Bogus mathematics, (was Re: L'état de PCT, c'es t moi (was ...))

[From Adam Matic]


That is exactly why I think you’re bad math and don’t understand the notion of a trajectory. You can’t separate “power law” and “trajectory” like that. The concept of the speed-curvature power law means that the position of the object varied over time in such a way that speed and curvature of that same object correlate according to the power law. “Positions in x and y over time”, or “curvature and velocity over time” are just descriptions of one and the same trajectory.


RM: It’s the power law – not the power law trajectory – that is not a controlled result.

RM: No, I claim that it is the time varying position of a purposefully produced movement that is a controlled result.

RM: It’s not the trajectory that is a side effect; it is the power law that is the side effect.

Content-Type: application/pdf; name="Bad Math.pdf"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Bad Math.pdf"
X-Attachment-Id: f_jkikywv50

Bad Math.pdf (1.15 MB)

[From Adam Matic]


AM: That is exactly why I think you’re bad math and don’t understand the notion of a trajectory.
You can’t separate “power law” and “trajectory” like that. The concept of the speed-curvature power law means that the position of the object varied over time in such a way that speed and curvature of that same object correlate according to the power law. “Positions in x and y over time”, or “curvature and velocity over time” are just descriptions of one and the same trajectory.

RM: I’ve attached a paper…

RM: It’s the power law – not the power law trajectory – that is not a controlled result.

RM: No, I claim that it is the time varying position of a purposefully produced movement that is a controlled result.

RM: It’s not the trajectory that is a side effect; it is the power law that is the side effect.

AM: Right, no flipping. Just expanding the definition of a ‘behavioral illusion’ until it covers all mistaken beliefs people can have about behavior.

RM: No quite. I’m expanding the definition of “behavioral illusion” to cover all situations where an irrelevant side-effect of control behavior is taken to say something important about how the behavior is produced. This was the main point of Powers’ 1978 paper. The behavioral illusion he describes happens when researchers fail to see that a variable is under control. The relationship between disturbance and output is seen as an S-R relationship when researchers fail to see that the apparent stimulus variable,S, is a disturbance to a variable, q.i, that is being maintained in a constant or varying reference state, protected from the disturbances by the apparent response variable, R. It’s researchers’ failure to see that purposeful behavior is a process of control that results in that (S-R) and all other behavioral illusions (such as the power law).

RM: By the way, this all started when I was asked to give the PCT explanation of the power law. Apparently you (and others in your lab, to say nothing of virtually everyone on CSGNet) disagree with it. So I would really like to know what your explanation of the power law is? Is PCT out and some other explanation in? Or is there a PCT explanation of the power law that is different from mine?

RM: You and others have gone to great lengths to show that my explanation is wrong. But you offer no alternative.One would think that after more than 30 years of doing research on the power law researchers would have come up with some explanation of the power law.



[Rick Marken 2018-08-09_09:06:24]

[From Adam Matic]Â

AM: That paper is irrelevant to your contradictory statements about trajectories and speed-curvature power laws found in those trajectories.

RM: It’s relevant to the claim that my math was “bad”, which was the main thrust of Martin’s criticism of our paper. In fact, my math is the same as that in the Maoz, Portugaly, Flash and Weiss paper that I posted. Their equation (5) showing the relationship between instantaneous velocity (v(t) and curvature (K(t))

is precisely equivalent to our equation (3) in the reappraisal paper:Â

   log (V) = 1∕3 ⋅ log (R) + 1∕3 ⋅ log (D)                           (3)

where their v(t) is equivalent to our V, their K(t) is equivalent to the reciprocal of our R (hence the negative coefficient in equation (5)) and their alpha(t) is equivalent to our D. Since Martin’s criticism of our maths was all about our equation 3 being derived incorrectly, I must assume that he (and you, who seem to agree with him) would have to agree that the maths of Maoz, Portugaly, Flash and Weiss’s is equally bad.


AM: If the position is changing over time, then you also have your velocities and curvatures defined at those same points. In other words, if the trajectory is the controlled variable, and there is some regularity of how the position changes over time in the behavior - that would mean that the reference signal has that same regularity. If the object is “slowing down in corners”, that would mean the reference signal is changing in the same way.

RM: Yes, that would be the correct inference about why the varying position is maintained in a time varying reference state; we infer that it’s because of the time varying reference for position. Â


AM: In the emails you quoted just a few posts ago, Bill explicitly mentioned his hypothesis that trajectory is not the controlled variable in point-to-point movements,

RM: Right. What Bill said about the invariant trajectory profiles is precisely equivalent to what I am saying about the (relatively) invariant power law; it’s a side effect of controlling the position of the movement.Â

AM: and that it was more probably the position of the hand without any regard to time. Do you agree with Bill that trajectory control would be too hard to implement without a lot of calculation, internal models and inverse dynamics? Or not?

RM: I don’t believe that Bill said that trajectory control would be too hard to implement. He just said that the invariant trajectory profiles – invariant over the distance moved – can’t possibly be produced by the open-loop models being considered by
Atkeson and Hollerbach . He suggested that another possible explanation of the invariant trajectories  that these researchers never considered was that “these invariances might simply be the natural outcome of physical processes of control”. And, in fact, Bill shows that such invariances were found for the movements made by his “Little Man” model, which (like my model) controls only for the position of the movement by varying the reference for the position of the limb. Â

AM: The speed-curvature power law is NOT a relationship between a stimulus and a response, and as such has nothing to do with the 1978 paper.

RM: What the power law has to do with the 1978 paper is what I said above: It is an illusion that results from failure to see that movement behavior involves control ; specifically control of the time varying position of what is being moved. The power law, like the invariant trajectory profiles and apparent S-R relationship between disturbance and output, is a side-effect of control. All are “illusions” to the extent that they are taken to tell us something about the mechanisms that produce the behavior.Â

AM: There are many proposed alternatives in the literature. It is a hard problem, might take 30 more years to get to a complete explanation. In my view, the primary problem is how people draw shapes and trace different figures, what variables they control when they do that; and the secondary problem is why there is this regularity between curvature and velocity in those movement, though of course they are tightly related problems.

RM: All I am trying to do is keep you focused on what you see as the “primary problem”: figuring out what variables people control when they draw shapes and trace different figures. What you consider the “secondary problem” has, I believe, already been solved: the regularity that exists between curvature and velocity in drawing and tracing movements is a statistical artifact. But you don’t have to believe me; if you want to continue to consider this “secondary problem” worth solving that’s certainly your privilege; I am just trying to encourage you to keep that problem “secondary”.

RM:Â What I would like to see you and the other incredibly smart and talented people in your lab do is develop some studies aimed at solving your “primary problem”, which is really the only problem from a PCT perspective. I gave some suggestions for research that you could do to start solving that problem in the “Doing Research on Purpose” section of the Reappraisal paper. It would sure be nice if we could bat around some ideas about how to test to determine the variable(s) people control when they draw and trace. That would be so much more satisfying (and productive) than the other kind of discussions about the power law that we’ve been having.Â




I’m not counting your explanation as a “PCT explanation”. Your involvement has been worse than useless - creating conflict over basic math with mathematicians, inventing secret motivations for why people disagree with you, devoting very little time to reading the literature or actually understanding the basics of the phenomenon in question.



Richard S. MarkenÂ

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

AM: That is exactly why I think you’re bad math and don’t understand the notion of a trajectory.

RM: I’ve attached a paper…

RM: It’s not the trajectory that is a side effect; it is the power law that is the side effect.

