 MST)]

Every dog gets one bite.

[Boss Man 22 April 2004]

At last word, the money that leaked out of the economy is located
somewhere in Syria, along with the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction.

TCP had no idea where money comes from, so he just assumed it would be
available. He offered few ideas about where the leaked money goes.
Actually, he would have been surprised at the answers and I'm not sure what
he would have made of them

Money leaks from the economy every time a payment on a bank loan (not a
private loan) is made. Exactly that much money is destroyed -- the bank
createth and the bank taketh away, all on paper of course. However, the
money is perfectly real while it lasts.

In order for sufficient money to remain in circulation (in whatever form)
it is necessary that the rate of borrowing at least equal the rate of
repayment. To provide for an expanding economy, the rate of borrowing must
exceed the rate of repayment.

I checked all this out with Bill Williams, and he agreed that these are the
basic facts. Some funny business is possible with defaulted loans -- the
bank writes them off, but the part of the loan that was not repaid was
spent and is not recoverable. It remains in circulation, I suppose.

Is the handle Boss Man supposed to be familiar to us? I'd appreciate
knowing who is writing.


Bill P.

Phil Runkel replying to Rick Marken's announcement of his return:

Glad to hear it. Glad you will be at the meeting. --Phil