[From Bjorn Simonsen 2009.10.29,2029 EU ST)]
I know there are many cognitive theories. I am not clever how they explain behavior.
How does a cognitive scientist explain when a person roll two dies till he get 2 times six?
[From Bjorn Simonsen 2009.10.29,2029 EU ST)]
I know there are many cognitive theories. I am not clever how they explain behavior.
How does a cognitive scientist explain when a person roll two dies till he get 2 times six?
[From Rick Marken (2009.10.29.2305)]
Bjorn Simonsen 2009.10.29,2029 EU ST)--
I know there are many cognitive theories. I am not clever how they explain
behavior.How does�a cognitive scientist explain�when a person roll two dies till he
get 2 times six?
This is a great question. The next time I run into�a cognitive
scientist (which may be as early as next week) I'll ask! It does seem
to require a purposive explanation, doesn't it.
PS. Excellent work on the Peace Prize! The right wingers here in the
US were snortin' and fumin' like the dickins while us liberals just
kvellled! Talk about different reactions to the same disturbance! It
was a great international demonstration of the behavioral illusion;-)
Richard S. Marken PhD
[From Bjorn Simonsen (2009.10.30,1005 EU ST)]
[From Rick Marken (2009.10.29.2305)]
How does a cognitive scientist explain when a person roll two dies till he
get 2 times six?
This is a great question. The next time I run into a cognitive
scientist (which may be as early as next week) I’ll ask! It does seem
to require a purposive explanation, doesn’t it.
I asked how a cognitiv scientist explains the problem. Maybe I should have asked how a cognitive psychologist explains it. Yes, I think it needs a purposive explanatiion. But if the dies show 3 and 5, I think they say that unconsciousness is the nearest they come when they shall explain why they throw the dies again.