[From Fred Nickols (970920.1122 EDT)]
Bruce Gregory (970919.1610 EDT)
I want to suggest that rather than converting the heathen to the
true faith, we might do better by identifying problems and
solving them.
Reads like good counsel to me. Looks like Rick agrees too...
Rick Marken (970919.1450)
Bruce Gregory (970919.1610 EDT) --
I want to suggest that rather than converting the heathen to the
true faith, we might do better by identifying problems and
solving them. When we succeed in enhancing the ability of others
to exercise control, we will have no shortage of friends.I agree completely. I would like to see a lot more work that shows
how PCT can be used to help solve all kinds of human control problems.
I would particularly like to see examples of successful helping
(of others or oneself) that could not have been achieved without
a good understanding of the details of PCT. I want to see examples
of successful helping where the relationship between success and an
undertanding of PCT is well documented; and I want to see examples
of success that could _not_ have been achieved _without_ an
understanding of PCT. I think we need educators and clinicians
who really understand PCT to document, clearly and competently, the
role PCT played in any successful outcome.
How might one demonstrate that the helping "could not have been achieved
without a good understanding of the details of PCT"? Lots of people succeed
in lots of endeavors -- and attribute their success to factors such as luck,
divine intervention, solid expertise, and a blinding flash of insight. It
would seem to me that if you can demonstrate that PCT works where competing
belief systems fail, and if you can account for that in ways that are more
than simply attributing the success to PCT, you will soon have the world
beating a path to your door because you have the fabled "better moustrap"...
More important, does your call for such examples indicate that, currently,
there are no such examples? If so, the hunt should indeed be on. If not,
then that suggests examples already exist. If that's the case, then maybe a
little dusting off and appropriate promotion would do the trick.
Fred Nickols