True also that the board itself
has no degrees of freedom. If I used that language it was shorthand for
saying that there are just so many “degrees of freedom for the
perception of the occupancy of the board squares by tokens of different
colours”. It’s shorter to say “board degrees of
Martin Taylor (12:15 AM 12/12/2007 -0500) –
Yes, but very misleading when you’re constructing an explanation.
Several times you have said there are degrees of freedom in the
environment where there are no variables to vary. There is a similar
problem with “occupancy,” which has characteristics in common
with the smile of the Cheshire Cat. To be precise, you must explicitly
introduce the relationship between the tokens and the spaces on the
board, as in fact you just did above. And then, as you note later on, you
will end up talking about perceptions of the relationship between tokens
and spaces instead of about the board or the actions. This is not
surprising, since actions are controlled perceptions, too, and game
boards by themselves have no degrees of freedom.
[My board game Trippples, however, is an exception, because the game
board itself was made of movable tiles that the players took turns
placing in a frame before each game).
The relationship of
any token to the board is the same as the relationship of a variable to
the coordinate system in which it’s measured. Any given token can have
the board position of 0,1,2, or 3. That is one degree of freedom for a
token’s position on the board.
Yes, if you want to consider the perception of the set of tokens, you can
do that. It’s not inconsistent with looking at the occupancies of the
If you look just at the board, you can’t see or measure anything
called “occupancy.” You’re introducing a second element other
than the board “O.P.”, so to speak; alluding to it “off
proscenium” without bringing it into view. Something must occupy the
space or not occupy it, so its location relative to the space can vary.
So I have difficulty with your exposition at this point. You are talking
about a relationship between a space on the board and some unmentioned
other thing that is evidently present in your mind, but is absent from
your description.
I didn’t
specify how many tokens the player starts with. Let’s say there are N, so
until we know something about the constraints, any one of them could be
in-hand, or on square 0, 1, 2, or 3. That would be N degrees of freedom,
each with a range of 5 possible values.
There is a logical contradiction here, that led me to leave out
“absent” as one of the states of a token. The problem is that
these degrees of freedom are not independent, so they are not all
legitimate degrees of freedom.
Suppose we said there are five positions for a token, with -1 meaning off
the board, or “in hand.” Unfortunately, that doesn’t work if
you make a rule saying that only one token can be in a given position. If
that were true there could be no more than 5 tokens: four on the board
and one in hand. The number of tokens, however, was not limited by the
If a token with one of three colors can be either on the board in one of
four positions, or not on the board, we then have the 12 combinations I
defined, plus what appears to be one more degree of freedom: on the board
or off the board (“in hand”). The state “not on the
board” is not a separate degree of freedom, however, because a token
can’t be off the board and at the same time in one of the four board
locations. True degrees of freedom allow for free choice of a state
without regard to other degrees of freedom. A true third degree of
freedom would be, e.g., shape: round or square. Obviously a token of any
color could be on any square and have either a round or a square shape.
That’s not the case if we replace “round” by “off the
The real problem here is one that arises often in designing switching
circuits – failure to account for all logical states of each variable.
There is a tacitly assumed physical relationship among states of
occupancy such that if a token occupies one square, it does not occupy
any of the other squares. If it is in hand, it does not occupy any square
at all. So the rules actually imply statements like “0 AND NOT (1 OR
2 OR 3 OR -1)” which says that if a token is in one place, it can’t
also be in another place. This is not true in electrical circuits; a
voltage measured in one place is also present in many other places. These
statements have to be made about each variable in the system if all
ambiguity is to be eliminated. What happens in examples like yours is
that we tend to take some things for granted and forget that they have to
be explicitly stated in analyzing a system, or designing one.
If you substitute dry-markers of three colors for the set of colored
tokens, “off the board” ceases to have a meaning, or to cause
I believe the only real degrees of freedom are [0,1,2,3] for positions
relative to the board (zero means one of the board positions) and [r,w,b]
for color, the two independent variables. I would not argue too hard if
you said the position values were [0,1,2,3,4] where 0 means “not on
the board”, but then you’d have to do something about the rule
“only one token in one position.” There would have to be a
different position for each token that is off the board.
