[From David Goldstein (2003.08.23.2243 EDT]
Dick and listmates:
What are the questions that need to be asked by the coordinator of the
How much time does it take to serve as the coordinator of the
-----Original Message-----
From: Control Systems Group Network (CSGnet)
[mailto:CSGNET@listserv.uiuc.edu] On Behalf Of Richard Robertson
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 12:06 PM
To: CSGNET@listserv.uiuc.edu
Subject: Re: Conference DAte Correction
[From Dick Robertson,2003.08.20.1100CDT]
I'll get this right yet, if it takes all summer.
I made a mistake on the conference date that I said I was working on for
next year. I am working on July 21-25, not 14-18.
Best, Dick R
[From Dick Robertson,2003.08.20.1100CDT]
I'll get this right yet, if it takes all summer.
I made a mistake on the conference date that I said I was working on for
next year. I am working on July 21-25, not 14-18.
Best, Dick R
[From Dick Robertson,2003.08.26.1337CDT]
"David M. Goldstein" wrote:
[From David Goldstein (2003.08.23.2243 EDT]
Dick and listmates:
What are the questions that need to be asked by the coordinator of the
I'm assuming you're asking from the point of view of arranging for a
conference site?
I asked for availability on our preferred date, 3rd Wednesday in July;
number of singles and doubles accomodations; price of each, w/wo
meals;couples accomodations; bathroom facilities; conference room size and
shape, keeping in mind the need for videotaping setup; extra rooms for
smaller group activities; access to airports, and means of transport, with
alternatives; local attractions for off-times; any rules about alchohol,
other rules; security arrangements; other conferences on site,etc.
How much time does it take to serve as the coordinator of the
I guess Rick and Mary would be best resources for this one. I will find
out if we meet in Chicago next July.
Best, Dick R