RM: I’m expanding the definition of “behavioral illusion” to cover all situations where an irrelevant side-effect of control behavior is taken to say something important about how the behavior is produced. This was the main point of Powers’ 1978 paper. The behavioral illusion he describes happens when researchers fail to see that a variable is under control… It’s researchers’ failure to see that purposeful behavior is a process of control that results in that (S-R) and all other behavioral illusions (such as the power law). Â

RM: By the way, this all started when I was asked to give the PCT explanation of the power law. Apparently you (and others in your lab, to say nothing of virtually everyone on CSGNet) disagree with it. So I would really like to know what your explanation of the power law is? Is PCT out and some other explanation in? Or is there a PCT explanation of the power law that is different from mine? Â

[From Adam Matic]


Here is an illustration:

This shows three equal paths - all ellipse shaped, but three different trajectories. The points are all equally spaced in time, so when adjacent points are close, it means the object moved slower than when the adjacent points are further apart. All are curvature-angular speed power law trajectories (high r2). The beta of the first trajectory is 1, and you can see that the points are equally spaced, so that means the tangential speed is constant. The second beta is 2/3, which means that there is a slight slowing down in the extremes, and for the third one there is a “lot” of slowing down.

You say that trajectory is the controlled variable, but that the speed-curvature power law is a side effect, and that sentence is nonsense. That is what I’m saying from the first post, and you keep trying to move the discussion to that noise and the power law paper. These are noise-free trajectories, no relation to mentioned paper.

The meaning of “speed-curvature power law” is that there is a regularity in the trajectory of an object. If the trajectory is the controlled variable, the power law would tell us that the reference trajectory is shaped (has the same properties, including the speed-curvature correlation) as the behavior trajectory.

Experiments show that humans, when drawing ellipses move in a way that mostly resembles the middle trajectory. There are some conditions to this, like they need to move above a certain average speed, etc.


What Bill says is precisely the opposite.

BP: Trajectory is a side effect.

RM: Trajectory is a controlled result.


In the Little Man, the bell shaped velocity profiles can be found when you set a step reference in position (or angle). This step change in position is not a time-varying position - it is not a trajectory as a list of points in time. That is what Bill is saying - you don’t need trajectory control to get trajectory production. You don’t need to pre-plan your trajectory from one point to another, you just change the position reference in a step manner, then the error will be large and cause the speed to increase, but as you approach the endpoint, the error and the speed decrease.

Bill never implemented path control or trajectory control into the Little Man. It is an unsolved problem in PCT, and it is not really clear what would be the controlled variable. A step change in position is not trajectory control. The trajectory - and all its properties and invariances, except for the starting and ending point - are side effects, unintended and not contained in the reference signals.


I think that definition is not useful. The “behavioral illusion” from the 1978 paper is named that to contrast “the behavioral law” as SR correlation, and the thing is - it is still telling us something about the behaving system (or behaving mechanism) - not about the organism, but yes about the feedback function in the environment, which is a component of the control loop. In the case of the speed-curvature power law it is telling us something about the behaving system. It is telling us that humans are slowing down and speeding up is a very specific way when drawing curves.

My guess is you’ve started from theory - you had a belief that the speed and curvature are an example of a behavioral law, but in fact a behavioral illusion, and that would mean that in reality the power law is some kind of a property of all curves, statistical illusion or whatever, so that you can maintain your belief in the behavioral illusion. It is the “starting from the theory” approach, instead of “starting from the phenomenon”.


Well, I hope you’re happy then, because we have been doing the going back and fort on the primary problem for the past few posts. Your proposal is that trajectory is the controlled variable. This immediately ties in the secondary problem, because it means that there is a reference trajectory, and that this reference trajectory is shaped exactly like the measured trajectory in behavior.




AM: In the emails you quoted just a few posts ago, Bill explicitly mentioned his hypothesis that trajectory is not the controlled variable in point-to-point movements,

RM: Right. What Bill said about the invariant trajectory profiles is precisely equivalent to what I am saying about the (relatively) invariant power law; it’s a side effect of controlling the position of the movement.

RM; And, in fact, Bill shows that such invariances were found for the movements made by his “Little Man” model, which (like my model) controls only for the position of the movement by varying the reference for the position of the limb.

RM: What the power law has to do with the 1978 paper is what I said above: It is an illusion that results from failure to see that movement behavior involves control ; specifically control of the time varying position of what is being moved. The power law, like the invariant trajectory profiles and apparent S-R relationship between disturbance and output, is a side-effect of control. All are “illusions” to the extent that they are taken to tell us something about the mechanisms that produce the behavior.

RM: What I would like to see you and the other incredibly smart and talented people in your lab do is develop some studies aimed at solving your “primary problem”, which is really the only problem from a PCT perspective. I gave some suggestions for research that you could do to start solving that problem in the “Doing Research on Purpose” section of the Reappraisal paper. It would sure be nice if we could bat around some ideas about how to test to determine the variable(s) people control when they draw and trace. That would be so much more satisfying (and productive) than the other kind of discussions about the power law that we’ve been having.

 [Rick Marken 2018-08-12_12:16:48]

[From Adam Matic]Â

AM: Here is an illustration:

AM: This shows three equal paths - all ellipse shaped, but three different trajectories. The points are all equally spaced in time, so when adjacent points are close, it means the object moved slower than when the adjacent points are further apart. All are curvature-angular speed power law trajectories (high r2). The beta of the first trajectory is 1, and you can see that the points are equally spaced, so that means the tangential speed is constant. The second beta is 2/3, which means that there is a slight slowing down in the extremes, and for the third one there is a “lot” of slowing down.

RM: Very nice. And Pollick & Sapiro (1997), Maoz, Portugaly, Flash & Weiss (2006) and Marken & Shaffer (2018) have shown that the different values of b that are found by regressing curvature on velocity depends on the correlation between variation in affine velocity (|x.double − x.doty.double dot|) and curvature of these trajectories. You get the 2/3 power coefficient when this correlation is 0 (which occurs when affine velocity is constant; you get a power coefficient =1 when this correlation is 1.0 and you get a power coefficient =1/3 when the correlation is -1.0.Â


AM: You say that trajectory is the controlled variable

RM: No, I have only been saying that the instantaneous position of the movement is a controlled variable. That is what I demonstrated in the cursor movement experiment, the results of which are shown in Fig. 1 of the Marken & Shaffer (2018) paper. I think you may get the impression that I am saying that trajectory is a controlled variable because my model of the behavior in that experiment had a variable reference for the position of cursor movement; the trajectory of the reference variations was approximately elliptical, being based on the average cursor trajectory produced by the subject. But the model is not controlling for that trajectory because the model doesn’t perceive trajectory. The model perceives only the instantaneous x,y position of the cursor and acts to keep that position at the constantly changing reference position.Â

RM: A model that controlled for producing a particular movement trajectory (a model with movement trajectory as the controlled variable) would require control systems that would be able to perceive the two characteristics that define a trajectory: its path (shape) and the rate at which movement occurs at each instant along that path. The systems that control those variables would achieve control by varying the reference signals of the systems controlling for the instantaneous x,y position of the movement – the references that I set for my model based on the average trajectory of the actual movements made by the subject.Â

RM: I think you are also misunderstanding what I am trying to demonstrate with the experiment described in Fig. 1 of Marken & Shaffer (2018). I was not trying to show that a control model can generate a movement trajectory that conforms to the power law. That would be a set-up job since, as you note, the time varying references for the x,y position of the cursor that I used in the model of the behavior in Fig. 1 had a trajectory that conformed to the power law. In fact, the point of the results of the experiment shown in Fig 1 and the model that accounts for those results is to show that a power law conforming movement can be produced by means (mouse movements) that are not power law conforming; indeed, by means that are completely uncorrelated with the power law conforming trajectory. That is, the aim of the demo was to demonstrate why finding that a movement trajectory conforms to the power law tells you little or nothing about the means (mechanism) that produced that trajectory.


AM: The meaning of “speed-curvature power law” is that there is a regularity in the trajectory of an object. If the trajectory is the controlled variable, the power law would tell us that the reference trajectory is shaped (has the same properties, including the speed-curvature correlation) as the behavior trajectory.