To sum up this far:
While it seems that there is a state of a square on the board called
“occupied”, that state is not a property of the board alone;
this way of defining a state simply omits mention of a necessary element,
the thing doing the occupying. When we include that element, we can see
that “occupancy” is really just one state of a variable
relationship between two elements. A token can be away from a square
by any distance. If the distance is zero, we say the token
“occupies” the square, or that the square “is
occupied.” However, the latter terminology (which omits “by the
token”) makes it appear that being occupied is something the square
can do all by itself, an implication that shows what is wrong with this
way of speaking.
I’d appreciate a
clarification of the paragraph where I started to fail to follow, and I’d
also appreciate your comments on my analysis of the degrees of freedom
for perception, action, and in the environment for the board-game
This means that only one
controlling agent controlling in both dimensions can place a token of any
possible color in any possible position on the board. Adding even one
more agent with two similar control systems means loss of range over
which reference conditions can freely be
This is where I lose
Likewise, in any one position on
tbe board, a token having that position can range through the color
values r,w,b.
(or the square might be unoccupied)
So we can construct an
independent dimension at right angles to the dimension of position. We
now have two degrees of freedom for a token.
For the perception of where a token is on the board and what colour it
is, yes. Tokens can’t change their colours. I don’t know if this is a
niggle or a point.
If the situation were one in which token colours could be changed by some
action of a control system, as could their locations, then the colour and
location would be two degrees of freedom. I noted that in my analysis,
since one control system selects the colour of token to pick up, and the
action of that control system is followed by the action of another that
controls where it should be placed. Both are lower-level systems that
support a control system that controls a colour-location complex
perception. This upper level perception is a one df scalar, as is any
other controlled perception in classic HPCT.
Is that your point?
If N is one of the four
positions and C is one of the three colors, then (N,C) identifies the
state of a token in both dimensions.
Each token placed on the board can therefore have any one of 12 locations
in this two-dimensional space.
That’s true, you seem to be taking some implication for granted that I
don’t see. Tokens have no degrees of freedom any more than does the
board. It’s the description of the board occupancy, or from the token
point of view, the token’s colour and its placement, that has degrees of
freedom. The end result is the same, but getting at it from the token
viewpoint seems to me to be rather more complicated than getting at it
the way I did.
I think what you have done is substitute a 12-square (4 x 3) board and
replace the coloured tokens with identical pebbles. Why it becomes more
complicated when you do so is that the system doesn’t have 12 degrees of
freedom, because there are pattern constraints that limit where pebbles
can be placed on the board – only one per column. I didn’t want to get
into pattern constraints at all until a later message in the set, but
since you brought it up …
So far there are no constraints:
we could stack up any number of tokens in any way we liked, locating each
token with two numbers. Any number of controlling agents, each with a
control system for each dimension, could place tokens of any desired
color in any desired position.
Yes, but in this paragraph you begin to merge degrees of freedom for
perception with degrees of freedom of the external environment, while
disregarding the concept of degrees of freedom for action, which is the
location of the bottleneck in this example.
It’s important to keep these three separate. It’s particularly important
to keep distinct the concept of degrees of freedom for perception and the
degrees of freedom involved in manipulating the values of those
perceptual degrees of freedom. The key to my analysis is that the person
can use only one hand, and by conflating the degrees of freedom in the
three different conceptual areas, you miss that.
On re-reading, I’m wondering if this, rather than later, isn’t actually
the place where my understand of your writing begins to go awry. I don’t
think it is, but the possibility is there.
However, there is a constraint
in the form of another rule that says only one token can occupy a board
position at a time. One color can be chosen for each position, and once a
position is chosen it becomes unavailable as a location for any other
token of any color.
Yes. Whereas beforehand there were four degrees of freedom for
“colour at location”, with a wide range of possible values for
the number of tokens of any colour at each location, adding the
constraint that only one colour can occupy any one square means that
there are only three degrees of freedom left after one of them is fixed.
On the pebble board, without the constraints you could have put any
number of pebbles on any of the 12 squares, but with the constrain, once
a column is occupied, that degree of freedom is lost.
I used the rule of one token per square because I was thinking toward
future discussions. The array of values on the squares was intended as an
analogue of the values of samples in a waveform; you can’t have more than
one value for any one sample. To expand the analogy for a moment: on the
“pebble-board” imagine an infinitely long column with locations
not in labelled boxes, but identified by real numbers. On the column you
can still put only one pebble, its location being given by the real
number corresponding to the “box” on which it sits. The column
represents one degree of freedom, the boxes or real numbers representing
its range, and the waveform sample being represented by the position of
the pebble on the column.
