CSG 2002 Conference events

[From Bruce Nevin (2002.08.04 09:07 EDT)]

Here is the schedule of the 2002 CSG Conference. Thanks to Lloyd, who captured it, and Rick, who passed it on.

            Rick Marken
                   1.Bimanual Control
                   2.Human Error
            Bruce Abbot
                   Thoat hexapod robot demo & status
     Afternoon (optional)
            Modeling and Programming hands on
            Bill Powers
            Bruce Nevin (moderator)
                   Criteria for PCT science
            Fred Good
                   Science, PCT, & the helping professions

            Glenn Smith
                   PCT in Jail
            B.Jeff Grumley
                   Reorganization and Learning
     Afternoon (optional)
            Modeling and Programming hands on
            3:00 Shelley Brierley
                   A Tool for Conflict Resolution
            Lloyd Klinedinst
                   PCT ID (What's in a Name?)
                   PCT future Expectations

            Bill Powers
            Rich Goldman
                   Thoughts, Feelings, Physiology
            Shelley Brierley (moderator)
                   Therapies & PCT
     Afternoon (optional)
            Phil Runkel
                   New Book Q & A
            Business Meeting
    [Shelley Brierley recorded minutes.]

[Something shifted to the afternoon on Saturday, and I don't remember which.]