[From Kent McClelland (920902)]
Dag Forssell (920901-2)
Thanks Dag for your comments on my revised manuscript. Your points are well
taken. The paper is into the second round of reviews at the American Journal
of Sociology, and I have hopes that they'll take it without too much further
revision. When my work calms down here slightly, I'll make this draft
available on the net. Gary, what's the best way to handle that now? The
paper, as you know, is not any shorter than the last time (unfortunately).
Kent McClelland Office: 515-269-3134
Assoc. Prof. of Sociology Home: 515-236-7002
Grinnell College Bitnet: mcclel@grin1
Grinnell, IA 50112-0810 Internet: mcclel@ac.grin.edu