Ref: Boris Hartman (2014.12.13 12:07)
HB: … I suppose next you will be claiming that error values are controlled as well, to complete the loop.
RP: Actually, I have the impression that we can control error values in ourselves, at least, as well as sometimes influence the error values that others experience.
In ourselves, this might be done by increasing awareness of perceptions of our actions and feelings (such as by Vipassana meditation training), and then becoming aware of feelings that arise (such as anger, grief, and intense desire for something), realizing what is happening, and perhaps simply observing those feelings until they calm down – this being a Vipassana approach that seems to either reduce those error signals directly, or indirectly such as by decreasing the importance/gain(?) of the reference signal that is associated with the error signal produced.
I any case, such an awareness approach would seem to enable one to reduce and control error values/signals that one is experiencing. Other approaches might also have similar results (such as by studies or direct experience that increases or decreases the importance of a reference value that one has, which in turn affects error values produced).
Using PCT theory, we might also say that the error values of other people can also sometimes be influenced by techniques such as information, propaganda, graphic descriptions, photographs, group demonstrations, training, … – but such approaches (as often used by politicians, activists, and the news media) are admittedly quite different from the awareness approach that one can use to control perceptions of feelings (and related error signals/values) that are occurring within one’s own body.
At least, that’s the way it seems to me at the present time.
With Regards,
Richard Pfau
From: Richard Pfau (2014.12.14 11:15 Nepal Time)