[From Rick Marken (2004.03.23.0900)]
Michelle Ivers (2004. EST)
I believe that we are living
control systems who are designed to control perceptions rather than BE
I don't believe it is possible to design a control system that controls but
cannot be controlled. As long as the output of the system is regularly
related to disturbances to the variable controlled by the system, then the
output of the system can be controlled. This is true even if there are
secular variations in the system's reference for the controlled variable, a
fact that is demonstrated in my "Control of Behavior" demo at
I find it really hard to believe that people who supposedly subscribe
to the view that we are all control systems can then try to control
what other people say.
Controlling what other people say (and do) seems like exactly the kind of
thing control systems would do. Whether a person subscribes to the view
that we are all control systems or not, that person, being a control system,
is likely to want to control what other people say, at least at sometime or
another, in particular when what is said is a disturbance to perceptions
that person controls.
From what I can see Bill Williams clearly states that his comments are
only his perceptions.
Does this make his "comments" OK with you? If I said that it is my
perception that Michelle Ivers is an ignorant slut (you're probably too
young to remember the great SNL skit from which that phrase is taken) would
I be immune from criticism for having said it? I think not.
In my position as chief lurker, it appears that you have a reference
for how other people should behave and act, and what they should say
on this list.
Of course I do. And you do as well or you would not have written this post
to me. I want (have a reference) to see substantive, intelligent posts on
topics related to PCT. You want (have a reference) to see me change my
references (so that I want people say to say nasty things about me) so as
not to set up a perfect opportunity for counter-control.
Clearly that sets up a perfect opportunity for counter-control.
Controlling per se sets up the perfect opportunity for "counter-control"
because counter-control is simply control that takes advantage of the fact
that another system is controlling. Counter-control occurs when the object
of control is a control system rather than a non-control system. The only
thing that distinguishes counter-control from any other kind of control is
that it is based on knowledge of a variable that a control system is
controlling. In counter-control you control the actions of a control system
by disturbing a known controlled variable. For example, I can
counter-control the actions of a thermostat by blowing on an ice cube near
the sensor. The cold air disturbs the temperature that is sensed and
controlled by the thermostat. The thermostat acts to counter this
disturbance by turning on the furnace. I can, thus control the thermostat's
actions, making the furnace go on and off as I desire; I am
counter-controlling the furnace. My ability to exercise this control exists
because I know that the thermostat is controlling temperature. If the
thermostat "died" (stopped controlling temperature) I would lose my ability
to control the thermostat's actions by applying disturbances to the
controlled variable.
About the time our paths diverged, Tom Bourbon, for some reason, became very
interested in counter-control. Tom's message about counter-control was
similar to yours: counter-control was something to be avoided. I never
understood this point. The only way to avoid counter-control, as far as I
know, is to not control at all. And the only way to not control at all is to
die. According to PCT, what living systems do is control. And people (who
are living control systems) often take advantage of the fact that other
people are controllers, too, in order to "counter-control" each other for
social purposes. For example, you are counter-controlling when you buy a
$1.50 item and hand the salesperson a $5 bill. You are getting the
salesperson to hand you $3.50 by taking advantage of the fact that the
salesperson is almost certainly controlling for taking only the amount that
the item costs. I don't think either you or the salesperson would find this
counter-control something to be avoided.
Counter-control is a problem only if you try to get a person to do something
that that person doesn't want to do. There are situations where people can
take advantage of your controlling to get you to do things you would rather
not be doing, such as yelling or calling names. In this case, what one wants
to avoid is not the counter-control itself but the undesirable (from one's
own point of view) actions one uses to counter the counter-controller's
disturbances to what one is controlling.
If you really want to discuss PCT, then do it. No-one is holding your
fingers to the keys and 'making' you respond to comments you class as
"ad hominem attacks".
I wasn't suggesting moderation to protect myself. The posts bother me, of
course, but they don't bother me that much and I can deal with it, if only
by considering the source. I was suggesting moderation as a means of raising
the general level of discussion on CSGNet so that CSGNet would be be a place
where I could point intelligent people, like my acquaintance from grad
school, who would like to learn about PCT and how it is applied.
But I guess the moderation issue is moot. Bill Powers doesn't seem to want
to do it and PCT is his baby. I think this is a mistake because CSGNet is
the only public forum for dissemination of quality information about PCT.
Very little good work on PCT is available in refereed publications or on the
net. Therefore, I think CSGNet should be a place for high quality
information about PCT and its applications. Because the list is not
moderated, we get many posts that are not only ridiculously rude and ugly
but also posts that reflect a very limited grasp of PCT. Both kinds of posts
usually come from the same people. The problem with this is that it reduces
the credibility of CSGNet. CSGNet has become a mix of _National Enquirer_
and _Science_. Bill Powers seems to accept this mix with equanimity. I
would prefer to try to filter out the National Enquirer component so that
CSGNet becomes a respect source of information about PCT.
I would like CSGNEt to become a forum for dissemination of quality
discussion about PCT modeling, research and applications. Maintaining
quality is a control process; maintaining the quality of the discussions on
CSGNet requires a willingness to control what gets onto CSGNet. I think Bill
Powers' reluctance to control access to CSGNet has made CSGNet approximately
useless as a venue for teaching and promoting PCT to a scientifically
competent audience. Only those who already understand PCT quite well are
willing to wade through the sewage on CSGNet in order to get to the
occasional nugget.
The internet provides a remarkable opportunity for getting unpopular
scientific ideas, like PCT, out to an intelligent audience. I think we
have squandered this opportunity by keeping CSGNet unmoderated. I would
never think of pointing anyone I know to CSGNet. If, however, CSGNet were
properly moderated by a qualified moderator -- a person with demonstrated
competence in PCT modeling, research and applications -- then I would be
happy to refer several people to PCT. These people might not end up becoming
"converts" to PCT but they would certainly be able to provide intelligent
criticism of it.
But, again, this is apparently not what is going to happen. CSGNet will, go
on as it is, as Grand Guignol. And I will enjoy watching and playing in it
occasionally. But my real work will be carried on, as in the past, alone,
with a little help from my friends.
Richard S. Marken
Home: 310 474 0313
Cell: 310 729 1400