RM: You first have to demonstrate that the trajectory of a movement is controlled. And the first step there is to hypothesize what is being controlled when one controls a “trajectory”. My guess is that control of trajectory involves control of the path and velocity of movement. In order to test these hypotheses you have to specify what perceptual variable you are talking about by “path” and “velocity”. For example, “path” might be a target sequence of x,y positions for the movement; “velocity” could be tangential, angular or affine. Once you have determined to your satisfaction the variables being controlled when a person produces a movement (in two space) you will have to develop a model that will mimic the production of the observed trajectories by controlling these perceptions. Such a model will probably have a fixed reference for both the “path” and “velocity” perceptions (assuming the the velocity perception that is controlled is affine velocity). I don’t see how the power law could tell you anything about how the model should vary its references for “trajectory” (or if they should be varied at all) since it is a side effect of the controlling involved in the production of the movement.


AM: Experiments show that humans, when drawing ellipses move in a way that mostly resembles the middle trajectory. There are some conditions to this, like they need to move above a certain average speed, etc.Â

RM: I agree that that is an interesting observation. And I think Pollick & Sapiro (1997) proposed the most plausible explanation: it’s because when people produce movement trajectories they are controlling not only the path of the movement but also its affine velocity. They came to this conclusion based on an analysis equivalent to that of Marken & Shaffer (2017). They noted that if people controlled affine velocity, trying to keep it constant as they moved through the movement path, then a regression of curvature on velocity that omitted the affine velocity variable would find that the movement follows the power law. This suggests that a nice first step in understanding movement production from a PCT perspective would be to figure out a way to test whether affine velocity is controlled when people produce curved movements.This would require finding a way to disturb affine velocity while a movement is being made to determine whether this variable is protected from this disturbance.

AM: What Bill says is precisely the opposite.Â

BP: Trajectory is a side effect.

RM: Trajectory is a controlled result.

RM: Bill said that the trajectory profiles derived from observed movement trajectories are a side effect of controlling the instantaneous position of the movement. As I noted above, I have not said that trajectory is a controlled result (though it may be). I have said (and demonstrated) that the power law derived from observed movement trajectories is a side effect of controlling the instantaneous position of the movement.

AM: I think that definition is not useful. The “behavioral illusion” from the 1978 paper is named that to contrast “the behavioral law” as SR correlation, and the thing is - it is still telling us something about the behaving system (or behaving mechanism) - not about the organism, but yes about the feedback function in the environment, which is a component of the control loop.

RM: The feedback function is the component of the control loop that connects the output to the controlled variable. Knowing the feedback function is useful only if you know what variable the system is controlling. So in order to use the functional relationship between disturbance and output to study the feedback function you had to first determine what variable the system is controlling. And once you know what the system is controlling then you know what is most important about the behavior under study. So whatever you want to know about the behavior of a control system you have to start by trying to figure out what variable(s) it is controlling.Â

AD: In the case of the speed-curvature power law it is telling us something about the behaving system. It is telling us that humans are slowing down and speeding up is a very specific way when drawing curves.Â

RM: What is that “something” that you think the power law is telling you? I’ll tell you what it’s not telling you: the variable(s) being controlled when people produce curved movement. This is the same problem that exists with the SR illusion; failure to notice that a variable is under control. The power law, like the SR illusion, is a red herring that diverts your attention from what is most important about behavior: controlled variables.


AM: My guess is you’ve started from theory - you had a belief that the speed and curvature are an example of a behavioral law, but in fact a behavioral illusion, and that would mean that in reality the power law is some kind of a property of all curves, statistical illusion or whatever, so that you can maintain your belief in the behavioral illusion. It is the “starting from the theory” approach, instead of “starting from the phenomenon”.

RM: Actually, I started with the phenomenon: movement. I realized that moving a finger involves controlling the position of the finger, keeping it in time-varying reference states, which would require varying actions (muscle forces) continuously to counter the varying gravitational force acting on the finger as it moves. This led me to realize that there was nothing about the movement of the finger per se – nothing about its observed trajectory, such as the power law relationship between velocity and curvature -- that could tell us anything about how the movement was produced. This led me to wonder why the power law was so consistently observed. Then I realized that when I move my finger (controlling its position in different reference states that vary over time) I am producing its instantaneous velocity and curvature simultaneously.Â

RM: So the instantaneous velocity of my movements can’t possibly be affecting the instantaneous curvature through which it is moving and vice versa. So I realized that the power law can’t possibly reflect what it appears to reflect – slowing down through curves. But then I realized that the measures of velocity and curvature that are used in the regression analysis that is used to find whether or not a movement follows the power law are measuring two different aspects of the movement at the same instant. So I got the crazy idea of seeing whether the computational formulas for velocity and curvature are mathematically related. And I found that they are not only related by they are related by a power relationship with a power coefficient of 1/3 or 2/3, depending on how velocity and curvature are measured. That is, the coefficients of the mathematical power relationship between velocity and curvature were exactly what had been claimed to be the power law relationship between velocity and curvature of movement.Â

RM: So it was the observation that curved movement is a controlled result of action – the phenomenon of control – that led to my discovery that the power law is a statistical artifiact.


AM: Well, I hope you’re happy then, because we have been doing the going back and fort on the primary problem for the past few posts. Your proposal is that trajectory is the controlled variable.

RM: What would make me really happy is if you would develop a way to test my proposal that affine velocity is a controlled variable. Â


AM: This immediately ties in the secondary problem, because it means that there is a reference trajectory, and that this reference trajectory is shaped exactly like the measured trajectory in behavior.

RM: This is certainly true. If you find that a variable is controlled and maintained in a particular reference state then the model of that control would include references that will keep the controlled variable in the appropriate reference state. So if you are developing methods for determining whether or not trajectory is controlled then that will make me happy too.Â





AM: In the emails you quoted just a few posts ago, Bill explicitly mentioned his hypothesis that trajectory is not the controlled variable in point-to-point movements,

RM: Right. What Bill said about the invariant trajectory profiles is precisely equivalent to what I am saying about the (relatively) invariant power law; it’s a side effect of controlling the position of the movement.Â

RM: What the power law has to do with the 1978 paper is what I said above: It is an illusion that results from failure to see that movement behavior involves control ; specifically control of the time varying position of what is being moved. The power law, like the invariant trajectory profiles and apparent S-R relationship between disturbance and output, is a side-effect of control. All are “illusions” to the extent that they are taken to tell us something about the mechanisms that produce the behavior.Â

RM:Â What I would like to see you and the other incredibly smart and talented people in your lab do is develop some studies aimed at solving your “primary problem” [determining the variables controlled when people produce voluntary movements]

[From Adam Matic]

So the instantaneous velocity of my movements can’t possibly be affecting the instantaneous curvature through which it is moving and vice versa. So I realized that the power law can’t possibly reflect what it appears to reflect – slowing down through curves. But then I realized …


So, the illustration I posted is an illusion? The points are not really closer together in the more curved parts in the middle and right image? The object did not move slower in the corners? The exponent does not reflect

RM: No, I have only been saying that the instantaneous position of the movement is a controlled variable.

AM: How is " *instantaneous position of the movement" *different from “a trajectory”?

RM: Bill said that the trajectory profiles derived from observed movement trajectories are a side effect of controlling the instantaneous position of the movement.


Here is what Bill said in the mails you quoted:

BP: This is purely a consequence of the mathematical relationships of control and the passive dynamical properties of the arm; nothing is acting to make sure that the trajectory follows any particular path. The trajectory is a side-effect, not a planned movement. Evidence of trajectory planning would appear only if the actual trajectory departed from the one that can be explained as a step-change in the reference signal of a control system from one fixed value to another.

