Computer processing of speech

Our organization, the Laboratory of Comparative Human
Cognition (LCHC) at the University of California, San Diego, is
carrying on a collaborative project with the independent VEGA
International Laboratory in Moscow to expand telecommuni-
cation contacts between humanities scholars in Russia and
their counterparts in the West. As part of this project, VEGA
in September 1991 opened a public-access electronic mail
address (PSY-PUB) on their premises, through which any
humanities scholar in the Russian Academy of Sciences may
send and receive messages.
  LCHC routinely receives messages from PSY-PUB and
forwards them to potential Western partners (both individual
scholars and scholarly organizations). We received the following
message from Professor Ivanov of the Linguistics Institute, Russian
Academy of Sciences, and are forwarding it to your discussion group
in the hope that it may be of interest.
  We ask that anyone who responds to Dr. Ivanov please also
send a cc to the respective directors of LCHC and Vega, Dr. Michael
Cole and Dr. Alexandra Belyaeva. The addresses for Dr.Ivanov, and
Drs. Cole and Belyaeva are as follows:
Their addresses are as follows: (in the subject line, type "For V.B.
Ivanov"; it will be forwarded to him)


Doug Williams

(Message follows)



I, Ivanov Vladimir Borisovich, an instructor in the Laboratory of
Experimental Phonetics of the Linguistics Institute of the Russian
Academy of Science, wanted to take this opportunity to send a
report to our colleagues in connection with the organization of a
conference on computer linguistics. I would be very grateful if in
the future I would have the possibility of sending electronic mail in
connection with research on the computur-processing of speech,
discerning multi-language texts, and a multi-language data base.

Thanks ahead of time,
V.B. Ivanov
