BS Research

from [ Marc Abrams (990315.1230) ]

In lieu of postings from Rick and Tracy, I would like to add this little
tidbit of worthless research :slight_smile:

*** Study: Smoking, adult crime linked

CHICAGO (AP) - Babies whose mothers smoke during pregnancy could be
at a higher risk of growing up to be criminals, new research
suggests. Although such links have been studied in children and
teen-agers, researchers say a study published in this month's
Archives of General Psychiatry is the first to examine the
relationship between mothers who smoke and their children's adult
behavior. While stopping short of saying that babies whose mothers
smoked while pregnant will become criminals, researchers say their
findings are significant. However an expert not involved in the study
said there is not enough research to say that prenatal smoking can be
risk factor for adult crimes. See

John Appel, how would you explain this in BCT terms. :slight_smile:

[from T. Harms (990315.1030)

Marc Abrams (990315.1230):

*** Study: Smoking, adult crime linked

CHICAGO (AP) - Babies whose mothers smoke during pregnancy could be
at a higher risk of growing up to be criminals, new research
suggests. ...

Obviously it is still possible to make a good living by sawing away at
the "insight" that mothers' milk leads to heroin.

While stopping short of saying that babies whose mothers
smoked while pregnant will become criminals, researchers say their
findings are significant.

If they admitted that their findings are *insignificant*, how well would
it maintain their perception of continued grant funding?

However an expert not involved in the study
said there is not enough research to say that prenatal smoking can be
risk factor for adult crimes.

Notice how even the *critics* of the study won't actually speak against
what was done therein. Instead they announce that "there is not enough
research to say". Oooh, yes, more research, that should do the trick.
And the Emperor's new tailors need more gold in order to finish up his
new clothes, while we're at it!


from [ Marc Abrams (990315.1407) ]

[from T. Harms (990315.1030)

Notice how even the *critics* of the study won't actually speak against
what was done therein. Instead they announce that "there is not enough
research to say". Oooh, yes, more research, that should do the trick.
And the Emperor's new tailors need more gold in order to finish up his
new clothes, while we're at it!

Absolutely incredible isn't it. If it weren't so serious ( i.e. the state of
medical research ) it would be laughable. But since I have been a recent
receptor of some of that "wonderful" knowledge I'm not laughing.
