CSG Videos, Glasser's book

[Dag Forssell (950221 1045)]

[Lars Christian Smith (950219 19:00 CET)]

I am intersted in some of the video tapes from the 1994 and/or
1993 CSG annual conference. I would very much like your and other
recommendations as to which presentations and tapes are of
interest. Are there any presentations covering interesting
material that is not covered in the PCT Literature list?

In a previous post you mentioned Glasser's _Stations of the Mind_.
Has there been any critique of the book on the net?


I am back from a weekend in Morro Bay with our family. We
celebrated our 31st anniversary.

You have asked me to make custom videos for you from the 1993 and
1994 conferences. You need two hour tapes at full speed for your
multi-format VCR in Luxembourg. Otherwise you would simply order
the regular tapes. I suggested that you state your interest and
ask netters for suggestions. I suggested this in part because I
don't feel that I have a good feel for your interest. I do not
want to make and charge you good money for tapes that are not what
you want. You have now been on the net long enough to know
something of what PCT is about. You have shown an interest in
"Going up a level." From your post on Islam, I understand you have
a background in antropology, which I translate into an interest in

In your query to the net, you did not state what you are interested
in. You gave netters no basis on which to recommend.

Based on my guesses of your interest, I suggest that I make =

Bill P. Going up a level 62 min + myself 94: 55 min =3D one tape
Tom B: PCT in education 46 min + Clark McPhail 93 61 min. =3D second

Bill's demonstration and discussion of Going up a level showed that
Bill is not only a theoretician. He lives PCT and has internalized
it for forty years.

I thought my discussion of explanations and memory in 94 gave a
nice overview of HPCT with some suggestive speculation about
integrated memory.

Clark McPhail in 93 exposed the sorry habit of quoting established
"facts" in the field of sociology.

Tom Bourbon 94 discussed his experiences teaching PCT in academia.

If you are interested in Ed Ford's discipline program, the four
hours in 1994 are highly worthwhile.

Among student presentations, I remember particularly Michelle
Duggins-Schwartz presentation on helping.

The question is still: What is your interest? (And budget).

_Stations of the Mind_ has never been discussed on the net. I read
it in 1983, so it has been a while. Glancing at it now, I notice
that the major graphic is confusing, and Glasser talks of how we
are driven by our needs. While Glasser parroted much of Powers, he
never gave a clean presentation of PCT, but bent it from the
beginning to support Reality Therapy. For this reason, the book
can not be recommended.

However, Glasser's speculations about diseases of reorganization
were/are somewhat interesting to me. They fall outside of what PCT
can address with any confidence, but influence my thinking about
possible consequences of living with chronic stress. I have seen
close relatives live with heavy stress (in difficult relationships)
and come down with autoimmune diseases or come up with far fetched
accusations of abuse. I now see this as aspects of reorganization
of both the body and the mind. While Glasser speculates and my
experiences are anecdotal (and furthermore, my explanations to
myself are guesses), it adds to my sense that PCT is very
important. PCT shows us where stress comes from, and gives us
hints of how to resolve it. Thus PCT helps us live healthy lives. =

Since you have read B:CP (I did not until 1988), you can tell where
Glasser bends PCT to conform to Reality Therapy and where he gives
you heavy doses of speculation.

I'll append the list of conference presentations below for your
reference and to jog the memory of anyone who cares to make a
recommendation to you.

Best, Dag

CSG ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1994 (1993 available (and shown below))
CSG conferences are very informal. These amateur videotapes were
made for a historical record. Tapes are =AB" VHS, NTSC, EP speed.


Bill Powers: Introductory remarks 0:01 - 0:55
Bill Powers: Explaining PCT 0:55 - 1:15
Rick Marken: Controlling the stress of controlling
                                                     1:15 - 2:49
Powers, Bourbon: Report on Wales conference 2:49 - 3:34
Tom Bourbon: a: Modeling: How we do it.
                 b: Modeling social interactions 3:34 - 4:46
Dag Forssell: a: Explanations b: Memory 4:46 - 5:41

LeEdna Custer, Ed Ford, George Venetis and Joe Sierzenga:
                 Discipline for Home and School 0:01 - 3:44
Dick Robertson: PCT applications in Psychotherapy =

                 - one approach 3:44 - 4:50
Rich Thurman: Virtual Reality 4:50 - 5:37

Michael Acree: Problems of scale =

                 in science and society 0:01 - 0:57
Phil Runkel: About Statistics 0:57 - 1:33
Bill Powers: Going up a level 1:33 - 2:35
Brent Dennis: Use of Self 2:35 - 3:27
Tom Bourbon: PCT in education 3:27 - 4:13

Chuck Tucker: Planning of presentations. 0:01 - 0:55
Bill Powers: The dispute over Control Theory. 0:55 - 2:12
Bob Clark: Comments. 2:12 - 2:30
Bill Williams: PCT and the deficit. 2:30 - 3:32
Rick Marken: The Control System from inside. 3:32 - 4:05
Dag Forssell: Four short presentations. 4:05 - 5:16
Bob Clark: Demonstrations 5:16 - 5:56

Gary Cziko: Post-Cognitive Psychology and
                 Educational Leadership. 0:01 - 0:56
Ed Ford: How I teach PCT. 0:56 - 2:00
Dick Robertson: Perspectives. 2:00 - 2:42
Clark McPhail: The dark side of purpose. 2:42 - 3:43
Dan Miller: Erving Goffman and Social PCT. 3:43 - 5:19
Kent McClelland: Conflictive Cooperation. 5:19 - 5:57

D. Schweingruber:Collective locomotion with CROWD 0:01 - 0:41
Tom Bourbon: Person-Model Interactions:
                 Interference, Control of Another,
                 Countercontrol & Conflict. 0:41 - 1:24
Michelle Duggins-Schwartz:
                 When is helping helping? 1:24 - 2:38
Martin Taylor: Language and learning. 2:38 - 3:40
Wayne Hershberger: Request for PCT ideas. 3:40 - 4:27
Banquet 4:27 - 4:33
Business Meeting 4:33 - 5:44


[Lars Christian Smith (950222 16:00 CET)]


To: Dag Forssell

Subject: PCT videos

You underline your question "what is your interest?" My interest is PCT. I
am still in sponge mode. I am trying to absorb PCT. One thing is to
understand the basic model, another is to understand the implications of
the model. I want to know to what extent the implications have been
worked out. I am not interested in applying PCT to an existing
academic field. That doesn't mean that I am not interested in applying it
to various phenomena.

My interest in the field of sociology is minimal. That doesn't
mean that I am not interested in society. I am just sceptical about
sociology, it is a terrible field. My interest in Islam is not really
academic, it comes mainly from having lived six years in a Muslim country.

I think you recommendations look good, and I would like to follow them,
including Ed Ford's tapes, and Michelle D-S', if you think it is of
interest. Could all this fit within a $100 limit for tapes?

Best regards,