AM: He also said that velocity profiles are a side effect, which is equivalent to saying that the trajectory is a side effect. I have no idea what you mean by “a trajectory profile”. He did not say that there is control of instantaneous position of movement - there is control of position, but only with step changes in the reference.

[Bruce Nevin 2018-08-13_05:58:55]

Adam Matic (Aug 13, 2018, 5:50 AM) –

AM: How is " *instantaneous position of the movement" *different from “a trajectory”?

Both are perceptions. Are they at the same level of the perceptual hierarchy? Is there a relationship between them?


On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 5:50 AM Adam Matic wrote:

[From Adam Matic]

So the instantaneous velocity of my movements can’t possibly be affecting the instantaneous curvature through which it is moving and vice versa. So I realized that the power law can’t possibly reflect what it appears to reflect – slowing down through curves. But then I realized …


So, the illustration I posted is an illusion? The points are not really closer together in the more curved parts in the middle and right image? The object did not move slower in the corners? The exponent does not reflect

ellipse trajectory.PNG

RM: No, I have only been saying that the instantaneous position of the movement is a controlled variable.

AM: How is " *instantaneous position of the movement" *different from “a trajectory”?

RM: Bill said that the trajectory profiles derived from observed movement trajectories are a side effect of controlling the instantaneous position of the movement.


Here is what Bill said in the mails you quoted:

BP: This is purely a consequence of the mathematical relationships of control and the passive dynamical properties of the arm; nothing is acting to make sure that the trajectory follows any particular path. The trajectory is a side-effect, not a planned movement. Evidence of trajectory planning would appear only if the actual trajectory departed from the one that can be explained as a step-change in the reference signal of a control system from one fixed value to another.

AM: He also said that velocity profiles are a side effect, which is equivalent to saying that the trajectory is a side effect. I have no idea what you mean by “a trajectory profile”. He did not say that there is control of instantaneous position of movement - there is control of position, but only with step changes in the reference.

[Rick Marken 2018-08-13_18:02:27]

[From Adam Matic]

So the instantaneous velocity of my movements can’t possibly be affecting the instantaneous curvature through which it is moving and vice versa. So I realized that the power law can’t possibly reflect what it appears to reflect – slowing down through curves. But then I realized …

AM: So, the illustration I posted is an illusion? The points are not really closer together in the more curved parts in the middle and right image?Â

RM: No, your illustration is no illusion; the points are really closer together in the more curved parts of the middle and right trajectories. When I say that this doesn’t reflect “slowing down through curves” I mean it doesn’t reflect slowing down in response to curvature. The power law is written as an equation with speed as the dependent variable and curvature as the independent variable. The implication is that the instantaneous speed of movement depends on the degree of curvature through which the movement is being made. But, in fact, the speed and curvature of voluntary movement are both dependent variables; they are dependent on the sum of muscle forces and force disturbances that cause them.Â

RM: No, I have only been saying that the instantaneous position of the movement is a controlled variable.

AM: How is " *instantaneous position of the movement" *different from “a trajectory”

RM: The dictionary says that the word “trajectory” refers to the path through which an object moves; a fly ball moves through a parabolic trajectory, for example. But I presume that when you talk about voluntary movement, you are using “trajectory” to refer to both he path through which something is moved as well as its velocity at each point in the path. The instantaneous positions of a movement are then the positions of, say, the wrist at each successive instant of a movement.


RM: Bill said that the trajectory profiles derived from observed movement trajectories are a side effect of controlling the instantaneous position of the movement.Â

AM: Here is what Bill said in the mails you quoted:

BP: This is purely a consequence of the mathematical relationships of control and the passive dynamical properties of the arm; nothing is acting to make sure that the trajectory follows any particular path. The trajectory is a side-effect, not a planned movement. Evidence of trajectory planning would appear only if the actual trajectory departed from the one that can be explained as a step-change in the reference signal of a control system from one fixed value to another.

AM: He also said that velocity profiles are a side effect, which is equivalent to saying that the trajectory is a side effect. I have no idea what you mean by “a trajectory profile”. He did not say that there is control of instantaneous position of movement - there is control of position, but only with step changes in the reference.

RM: I meant to say velocity profile, not trajectory profile. Atkeson and Hollerback found that the shape of these velocity profiles is invariant with respect to the speed and shape of the path of the movement. It is these “invariant” velocity profiles that Bill is referring to as the “trajectories” that are a side-effect of control. These invariant velocity profiles are precisely equivalent to the invariant power law relationship between curvature and velocity of movement; both are side effects of control.Â

RM: I’ve copied below a post from Bill where he gives a more detailed discussion of velocity profiles and their relationship to PCT. I have bolded what I think are some of Bill’s most important comments that are directly relevant to the power law research. And note the subject head of the post: Controlled variables vs. side effects. I’m afraid you are going down the same blind alley as the one taken by Atkeson and Hollerback; the blind alley that is the study of side-effects of control. I’m trying to coax you out of that blind ally and into the stately corridor of research aimed at discovering the variables around which movement behavior is organized: controlled variables. But if you ever decide that you would like to study movement behavior from a PCT perspective I’m always there to help.





From: “William T. Powers”

Subject:Â Â Â Â Â Controlled variables vs. side-effects

To: Multiple recipients of list CSG-L

[From Bill Powers (950527.0950 MDT)]


Just got back from seeing our
daughter Barbara off in the start of the

Iron Horse bike race, Durango to
Silverton. The length is 45 miles, the

total climb over two main passes is
5500 feet (the highest pass, Molas,

is about 11,000 feet). Last year
(her first, at age 35) she did it in

4:20; this year she hopes for under
4:00. The pro winning time last year

was 2:10. She should be about
halfway right now, starting the four-mile

climb to Coal Bank Pass (2500 foot
climb to over 10,000 ft). Go Bara!

Rick Marken, Bruce Abbott
(continuing) –


When you push on a control system,
it pushes back.


RE: trajectories vs. system


In a great deal of modern behavioral
research, trajectories of movement

are examined in the hope of finding
invariants that will reveal secrets

of behavior. This approach ties in
with system models that compute

inverse kinematics and dynamics and
use motor programs to produce

actions open-loop. These models
assume that the path followed by a limb

or the whole body is specified in
advance in terms of end-positions and

derivatives during the transition,
so the path that is followed reflects

the computations that are going on
inside the system.


It is this orientation that explains
papers like


Atkeson, C. G. and Hollerback,
J.M.(1985); Kinematic features of

unrestrained vertical arm movements.
The Journal of Neuroscience 5,

#9, 2318-2330.


In the described experiments,
subjects move a hand in the vertical plane

at various prescribed speeds from a
starting point to variously located

targets, and the positions are
recorded as videos of the positions of

illuminated targets fastened to
various parts of the arm and hand.


The authors constructed a
tangential-velocity vs time profile of the

wrist movement for various speeds,
directions, and distances of

movement. They normalized the
profiles to a fixed magnitude, then to a

fixed duration, and found that the
curves then had very nearly the same

shape. Using a
“similarity” calculation, they quantified the measures of



They were then able to compare these
normalized tangential velocity

profiles across various directions
and amounts of movement and show that

the treated profiles were very close
to the same. They conclude:


together, shape invariance for path and tangential velocity

indicates that subjects execute only one form of trajectory

    between any
two targets when not instructed to do otherwise. The

changes in trajectory are simple scaling operations to

different speeds. Furthermore, subjects use the same

velocity profile shape to make radically different

even when the shapes of the paths are not the same in

coordinates. Different subjects use the same tangential

profile shape.


