Dashed hopes

[From Bruce Gregory (970418.1035)]

Rick Marken (970417.1300 PDT)

I say, there is NO, repeat NO, information about the disturbance that is
"in" or "passed by" or "with" or "attendant on" (or whatever other
preposition you like) the perceptual signal. None Nada;-)

Just to check my understanding: You are saying that the
perceptual signal contains no information about the disturbance
_insofar as the system controlling the perception is concerned_,
are you not? I would think that a _different_ system _can_
obtain information about the disturbance by turning off the
control system and observing the behavior of the perceptual
variable. (A theromstat can extract no information about
disturbances to the temperature because it does not moniter its
own performance. If I turn the thermostat off, my perception of
changing temperature _does_ provide information about the
disturbance, no?)
