CORRELATION, resend due to error

[From Dag Forssell (951001 1545)]

Yesterday, I sent the file CORRELAT.ION. Today, I noticed that the
scatters looked funny. I find that I inadvertently distorted them when
I changed the line length, as I have done to make most of the files on
the demodisk easier to read.

My next version of the disk will be corrected to reflect the original,
as shown below:

Bad data illustrated

Unedited posts from archives of CSG-L (see INTROCSG.NET):

[From Bill Powers (920113.1200)]

Still worrying the same bone -- what's wrong with statistical facts
about individuals. I'm not bashing statistical studies of
populations -- only the attempt to apply population statistics to
individuals. I should mention in this context the modern classic on
this subject by a CSG member, Philip J. Runkel: _Casting nets and
testing specimens_; New York: Praeger (1990). A must-read for
anyone who uses statistics in connection with human behavior.

My objection isn't esthetic or moral: it's that the predictions of
individual behavior that come out of mass measurements are very
poor, much worse than they need to be, mostly from lack of trying
to meet higher standards for acceptance of facts. Today's offering
concerns what predictions from bad data look like.

I wrote a little program that plots the function y = 2x + [a random
variable]. The random variable is just the "random()" function from
the C library, so it doesn't conform to Gaussian statistics, but
the results are at least suggestive. What we're pretending here is
that a dependent variable y has been postulated to be proportional
to an independent variable x, and that this hypothesis is used to
explain a collection of data points obtained by varying x and
observing y. If there were a perfect linear relationship in the
data, the points would plot as a straight line. After generating an
array of 24 pairs of data points, we calculate the correlation
coefficient between x and y. The question then is, how well does
the regression equation, y = 2*x, predict the value of y given the
value of x?

In the plots below, x runs from top to bottom and y runs from left
to right.

Here is the plot of y vs x when there is no random noise added to
the measure of y:


Date: Mon Jan 13, 1992 5:13 pm PST
Subject: Bad data

                    correlation = 1.000

Obviously, given x you can predict y exactly. There is no scatter. Here
is what the data look like when enough noise is added to bring the
correlation down to the level we get in easy tracking experiments:


Correlation = 0.995
When handle sensitivity gets too high or disturbances get large, the
correlation drops to the low 90s, something like this:

Correlation = 0.928
In most statistical studies of relationships between dependent and
independent variables, a correlation of 0.8 would be considered very
high. Here is what the data would look like:

(8) *
(12) *
Correlation = 0.798

Even a correlation of 0.6 is considered rather good:


Correlation = 0.620
As Gary Cziko has reported, there have been published studies in which
relationships with correlations of 0.2 have appeared. Here is that degree
of correlation:


Correlation = 0.201 (the points on the left actually went somewhat to the
left of zero)

An interesting fact came up while I was generating these plots.
When the argument of the random function is set to produce a
correlation of 0.6, and the plot is generated over and over, the
result can be any correlation between 0.3 and 0.8 on repeated
trials, as different sets of 24 random numbers are generated. The
implication is that with only 24 subjects, one can't say what the
meaning of a given correlation is without re-doing the study many
times. The first correlation obtained is very unlikely to be at the
center of the spread of correlations. How many times do typical
researchers replicate their studies, to find where the center of
the range is? I suspect that the mean number of replications is
close to 0.

Suppose that a person is exposed to 12 units of the independent
variable x (top to bottom, halfway down). You want to use this
score to predict that person's score on a test of the dependent
variable y (left to right). Looking at the above plots, at what
level of correlation would you begin to take the prediction of y
seriously for that person? I would say that at r = 0.8, the
prediction is too bad to use: clearly, the error in prediction
would be something like 50% of the y-score. I wouldn't be much
interested unless unless the correlations were up into the 0.90s.

Suppose that you were comparing two people, one with an x-score of
8 and the other with an x-score of 12. This would be like using one
questionnaire to determine the independent variable, and using some
other measure of the dependent variable. That's a difference of 4
points around the average of 10, or a 40% change in x-score. I've
labeled the 8th and 12th lines in the plot for a correlation of
0.8. Clearly you would get the right comparison and then some. But
suppose you move them both up one notch, or two, or three. Your
prediction could differ from the actual difference in y scores by
a large amount -- it could easily be backward.

Again, I don't think that any correlation lower then the 0.90s
would be scientifically usable. And you don't get results that you
could call *measurements* until you're up around 0.95 or better.

When you look at the plot for a correlation of 0.6, it's easy to
see the trend. Clearly there's something going on here that you can
see with the naked eye, despite the huge scatter. An effect! It's
easy to overlook the fact that in order to see this "effect," you
have to look at ALL the data points. You don't get this impression
from looking at just a few of the points (put your hands over the
plot so you can just see the center part). This "trend" you see is
a property of the whole plot. The individual measurements don't
"trend." Each point is where it is. The trend line, y = 2x, is far
above many points and far below most of the rest. The distance from
the trend line for each point shows you how badly the trend line
misrepresents each point.

When you use the trend line to predict differences between people,
the picture gets even worse. By drawing a line between various
pairs of points, you can get slopes ranging from highly positive to
highly negative. But the trend line predicts that the slopes should
all be the same as the slope of the trend line. You have to get
high into the 0.90s before comparisons mean anything at all.

There's another way to look at this. Somewhere around the 0.80s,
the scatter becomes small enough that you could divide the y scores
into a high group and a low group. You could then say that if the
x score is less than, say, 6 or greater than, say, 18, it will
predict that an individual point is in the low group or the high
group. What has happened here is that the resolution of the
"theory" y = 2x has become just great enough to treat the
measurements as binary data: 0 or 1. We can pretty well tell the
difference among 0,0 0,1 1,0 and 1,1. As the correlation rises
above 0.8, the coarseness of the meaningful numerical measures
falls: we begin to make out details. And when the correlation is in
the upper 90s, we begin to get something resembling a continuous
measurement scale.

When the resolution is too low, most of the data points are
useless; it takes an extreme of the independent variable to predict
that the dependent variable will be in the high group or the low
group. In this case, the useful N is not the total number of
subjects or points. It is a much smaller number, only the points
indicating extremes of both x and y. Below correlations of 0.8,
most of the points near the middle are useless. Even at 0.8, all we
have is a crude measure that could easily be confounded by any
slight effect from a common cause.

A true science needs continuous measurement scales so that theories
about the forms of relationships can be tested. This means that
correlations have to be somewhere in the high nineties. True
measurements, with normal measurement errors, require correlations
of 0.99 upward. If this were universally understood among
scientists, two things would happen. The first is that most
statistical studies would end up in the wastebasket. The second is
that the good studies would be done again and again, with
successive refinements to reduce the scatter, until something of
actual importance and usefulness was found.

Best, Bill P.