CLOSED LOOP business

From Greg Williams (930304)

I sent the following last month:

From Greg Williams (930217)

1. Most CSG members will have received the Winter '93 issue of
CLOSED LOOP by now. It inaugurates inclusion of "Research Reports"
with two papers. I'd like to encourage submission of articles for
possible inclusion in future issues (send manuscripts to me at
460 Black Lick Rd., Gravel Switch, KY 40328 U.S.A. or via e-mail),
AND I'd like to have some volunteers to read/evaluate/critique
such submissions. Perhaps we could set up an ongoing panel of
reviewers? Publishing semi-peer-reviewed Research Reports in

I received only one reply, from Martin Taylor, who basically said that
he thought having reviewers would be nice, but didn't volunteer for the

Yesterday I sent the following to Gary Cziko, privately:

Martin T. posted privately to me that maybe CSG can get reviewers for
CL Research Papers. That was the only reply I got to my suggestion that
maybe we could do better than have just a horticulturist/journalist/
mechanical engineer/roofbuilder as the sole gatekeeper for CL! How can
we get folks to talk this up -- and, more important, volunteer???

Gary replied as follows:

We need someone willing to coordinate this, but it shouldn't be too
much of a bother if all or most could be done electronically. Anyone
with a paper to submit could send the abstract to the coordinator.
The coordinator would send the abstract out to CSGnet (blind review?)
with a request for reviewers to contact the coordinator who would then
forward to them the paper (hopefully electronically; figures are a
pain). Reviewers would write reviews, submit to coordinator who would
submit back to (principal) author. If opinion is in favor of
publication, article is sent to you. If not, but author wants to
publish anyway, reviewers are given a chance to polish up reviews for
publication (anonymously or otherwise) with paper.

I'm busy enough keeping the net floating and trying to finish my book,
so I would hope that someone else would volunteer as publication

Comments, suggestions, volunteers?



With help from Gary (thanks!), I'm actively seeking copyright
clearance for using CSGnet posts in future issues of CLOSED LOOP. If
you haven't yet sent me your permission, please consider doing it
soon. In a private reply to my copyright permission inquiry, Oded
Maler said:

I will send you my permission (it's good to have
alternative routes to eternity). I will only ask
if possible to send me instead of royalties, a copy
of the issue where my posts will appear.

Thank you, Oded. I hope others appreciate the access to an alternative
(Gregory Bateson thought the ONLY) route, also. And, henceforth, I
decree that all those whose posts are included in CLOSED LOOP and are
not CSG members will receive free copies of the issues in which their
posts are printed. (Ed, I'll work this out with you for each mailing.)

As ever,


[From Dick Robertson] (930308)
Greg, it sounds like a good idea. I'd be glad to do some reviewing in my
field. Bouquets to you for starting another promising enterprise.
Best, Dick.