Comic relief

[From Rick Marken (920517b)]

Have a nice trip, Bill and Mary.

I will be traveling a bit this week, too, but I do want to get
back into the "standards" fray when I have time. Until then,
I will try to lighten things up a bit by describing a Gary Larson
cartoon that my wife showed me today that seems rather relevant
to that conversation:

Picture two strange-looking scientist types looking at some
equations on the blackboard. One looks like me, the other looks
like Dag. The one who looks like me is pointing at an equation
on the board excitedly and saying to the one who looks like Dag:

" Yes, yes, I KNOW that, Sidney...EVERYbody knows that!... But
look: Four wrongs SQUARED, minus two wrongs to the fourth
power, divided by this formula, DO make a right."

Hasta manana




Richard S. Marken USMail: 10459 Holman Ave
The Aerospace Corporation Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 336-6214 (day)
(310) 474-0313 (evening)