CSG, and annual meeting

[Mary Powers 950217]

Bryan Midgley:

     "...what's the difference between this group and the Control
     Systems Group?"

Paul Reynolds:

     "Er...what's this newsgroup about then?"

This group - bit.sci.behavior-purposive - and csg-l are one and
the same. We decided the new name was more enticing bait for
browsers and lurkers. The Control Systems Group is an
organization of scientific, academic and professional people
interested in developing and applying a theory of purposive
living systems which is based on principles of engineering
control theory.

In addition to this newsgroup, the CSG has an annual meeting, and
it's high time an announcement was made on the net about that.

          * * * *


The 11th annual meeting of the Control Systems Group will be held
from July 19 - 23 at Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado.

The meeting begins Wednesday evening and continues through Sunday
morning. There are seven plenary sessions, held mornings and
evenings, with afternoons free for further discussion, demos, or
relaxation (lots to do in D'go - mountain scenery, ancient Indian
ruins, river rafting, mountain biking, etc.)

We encourage but do not require each participant to bring a paper
for distribution. Presentations are informal discussions rather
than formal lectures.

Topics in previous years have covered various branches of
psychology, psychotherapy, sociology, linguistics, education,
organizational development, etc., etc. Sharing a common
understanding of control theory enables people to communicate
across a range of disciplines, a satisfying and even enlightening

The conference fee will be about $200-$220 for room, board and
everything ($50 less for a shared room). This fee can be waived
for students and others with limited income. Getting to Durango
can be expensive - one strategy is to coordinate with others on
flights to Albuquerque and share a rental car. More on this in a
later post, along with a registration form.