[Jeff Vancouver 951130, 1300}
Dear Bill Leach, Bill Powers, and (unintentionally) Kent McClelland,
Thanks for the response to my conflict/social organizations question.
It was very helpful. Bill P. even designed a study (demo in Bill's
parlance) one could do. Kent's simulation is very interesting as well.
Could it help explain why those closer in religion tend to fight more
viscously than those of very different belief systems? (That question is
not seriously intented for soliciting a response - i.e., it is rhetorical).
Jeffrey B. Vancouver
Assistant Professor Phone: (212)998-7816
Department of Psychology Fax: (212)995-4018
New York University e-mail: jeffv@xp.psych.nyu.edu
6 Washington Pl., Rm 572
New York, NY 10003