CFP: Last Call 2nd European Workshop on PCT

Hi Folks,

the interest in my conference in June seems to be very very
small - I think it's near zero. Six weeks ago I asked for
headlines of papers to present at the meeting in June - until
now I got none. So, here is my last call for papers and the
headlines to all those who confirmed to join the meeting...

The deadline for papers is now: April, 15. 1998 !!


Wolfgang Zocher

2nd European Workshop on Perceptual Control Theory 1998
email: (office) (home)

[From Bill Powers (980324.0742 MST)]

Wolfgang Zocher (980324) --

the interest in my conference in June seems to be very very
small - I think it's near zero. Six weeks ago I asked for
headlines of papers to present at the meeting in June - until
now I got none. So, here is my last call for papers and the
headlines to all those who confirmed to join the meeting...

I suggest that you abandon the idea of publishing the Proceedings before
the meeting. I plan to give two papers,

1: A control system for an inverted pendulum.

2: An hypothesis about the relation of pursuit and saccadic eye movement.

I'm still working on the model for the first paper, and will have it done
only just before the meeting. The second paper will be shorter and will
take less time, but again it won't be done very soon.

For me, what would work would be to bring copies of my papers to the
meeting for others to read before my presentation, and to work up the final
form after the meeting for the Proceedings.

Mary and I have our airline tickets; we will arrive at Tegel-Berlin on June
2 at 11:05 in the morning, from Munich. We'll take the S-Bahn and train to
Prenzlau if we can figure it all out.

What we need to know (and I suppose everyone else, too), is how much the
meeting is going to cost, and when we have to pay, and what form the
payment will be in (Marks, dollars), and to whom the payment will be made.


Bill P.

[From Rupert Young (9802503.1200 UT)]

Wolfgang Zocher (980324) --

the interest in my conference in June seems to be very very
small - I think it's near zero. Six weeks ago I asked for
headlines of papers to present at the meeting in June - until
now I got none. So, here is my last call for papers and the
headlines to all those who confirmed to join the meeting...

My title is "Towards a control model of object recognition"

[From Bill Powers (980324.0742 MST)]

I suggest that you abandon the idea of publishing the Proceedings before
the meeting. I plan to give two papers,

I hope there will be an official publication otherwise I will not be able to
justify the trip.



[From Bill Powers (980325.1727 MST)]

Rupert Young (9802503.1200 UT)--

I suggest that you abandon the idea of publishing the Proceedings before
the meeting. I plan to give two papers,

I hope there will be an official publication otherwise I will not be able to
justify the trip.

I meant only that the Proceedings should be published after the meeting
instead of before as Wolfgang had originally suggested. I couldn't get a
paper ready in time, and others may have the same problem.


Bill P.