    … this
would be consistent with a simplifying strategy for joint

    torque formation
by separation of gravity torques from dynamic

    torques and
a uniform scaling of the tangential velocity profile

(p. 2325)


    … if the
motor controller has the ability to fashion correct

    torques for
one movement, why does it not use this same ability for

subsequent movements rather than utilize the dynamic scaling

Among the possibilities we are considering, the first

    is a
generalized motor tape where only one movement between points

    must be
known if the dynanmic components in equation 6 are stored

separately…A second possibility is a modification of tabular

[ref] where the dimensionality and parameter adjustment

could be reduced by separate tables for the four components

    in equation
6. (p. 2326)


This paper was sent to me by Greg
Williams as a source of data about

actual hand movements, for
comparison with the hand movements generated

by Little Man v. 2, the version
using actual arm dynamics for the

external part of the model. The
model’s hand movements were, as Greg

will attest, quite close to those
shown in this paper, being slightly

curved lines connecting the
end-points. Forward and reverse movements

followed somewhat different paths,
and by adjustment of model parameters

this difference, too, could be


What is interesting is that the fit
between the Little Man and the real

data was found without considering
tangential velocity profiles or doing

any scaling or normalization. In
other words, the invariances noted by

the authors were simply side-effects
of the operation of the control

systems of the arm interacting with
the dynamics of the physical arm.

the Little Man there is no
trajectory planning, no storage of movement

parameters, no table-lookup
facility, no computation of invariant

velocity profiles. The observed
behavior is simply a reflection of the

organization of the control system
and the physical plant.


The path which Atkeson, Hollerbach
(and many others at MIT and

elsewhere) are treading is a blind
alley, because no matter how

carefully the observations are made
and the invariances are calculated,

there will be no hint of the
control-system organization, the SIMPLE

control-system organization, that (I
claim) is actually creating the

observed trajectories. No doubt a
sufficiently complex trajectory-

control model, with just the right
tables of coefficients and velocity

profiles, would ultimately be able
to match the behavior. But this line

of investigation, with its
underlying assumptions, will never lead to

the far simpler and anatomically
correct PCT model.


In terms of the current discussion
on the net, the observations made by

the authors were interesting as
checks on the model, but were actually

irrelevant to what the control
systems were doing. The control systems

(the first two levels of the Little
Man model) controlled only three

kinds of variables that underlay the
perceptual signals: angular

positions, angular velocities, and
angular accelerations. They received

no information about wrist position
in laboratory space. They contained

no provision for computing
tangential velocities, or for computing

positions of points on the physical
arm in space, or for computing

space-time invariants. The behavior
of the control systems, in other

words, took place in a
proprioceptive perceptual space that no outside

observer could see. In order to
translate from this perceptual space

into variables that were observable,
the computer program generated the

resulting arm positions and plotted
them in a form suitable for visual

inspection. So a side-effect of the
actual control process was presented

for comparison with a corresponding
side-effect of the real control

process, as visible to an outside


The approach of Atkeson and
Hollerbach appears in many guises. We have

already talked about the apparent
scaling and normalization of

trajectories seen when two hands
move rapidly and simultaneously to

targets at different distances. In
operant conditioning experiments, we

have seen how the control of
reinforcement by behavior is obscured by

the fact that variations in behavior
tend to stabilize reinforcement

rates, thus making reinforcement
rate appear to be the independent



We have also seen a few – a very
few, so far – studies in which the

PCT orientation was used,
Srinivasan’s being the most recent. What is

the difference? I think the
difference is in whether the emphasis is on

seeing the behavior from the
behaving systems’s point of view, as best

we can imagine it, and seeing it
strictly from the human observer’s

point of view.


from the human observer’s point
of view, it seems that we must account

for the detailed movements and
physical interactions that are seen to

occur. This leads to trying to find
invariances or striking mathematical

regularities of some sort in the
observed behaviors. It leads to

imagining an internal system that is
producing explicitly what we are

observing; if we observe a
trajectory, there must be some generator that

is specifically calculating that


But from the behaving system’s point
of view, we can consider only the

information that is available to the
behaving system; we must look for

our explanations there. The
trajectories of movement that result from

the system’s operation are basically
side-effects; they are not planned

and they are constant only in a
constant environment. Furthermore, they

are unknown to the behaving system
and play no part in the production of

behavior. We can deduce from the
model of the behaving system what the

observable side-effects would be in
a given environment, and so can

compare those side-effects with our
external observations of the

behavior. But our explanation of the
behavior is not based on those



Most important, when we simply
describe behavior as a sequence of

physical happenings and
relationships, we have no way of knowing whether

we are describing controlled
variables or side-effects. When we see a

fly landing on a ceiling, it is perfectly
possible that NOT A SINGLE

ASPECT OF WHAT WE SEE is perceived
and controlled by the fly. When we

see the fly extending its legs just
prior to landing, the fly may have

no perception of the configuration
of its legs; to the fly, all that is

controlled may be two or three
joint-angle signals, not even identified

by the fly as representing joint
angle. When we see the wings stop

flapping, to the fly all that may be
controlled is a sensation of

vibration. When we see the fly’s
body making a steep angle with the

surface, the fly may simply be
experiencing a visual signal indicating,

as Rick guessed, a gradient of
illumination or texture. Not one of the

variables we are observing may ever
appear in the ultimate model of the

fly’s internal organization, just as
in the Little Man the actual arm

configuration and hand position
never appear in the model of the first

two (kinesthetic) levels of control.
Once we have the right model, we

can always compute how its operation
will appear to an observer who is

focusing on various side-effects of
the actions. But the model itself

says nothing about those
appearances, and makes no use of them.

Best to all,


Bill P.Â

Richard S. MarkenÂ

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

RM: No, your illustration is no illusion; the points are really closer together in the more curved parts of the middle and right trajectories. When I say that this doesn’t reflect “slowing down through curves” I mean it doesn’t reflect slowing down in response to curvature. The power law is written as an equation with speed as the dependent variable and curvature as the independent variable. The implication is that the instantaneous speed of movement depends on the degree of curvature through which the movement is being made. But, in fact, the speed and curvature of voluntary movement are both dependent variables; they are dependent on the sum of muscle forces and force disturbances that cause them.


No one ever claimed a causal relationship between instantaneous curvature and speed. Statistical dependence is just a correlation. I think if you look into the literature you will find that no one ever claimed causal relationship in the speed-curvature the power law, between the instantaneous speed and local curvature at that same point.

But, you’re also claiming that there is a statistical artifact in play. Is there a statistical artifact in the illustration I posted or the beta is really reflecting the statistical dependence between two variables, the slowing down in curves vs going faster in straight parts?

In real data, under necessary conditions, (relatively high speed movement, data smoothed to remove measurement noise) - do humans actually slow down in curves, or do they not? Is the power law reflecting a real correlation or not?

RM: The dictionary says that the word “trajectory” refers to the path through which an object moves; a fly ball moves through a parabolic trajectory, for example. But I presume that when you talk about voluntary movement, you are using “trajectory” to refer to both he path through which something is moved as well as its velocity at each point in the path. The instantaneous positions of a movement are then the positions of, say, the wrist at each successive instant of a movement.


Ok, that makes sense. So, when you said: “No, I claim that it is the time varying position of a purposefully produced movement that is a controlled result.” you did not mean that trajectory is controlled, you just meant that there is control of position on one level, and that the reference changes over time, and you were not speaking about the higher order variable being perceived and controlled on the higher level.

RM: I’m afraid you are going down the same blind alley as the one taken by Atkeson and Hollerback; the blind alley that is the study of side-effects of control. I’m trying to coax you out of that blind ally and into the stately corridor of research aimed at discovering the variables around which movement behavior is organized: controlled variables. But if you ever decide that you would like to study movement behavior from a PCT perspective I’m always there to help.

AM: Oh, please, people did ask you for a PCT perspective and, as I said before, I think your involvement has been worse than useless, with your suggestions orbiting around statistical tricks, mathematical properties of curves, various misunderstandings of the phenomenon of the power law, and you haven’t actually done any test for the controlled variable or modelling of the higher level control systems, all the time boasting to be the true voice of PCT or whatever.

