Nonono. E is always disturbing the knot position with a drawing of Venus, in both cases. The subject does not know this and does not care.
The controlled variable is knot position.
Subject A:
Experimenter’s disturbance is a contour of Venus. Subject’s behavior is exact contour of Venus.
Subject B:
Experimenter’s disturbance is a contour of Venus. Subject’s behavior is a potato, potatoe or tomato looking curve.
This tells you nothing about the subject A’s properties nor about subject B’s properties?
RM: and how accurately Venus mirrors E’s Venus can be taken to reflect characteristic of the output function of the system.
How does this fit with the previous statements? The output function is not a part of the organism?? What if the feedback function has higher gain in A than in B? What if the input function has higher gain in A than in B?