From Tom Bourbon (930429.1036)
From Greg Williams (930429)
If it's time for a journal, that means it's time to set up a standard
procedure for dealing with manuscripts submitted to be considered for
publication in the journal. I think this should be discussed at the
next CSG meeting (perhaps following some comments on the net between
now and the meeting). Again, I don't want to be the sole decider on
whether and when any particular paper is printed. "We're all in this
together." I hope.
That was what I intended when I said, "It is time." We should plan now to
discuss the journal at CSG this summer. And your idea that we might have a
discussion in advance of CSG, on the net, is good. We are indeed all in this
BTW, both the Fall and Winter issues this year are open for papers at
this time, as far as I'm concerned.
So, Tom, send me some of your stuff -- at least for the archives.
Thanks for agreeing to add to the load you had already so unselfishly
accepted. Has anyone told you recently that you are an invaluable member of
this mottley crew?
Now that I have buttered you up, editor, are you suggesting that we might
archive material with you, even if it is not published? For the past
several years (as far back as seven years), I have been accumulating
programs and data from various interactive tasks and models. I imagine Rick
and Bill (and others?) have done the same on other topics. Some of the
material was included in rejected manuscripts; much was used in class
demonstrations and lab exercises while I was still teaching; and a great
deal of it was never shown to anyone else. The effort required to prepare
all of this material for rejection always seemed too great.
I have often wished there were a place to submit technical reports and notes
on all of this. If anyone wanted to see it, they could. If it proved
useful to them, so much the better. But I have no desire to put in the work
to make it a "legitimate" manuscript, paying homage to everyone everywhere.
All I want to do is document what I did and leave it at that.
For subscribers who are not interested in this topic, I apologize for using
so much space on it, but there may be some others who would either
contribute to or use such an archive. Is that the case?
Until later,
Tom Bourbon