From the beginning, the phenomenon of the speed-curvature power law in movement trajectories is meant as a test of any model that draws curves. If the model is good, it would show the same invariances in output that humans show, without (probably) having those invariances in the reference. That is what Bill did with velocity profiles - he demonstrated that step-changes in position control, plus arm dynamics, are enough to replicate the bell-shaped velocity profiles found in real data.

I don’t know what to say about your affine velocity suggestion. My impression from reading about affine velocities is that I cannot perceive them, though maybe I don’t understand the whole idea of affine transformations.

About your model - ok, looks like I did not understand your intention completely. I don’t know where you get the idea that gravity changes in some 20-30 cm space of drawing shapes. I mean, I did all the experiments on a horizontal surface, but even if I did them vertically, gravity should be the same. Maybe it changes a bit when you get to a top of a mountain, or the north pole… But whatever, we can just say that the hand is never in exactly the the same position, cycle after cycle, and there will always be slightly different muscle forces moving the hand to where it needs to be, or over nearly the same path.

The big problem I have with your model is that it is demonstrating something unsurprising. Yes, the hand can move in non-power law paths. So what? Make a straight line at any speed, and you have infinities in the formula. No power law. Make a slow movement, you can get any desired correlation between speed and curvature, or no correlation at all. So, the movements in the experiment were very slow, and the model was making very slow movement, you can really just demonstrate whatever correlation or a lack of that you want.

At low speed, there could be something very much like explicit trajectory control - I see that I can move my finger in any speed and path, given that the speed is low enough.

This whole phenomenon is about moving at higher speed, where you cannot really voluntarily set the speed of your movement. It is not obvious, so it helps to use actual measurement of movement (mouse or something more precise if possible) at high speed and looking at the data.

To answer your question about what the power law is telling me about the mechanisms of movement - it looks to me that there is a constraint in arm dynamics, in the arm moving in its physical environment with all its forces, that creates this involuntary speed profile at moderate an high average speed. So, any model that would explain the power law would need to contain both the controlled variable and the cause of the constraint, and well, the whole control loop. The specific exponent would say a lot about this constraint. Perhaps similar to how velocity profiles in point-to-point movement might reveal some properties of position control when you fit the behavior of the model to the human behavior.



 [Rick Marken 2018-08-14_18:23:44]

AM: No one ever claimed a causal relationship between instantaneous curvature and speed.Â

RM: But some have implied it, such as when I am asked “Don’t you slow down through curves”? But taking the power law for a causal relationship is not the reason why the power law is a behavioral illusion. It’s an illusion because the power law looks like it tells you something important about how purposeful movements are produced, and it is actually a statistical (mathematical) artifact.


AM: But, you’re also claiming that there is a statistical artifact in play. Is there a statistical artifact in the illustration I posted or the beta is really reflecting the statistical dependence between two variables, the slowing down in curves vs going faster in straight parts?Â

RM: I presume these beta’s are a result of regressing curvature, measured as 1/R = C, on velocity, measured as A = V/R. The true (mathematical) power coefficient (beta) relating these variables is 2/3. So in your analysis of the three elliptical trajectories (below) only the regression for the middle trajectory gave you the correct result.


RM: The other two coefficients deviate from 2/3 because A is a power function of both C and D (affine velocity) per the equation:Â

A = C^2/3 * D^1/3

RM:Because you have omitted the affine velocity variable, D, from the regression analysis you got the “wrong” value of beta for the trajectories on the left and right. You got the correct value of beta for the middle trajectory because affine velocity is constant for that trajectory. The values of beta that you got for the left and right trajectories deviate from 2/3 in proportion to the correlation between affine velocity and curvature for these trajectories, as per the OVB analysis in Marken & Shaffer (2017).

AM: In real data, under necessary conditions, (relatively high speed movement, data smoothed to remove measurement noise) - do humans actually slow down in curves, or do they not?

RM: Are you asking whether people slow down purposefully in curves? That is, are you asking if people control for going slower in curves? If so, I have no idea. You have to test to see if velocity of movement (measured as V or A) is controlled. The power law doesn’t answer this question. All the power law says is that slower speeds are associated with greater curvature, and that that association comes close to a 2/3 power law to the extent that affine velocity is constant throughout the movement.Â

AM: Is the power law reflecting a real correlation or not?

RM: It is reflecting the partial correlation between velocity and curvature. The true correlation between velocity and curvature is a 2/3 power relationship when the correlation between affine velocity and curvature is taken into account, as it is in a multiple regression analysis with velocity as the criterion variable and both curvature and affine velocity as the predictor variables.


RM: The dictionary says that the word “trajectory” refers to the path through which an object moves;…


AM: Ok, that makes sense. So, when you said: “No, I claim that it is the time varying position of a purposefully produced movement that is a controlled result.” you did not mean that trajectory is controlled, you just meant that there is control of position on one level, and that the reference changes over time, and you were not speaking about the higher order variable being perceived and controlled on the higher level.

AM: Yes, exactly. Presumably, higher level control systems are controlling for the path and speed through that path by varying the references for position appropriately.Â

RM: I’m afraid you are going down the same blind alley as the one taken by Atkeson and Hollerback; the blind alley that is the study of side-effects of control…

AM: Oh, please, people did ask you for a PCT perspective and, as I said before, I think your involvement has been worse than useless, with your suggestions orbiting around statistical tricks, mathematical properties of curves, various misunderstandings of the phenomenon of the power law, and you haven’t actually done any test for the controlled variable or modelling of the higher level control systems, all the time boasting to be the true voice of PCT or whatever.

RM: Well, that seems to be the general opinion. I don’t think there is anyone on CSGNet who agrees with my PCT explanation of the power law. Which is kind of jaw dropping to me. But that’s the way it is.

AM: From the beginning, the phenomenon of the speed-curvature power law in movement trajectories is meant as a test of any model that draws curves. If the model is good, it would show the same invariances in output that humans show, without (probably) having those invariances in the reference. That is what Bill did with velocity profiles - he demonstrated that step-changes in position control, plus arm dynamics, are enough to replicate the bell-shaped velocity profiles found in real data.

RM: In Marken and Shaffer (2017) we showed that the power law invariances are produced by the movements of inanimate objects (helicopters) as well as by the movement trajectories of people moving to intercept those objects. In other words, we showed that the power law is not a unique feature of the movements produced by living systems. We showed that whether or not you find that a movement follows the power law depends entirely on the nature of the trajectory itself and has nothing to do with how the movement was produced. Movement trajectories that have constant affine velocity will show the power law, whether those movements were produced by a living or non-living system. Â

AM: I don’t know what to say about your affine velocity suggestion. My impression from reading about affine velocities is that I cannot perceive them, though maybe I don’t understand the whole idea of affine transformations.Â

RM: Affine velocity is hard to describe; but it’s easy to write the formula for it:

affine velocity =Â |X.dotY.double dot - X.double|

RM: You can test to see if this variable is controlled in an experiment where you ask a person to keep a spot of light moving at a constant speed along some path, such as an ellipse. As the spot moves you would vary a parameter of the formula generating the movement in the way that produces the different elliptical trajectories – with different affine velocities – like those you presented in the Figure above. The subject would be asked to use the mouse to keep the spot moving at a constant rate. If the result is that affine velocity (per the formula above) stays constant, then it is evidence that affine velocity is controlled. But it may not be affine velocity that is being controlled. So you could see if other measures of velocity are being held constant.

RM: Such an experiment might be hard to set up but I bet someone with your mathematical and programming skills could do it easily.Â


AM: About your model - ok, looks like I did not understand your intention completely. I don’t know where you get the idea that gravity changes in some 20-30 cm space of drawing shapes.

