[From Rick Marken (930615.0900)]
Hans Blom (930615) and Oded Maler (931615) --
Let me see if I understand what your analogy where you compare
individual cells to individual people. I think you are pointing out
that both cells and people are control systems -- which I accept
as true. The behavior of collections of cells (such as the cells that
make up an organ, like the liver) is regulated by systems external
to the cells. So, for example, the collective behavior of the cells
in the liver is regulated via hormonal and neural control systems
in the brain. This shows (I think you are saying) that the collective
behavior of humans is regulated via control systems (Oded's "emergent
social, historical entities" and others' "social control systems") that
are outside of the collective. Is this what you guys are saying?
Assuming that it is what you are saying, let me try to explain where
I have problems with the analogy. I agree that the behavior of collections
of cells is regulated by other systems -- the collectives are part of
a higher level control system. But this higher level control system
must be using properties of these cells that the individual cells themselves
are not controlling. For example, the individual cells may be controlling
the differential concentration of electrolytes across the cell wall -- doing
this by varying the permeability of the cell wall. This means that the
concentration of electrolytes outside of each and every cell is part of
a variable controlled by each cell -- possibly relative to a slightly
reference specification. The fact that electrolyte concentration is
controlled by the individual cells means that a higher level control system
cannot "use" the collection of cells to control a variable that strongly
depends on elecrtolyte concentration. The higher level control system
can really only effectively use uncontrolled variable aspects of cell
behavior as part of its means of controlling whatever variable(s) it
controls. For example, it can use the cell's actions that control
electrolytes (the permeability changes) as part of its means of control
because the higher level system can make unresisted variations in this
variable by disturbing the variable being controlled by the cells -- cell
permeability is an uncontrolled action of the cell.
Suppose that changes in permeability required to control electrolyte
concentration cause changes in the size of the cell. Then the higher
level system can use changes in the size of the cell to control whatever
variable it is controlling -- like net blood flow through the collective of
cells (the liver). So the higher level system can vary the concentration
of electrolytes outside of the cell collective in order to influence the
net size of the cells in the collective and influence blood flow though the
liver -- which is the variable controlled by the higher level system.
Things could work this way with collectives of people; there could be a
higher level control system, outside of the collective of people, that
uses side effects of the control exerted by the individuals in the
collective as a means of controlling whatever variables are being con-
trolled by the higher level system. I'm perfectly willing to believe that
there are such higher level social control systems. I just don't see any
evidence of them. I see no evidence of side effects of collective action
being under control. The results of collective action that I have seen
controlled seem to be controlled by the individuals themselves. No
outside control system is using the side effects of people controlling
other variables to create a skyscraper or a symphony. In each case
each individual is controlling a variable specifically in order to produce
the intended collective result.
If you really think that there are higher level social control systems
that are using side effects of human control to produce the results
they (not the individual people) intend, then I would really like to see
some evidence of it.
Oded claims:
there is something in those cell assemblies (aka BP and RM)
which resists the idea that their level of organization is not the
ultimate one.
The reason we "resist" is because we have seen no evidence. If
you have some real strong evidence of control by a higher level
control system then please present it. The evidence for the
existence of higher level control would be a variable that is clearly
maintained against disturbance by effects produced by a collection
of individuals who have absolutely no interest in the state of that
variable; it is not controlled by the individuals, it is maintained
AGAINST DISTURBANCE by some other control system.
Happy hunting