Reorganization This category is for discussion of reorganization as a fundamental aspect of Perceptual Control Theory. Data Quantities resulting from measurement have been the default concept of what constitutes data in PCT. This category also includes discussion of the characteristics, experimental management, and modeling of different kinds of non-quantitative data. Goals for PCT In this category we seek to specify goals for PCT. Philosophy Many people have been excited by control theory and its implications. Recurrently, people (especially those new to PCT) who are familiar with writings of Bateson, Bertelanffy, Wiener, McCulloch, and others seek to understand PCT in their terms, or (more productively, perhaps) attempt to restate the ideas of such ‘cybernetic philosophers’ within the PCT model. Others look to explore the challenges that PCT poses for epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of science on first principles. Levels This is for discussion of levels in the perceptual hierarchy, how to recognize them by objective criteria and subjective experience, relationships between them, point of view (upon level n from level n+1), and kindred topics. System Constraints Methodology Discussion on innovative research methodology on PCT. Any suggestions? Control Structures This category is for discussion of the structures postulated for hierarchical control.