RM: It’s not gravity but the angle of the moved object relative to gravity that varies. There are other forces somewhat randomly affecting the movement as it occurs as well, such as centripetal forces.


AM: The big problem I have with your model is that it is demonstrating something unsurprising. Yes, the hand can move in non-power law paths.

RM: That wasn’t what I was demonstrating. I was demonstrating that the trajectory of the means used to produce a controlled movement can be quite different than the trajectory of the movement that is under control.Â

AM: To answer your question about what the power law is telling me about the mechanisms of movement - it looks to me that there is a constraint in arm dynamics, in the arm moving in its physical environment with all its forces, that creates this involuntary speed profile at moderate an high average speed. So, any model that would explain the power law would need to contain both the controlled variable and the cause of the constraint, and well, the whole control loop. The specific exponent would say a lot about this constraint. Perhaps similar to how velocity profiles in point-to-point movement might reveal some properties of position control when you fit the behavior of the model to the human behavior.

RM: OK, if that’s how you want to proceed then go ahead. But I think you are missing a great opportunity to do some actual PCT research.Â






Richard S. MarkenÂ

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

RM: But some have implied it, such as when I am asked “Don’t you slow down through curves”? But taking the power law for a causal relationship is not the reason why the power law is a behavioral illusion. It’s an illusion because the power law looks like it tells you something important about how purposeful movements are produced, and it is actually a statistical (mathematical) artifact.


No, no, you called it a behavioral illusion, as in Powers (1978), because of a mistaken correlation and causation. It is right there in your abstract.

Right, so there is nowhere in the literature a claim about a causal relationship, you just thought you saw it implied.

You had a claim in a paper that you did not want to admit is wrong, so you had to expand the definition of the behavioral illusion.

And it is sloppy definition of a behavioral illusion, anything could go under “something important”. In Bill’s example, the velocity profiles tell him that point-to-point movements were produced by high error in position control and a relatively simple (overall) control system. It is telling him something important.

In the real behavioral illusion (Powers 1978), the apparent behavioral law doesn’t tell you anything about the organism, because it is reflecting properties of the environment and the experiment back to the experimenter. It is an important concept, shouldn’t be muddled up with just “anything someone thinks is important but is not”.

RM: I presume these beta’s are a result of regressing curvature, measured as 1/R = C, on velocity, measured as A = V/R. The true (mathematical) power coefficient (beta) relating these variables is 2/3. So in your analysis of the three elliptical trajectories (below) only the regression for the middle trajectory gave you the correct result.


Yep, that is the crank part. You have the picture showing you how the the exponent is behaving, and the analysis is consistent with the picture. And yet you choose to maintain your claim that “mathematically” only the middle beta is correct.

RM:Because you have omitted the affine velocity variable, D, from the regression analysis you got the “wrong” value of beta for the trajectories on the left and right.


I like how you write “wrong” with quotes.

I’m not going to comment on your affine velocity musings, I don’t understand what affine velocity is, and it looks to me you don’t know how to define it so it makes sense. The experiment looks simple enough that you can do it yourself.

RM: It’s not gravity but the angle of the moved object relative to gravity that varies. There are other forces somewhat randomly affecting the movement as it occurs as well, such as centripetal forces.


Gravity always acts downward, so if I’m drawing horizontally, it doesn’t change. But, irrelevant, I agree.

RM: That wasn’t what I was demonstrating. I was demonstrating that the trajectory of the means used to produce a controlled movement can be quite different than the trajectory of the movement that is under control.


Of course it can. OK. Why did you use such a slow movement? In the literature, there are always explicit time constraints to the movement so that the movement is relatively fast. It is a very important constraint to the phenomenon of the speed-curvature power law.



EJ: Is there anything that can be borrowed from this understanding, beyond Bill’s procedural method, for applying to the speed-curvature power law phenomenon? In the speed-curvature literature, an ellipse is taken as a simple prototype of curved lines. What if a first approximation for a reference specification to produce an ellipse comes from the two points of greatest inflection at the ends of the ellipse? Wouldn’t a step-change reference for position, that alternated between those two inflection points, lead to a velocity profile that sped up between the two points and slowed down on the curves?

EJ: Admittedly, the sketch for a step-change-reference-position model suggested above doesn’t yet have an actual curve-generating portion. So a second approximation might need to include some sine-wave reference generator, to push the drawing away from the central axis as it passes each endpoint of inflection. Does the literature suggest that sine-wave reproduction, at high enough speeds, also shows a power law relationship?


Parametric formula for the ellipse (with the orthogonal sine waves) does produce a power law, at any overall speed. I have been trying some point-to-point control schemes in 2D, did not get far with them, don’t have much to say definitively.



[Rick Marken 2018-08-15_18:10:48]

AM: No, no, you called it [the power law] a behavioral illusion, as in Powers (1978), because of a mistaken correlation and causation. It is right there in your abstract.Â


RM: What we said in the Abstract is this: “The present paper shows that the power law is actually a
statistical artifact that results from mistaking a correlational for a causal
relationship between variables”. If you had read the paper without bias you would have seen that what we say is the most reasoable possibility for the causal relationship that the correlation between velocity and curvature is being mistaken for by power law researchers is the one between a “third variable” (muscle forces) and both velocity and curvature.Â

AM: Right, so there is nowhere in the literature a claim about a causal relationship, you just thought you saw it implied.Â

RM: Actually, there is at least one claim in the literature about a causal relationship between curvature and velocity. It’s in your rebuttal to our original paper. In our rebuttal to your rebuttal we noted the following:Â Â “At the heart of the criticisms of our paper by Z/M and Taylor
is the assumption that the power law is a result of a direct causal connection
between curvature and speed of movement or between these variables and the
physiological mechanisms that produce them. That is, it is assumed that the
power law is a reflection of what Powers (1978) called the “general
cause–effect model of behaviorâ€? (p. 423). This assumption iis made explicit in
the statement by Z/M that the power law involves a “…causall relationship
between curvature and speed…â€? (p. 13).”

RM: And note that we are careful to point out that that it is the causal model, not an assumption about any particular causal link, that is the basis of the illusion under which power law researchers labor. So while you did say in your rebuttal that the power law involves a causal relationship between curvature and velocity, others have described open loop models of the power law where the causal connection is from muscle forces to both velocity and curvature of movement simultaneously. And this is what Bill was explaining in the 1978 paper: it’s the assumption of the causal model of behavior that leads to the behavioral illusion; taking the correlation between disturbance and output as a causal relationship is just one example of a behavioral illusion.

AM: In the real behavioral illusion (Powers 1978), the apparent behavioral law doesn’t tell you anything about the organism, because it is reflecting properties of the environment and the experiment back to the experimenter.

RM: That is not the illusion; what you are describing here is a side effect of control. The illusion is taking this observed relationship between disturbance and output as reflecting a causal connection between stimulus and response, a connection mediated by the organism. That is, the illusion is taking the disturbance-output relationship – a side effect of control – as being consistent with a causal model of the organism.Â

AM: It is an important concept, shouldn’t be muddled up with just “anything someone thinks is important but is not”.Â

RM: It is a very important concept, indeed. The concept of a behavioral illusion is that a side-effect of control is being taken to reflect characteristics of the organism when they don’t. So the disturbance-output relationship is a side effect of control that is an illusion when it is taken to reflect causal mechanisms that connect the organism’s inputs to its output. The response-reinforcement relationship is also a side effect of control that is an illusion when it is taken to reflect the selective power of reinforcement on responses. The power law is a side-effect of control that is an illusion when it is taken to reflect causal mechanisms that produce the movement.Â


RM: I presume these beta’s are a result of regressing curvature, measured as 1/R = C, on velocity, measured as A = V/R. The true (mathematical) power coefficient (beta) relating these variables is 2/3. So in your analysis of the three elliptical trajectories (below) only the regression for the middle trajectory gave you the correct result.

