From: Richard Marken [mailto:rsmarken@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 2:07 PM
To: csgnet@lists.illinois.edu
Cc: Richard Marken
Subject: Fwd: Controlling People New Release Notice
[From Rick Marken (2015.12.10.1100)]
I’m forwarding the notice of release of “Controlling People” in Australia. I thought those of you on CSGNet might be interested because it was written by the publisher and it shows that he was a little worried about publishing a book called “Controlling People” but ended up really liking it.
The US edition will be released on Dec. 22 but you can preorder a copy from Amazon at:
Remember, they make great Xmas presents.
Best regards
From: Australian Academic Press [mailto:stephen=australianacademicpress.com.au@mail209.atl121.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of Australian Academic Press
Sent: Tuesday, 8 December 2015 12:34 PM
To: Tim Carey
Subject: Controlling People
Update from Australian Academic Press
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New Release
Controlling People: The Paradoxical Nature of Being Human
Richard S. Marken and Timothy A. Carey
When this title was first suggested to me to publish I wondered what I would be getting my self into. Psychologists talking about ‘controlling people’! Is that what we should be doing in therapy? But Richard Marken and Tim Carey have in fact put together for the first time a clear and accessible text on how applying perceptual control theory (PCT) to our everyday actions equips us with the skills to lead more effective and satisfying lives. And that’s no mean feat. PCT can be a daunting prospect for a first time reader without a technical background. But by combining Richard’s extensive background in the human factors field and Tim’s clinical psychology work in developing therapy based on PCT, this book is not only an enlightening and easy read, it clearly shows how our controlling nature can get us in and out of trouble.
There’s a lot to think about yourself and others as you read this book. As Richard and Tim describe, we are all ‘controlling people’. In fact our feelings of wellbeing depend on staying in control. Just as when we drive a car, we must stay in control in everyday life in order to keep the things we care about going in the right direction. Yet this natural controlling behaviour is sometimes the very reason we end up losing control. This happens when we try to control other people as well as when we try to control ourselves.
So how do we do better? We can’t in fact just stop controlling because, paradoxically, it is as essential to our existence as breathing. Instead we need to understand and accept both our own and other people’s controlling natures. For Richard and Tim that involves applying the science behind PCT in a way that a general audience can understand and use to lead better lives for us all.
Stephen May
Publisher and owner
Australian Academic Press
About the authors
Dr Richard S. Marken is a research psychologist, human factors engineer and statistical consultant and has worked in both academia and the commercial world including at Honeywell, Inc., RAND Corporation and a 15-year stint as an Engineering Specialist at The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA where he developed methods for rapidly prototyping and evaluating designs for the human-computer interface component of satellite ground control systems. He is the author of four books and over 50 papers on control system theory and psychology.
Professor Timothy A. Carey is a psychologist specialising in clinical psychology with a background in teaching including preschools, special education, and behaviour management. He developed the Method of Levels (MOL) and worked closely with William T. Powers, the developer of Perceptual Control Theory. Tim has over 100 publications including journal articles, books and book chapters and also has blogs with Psychology Today and Mad in America.
Click on the cover image to go to the
book’s home page to buy online now.
About Australian Academic Press
We are a niche publisher for the behavioural sciences, specialising in psychology and headed by former psychologist, Stephen May. Established in 1987, Stephen split the company in 2012 and sold the majority journals division to Cambridge University Press to allow him to concentrate on a smaller more specialised book publishing list. AAP continues to publish a selective range of practitioner resources and books in print and digital formats for sale across Australia, Europe and North America. Contact Stephen if you have a manuscript you think we might be interested in.
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Richard S. Marken
Author, with Timothy A. Carey, of Controlling People: The Paradoxical Nature of Being Human.
Available at Amazon on December 22