AM: Yep, that is the crank part. You have the picture showing you how the the exponent is behaving, and the analysis is consistent with the picture. And yet you choose to maintain your claim that “mathematically” only the middle beta is correct.Â

RM: I should have said “true” rather than “correct” since the middle beta is the true mathematical coefficient that relates curvature (C) to velocity (A) per the equation A = C^2/3 * D^1/3.

RM:Because you have omitted the affine velocity variable, D, from the regression analysis you got the “wrong” value of beta for the trajectories on the left and right.Â

AM I like how you write “wrong” with quotes.Â

 RM: I should have said " for the trajectories on the left and right you get estimates of beta that deviate from the true value by an amount proportional to the correlation between D and C".Â

RM: …I was demonstrating that the trajectory of the means used to produce a controlled movement can be quite different than the trajectory of the movement that is under control.Â

AM: Of course it can. OK. Why did you use such a slow movement?

 RM: Because that was irrelevant to my point, which was simply that curved movements are controlled results of action. That’s true regardless of the speed of the movement, though the quality of control will diminish with increasing speed. So the demonstration is clearer when movement is slow and control is good. But once you know that curved movement is a controlled result of action, you know that the power law is a side-effect of this control. The mathematics shows only why this side-effect is rather consistently found.





On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 12:41 AM Adam Matic wrote:



Richard S. MarkenÂ

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

[Rick Marken 2018-08-15_18:27:22]

 [From Bruce Abbott (2018.08.15.1030 EDT)]


BA: Pollick and Shapiro (1995) performed an analysis of the velocity-based formula for curvature to determine the condition under which one would expect the regression of V on C to follow the 2/3 power law across observations. They found that the 2/3 exponent will hold only if the affine velocity is constant across observations. If affine velocity is not constant, then the exponent will differ from 2/3.


BA: Their analysis was essentially identical to yours (both add affine velocity to the regression equation as a separate factor) but their conclusion was not. They did not conclude that the curvature formula enforced, as you put it, “a true (mathematical) power coefficient� of 2/3. They didn’t, because it doesn’t. Instead, they concluded that the power coefficient of 2/3 will appear across observations only if the affine velocity is constant across observations. The added factor (which you call the omitted  variable) is just a measure of by how much the affine velocity varies from constancy across observations. The 2/3 exponent is not a mathematical consequence of how curvature is computed, but rather, a mathematical consequence of a constant affine velocity.

RM: Maoz et al. (2006) also found what we had found and came to the same mistaken conclusion about what it meant as did Pollick and Shapiro (1995). We addressed this in our rebuttal:Â

Z/M say that the message of the Maoz et al.
(2006) study is the opposite of ours, their message being that empirical speed–curvature
power laws are not mathematical/statistical artifacts but, rather “…real and require
a critical investigation of the properties of D to account for compliance or deviation
of empirical β values relative to the prototypical 2/3 value found in elliptic
drawings� (p. 12). But this is the message of Moaz et al. only if one assumes
that the “true� value of the power coefficient (− 1/3 for Moaz et al.) is the one
that results from the physiological processes that produce the movement and
that the variance in the affine velocity variable, α (or, equivalently, D),
that results in compliance or deviation from that value is the result of
“noise� factors. This amounts to assuming that one’s theory of the cause of the
power law is correct and any deviation of data from the theory is the fault of
the data.
In fact, when the results of the Moaz et al. study are interpreted
correctly we see the message of their and other similar studies (e.g., Pollick,
and Sapiro 1997) as being perfectly consistent with ours, which is that **the
power law coefficient that is found using a regression analysis that omits the
cross-product (or affine velocity) variable depends on characteristics of the trajectory
itself and says nothing about the mechanisms that produced those trajectories. ** (Emphasis mine-- RM)

RM: But ignoring the mathematics for now, I’m still interested in knowing what you think is the correct application of PCT to the power law. My application of PCT to the power law has been pretty thoroughly trashed so you must have some idea of what the correct application of PCT to the power law is. Or does all this trashing of my analysis mean that we have now come to the conclusion that PCT does not apply to the power law?Â





Richard S. MarkenÂ

"Perfection is achieved not when you have nothing more to add, but when you
have nothing left to take away.�
                --Antoine de Saint-Exupery

AM: No, no, you called it [the power law] a behavioral illusion, as in Powers (1978), because of a mistaken correlation and causation. It is right there in your abstract. Â

RM: What we said in the Abstract is this: “The present paper shows that the power law is actually a
statistical artifact that results from mistaking a correlational for a causal
relationship between variables”. If you had read the paper without bias you would have seen that what we say is the most reasoable possibility for the causal relationship that the correlation between velocity and curvature is being mistaken for by power law researchers is the one between a “third variable” (muscle forces) and both velocity and curvature.


As far as I can see, the argument was as follows: the speed curvature power law is a case of correlation mistaken for causality; it is in fact reflecting only mathematical properties of curves, not anything about the organism. Paralleling the argument from Bill’s paper, showing how the behavioral law reflects experimental conditions. The argument brakes apart when you see that no one is taking A to be the response to C, as in the formula.Â

How can something be both not an illusion - the right object really does move slower in the curved parts - and a statistical artifact? It is nonsense. The power law can have problematic statistical properties, but it is reflecting just what it is supposed to reflect, a correlation between speed and curvature, with the exponent being a rough estimate of just how much slowing there is in curves.Â


RM: This assumption is made explicit in
the statement by Z/M that the power law involves a “…causall relationship
between curvature and speed…â€? (p. 13)."

RM: And note that we are careful to point out that that it is the causal model, not an assumption about any particular causal link, that is the basis of the illusion under which power law researchers labor. So while you did say in your rebuttal that the power law involves a causal relationship between curvature and velocity, others have described open loop models of the power law where the causal connection is from muscle forces to both velocity and curvature of movement simultaneously. And this is what Bill was explaining in the 1978 paper: it’s the assumption of the causal model of behavior that leads to the behavioral illusion; taking the correlation between disturbance and output as a causal relationship is just one example of a behavioral illusion.


We don’t claim a causal relationship between instantaneous C and A. Yes, there are some researchers that are claiming that movement is planned, and velocities are in the movement plan generated on the basis of perceived curvature. That is not the behavioral illusion. Causal model in behavioral illusion means explicitly assumed stimulus-response causality, and planning of movement speed is possible both open loop and closed loop.Â

You keep saying that invariances don’t tell you anything about how the movement was generated (and that that is the behavioral illusion), and yet you are suggesting that possibly affine velocity is the controlled variable. Constant affine velocity is just an invariant of movement. Following your arguments, how could it tell you something about what the organism is controlling?

I mean, it is not a bad suggestion, I have done similar experiments, I just mean it doesn’t follow from your arguments about the behavioral illusion.

AM: Of course it can. OK. Why did you use such a slow movement?

 RM: Because that was irrelevant to my point, which was simply that curved movements are controlled results of action. That’s true regardless of the speed of the movement, though the quality of control will diminish with increasing speed. So the demonstration is clearer when movement is slow and control is good. But once you know that curved movement is a controlled result of action, you know that the power law is a side-effect of this control. The mathematics shows only why this side-effect is rather consistently found.


On the general note, it looks like you’ve missed the phenomenon. The phenomenon is not just movement of your finger, it is specifically moving trough curves in relatively high speed. I’ve got nothing against the method of observing your finger moving, I do it myself, people look at me funny. The problem is that the phenomenon of the strong correlation between speed and curvature does not appear at low overall speeds.The diminishing of control is really the important part - at some point you begin to loose good control of velocity and it is found in experiments that in these situations, this velocity correlates with curvature. So, if you’re not controlling velocity, you might be controlling something else related to velocity.

In any case, I hope that next time I’ll have more positive things to discuss, and not just argue without presenting the alternative explanation.

Best, Adam