This means that only one
controlling agent controlling in both dimensions can place a token of any
possible color in any possible position on the board. Adding even one
more agent with two similar control systems means loss of range over
which reference conditions can freely be varied.
This is where I lose you.
Four such agents is the
maximum possible, and the number of available reference conditions for
each one would shrink to one.
I suppose not understanding the previous sentence is the reason this one
makes no sense. So far as I can see, all four control systems can have
any reference values at all, without constraint. They just can’t all
satisfy their references by any legal actions in the game.
There would be no ability
on the part of any agent to vary the controlled variable, since only one
reference condition can be achieved by each one.
No, I really don’t follow. My last paragraph comment wouldn’t lead to
this. Four “agents” can control the four degrees of freedom
perfectly well. Five couldn’t.
Maybe you could restate this paragraph, which I cut to show where I get
In your game-board example, the
discrete nature of the variables makes “interactions” into
either-or situations.
That was a deliberate choice, for the very reason that it makes the
situation clear. There’s no question of nearly parallel perceptual
vectors, fractional degrees of freedom, exponentially increasing forces,
or anything like that. The didactic idea was like that of Shannon: deal
with the discrete case where the concepts are clear (or I hope they
become so if they are not), and then generalize to the continuous case
when the basic ideas are well understood.
Actually, I didn’t talk about interactions at all, since in the usual
sense there are none. There’s only one player, and the four control units
don’t disturb each other’s perceptions at all, since each perceives and
influences only the occupancy of one square on the board, each one
perceiving a different square. What they do is act through the same one
hand, and if controller 3 wants to pick up a red token while controller 2
wants to pick up a blue, they can’t both do it at the same time. That’s
why I quantized the time dimension into discrete moves as well as
specifying a discrete board with quantized values.
In a discrete system,
variables can have only the exact values specified, never any value that
is “almost” right. So either there is conflict or there is no
conflict; degrees of conflict don’t exist as they do in continuous
And I’m glad to see you use the term “degrees of
I’d appreciate a clarification of the paragraph where I started to fail
to follow, and I’d also appreciate your comments on my analysis of the
degrees of freedom for perception, action, and in the environment for the
board-game example (as well as comments on the cow-distribution example I
posted a few days ago). I’d like to know you understand what I’m saying,
even if it isn’t the approach you would have taken, and especially if you
disagree with what I say. There are legitimately different approaches to
the analysis, but if they are legitimate, they should wind up with the
same result.
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I should have said “loss of range over which the controlled variable
can be varied to match any possible reference signal.” Of course the
reference signals can be varied in any way you like. The following should
clarify this.
Degrees of freedom of action and degrees of freedom of perception are
clearly different, because the action can vary without a significant
change in the perception, and the perception can change without a
significant change in the action. This is possible because of
disturbances and other kinds of changes in the external part of the
An action is (almost always) a set of controlled variables of a lower
order than the perception controlled by them. If Fa is the function
turning the action-variables a into an effect on a controlled variable,
and Fd is the function turning the states of all disturbing variables d
into another effect on the controlled variable, then the state of the
controlled variable V is
V = Fa(a1…an) + Fd(d1 … dm).
With multiple control systems all using the same set of action variables,
it is possible for each of k systems to make Vk match an arbitrary
reference value Rk, as long as k is less than or equal to n. So the
degrees of freedom of control are limited by the degrees of freedom of
action. Note that the number of disturbances is not a limit to the
degrees of freedom of control.
The most important thing about this little derivation, with which you are
quite familiar, is that when all the degrees of freedom are just used up,
it is still possible for each control systems to bring its own input to
any reference condition within the physically possible range without
preventing any other control system in the set from doing the same. This
says there is a solution to the set of equations Vk = Rk for all possible
This is not like your example of the game board. In that example, only
one control system can freely place a token in any of the 12 states
possible. If there are two control systems, the first to act is free to
create any state, but the second one can then create only 9 of the
states, since one position is no longer accessible. If there are four
control systems, the last one to act can set its reference signal to any
of the 12 states (as you noted) but its controlled variable can reach
only three of them. Contrast that with my derivation above that shows all
k control systems still being able to select and reach all reference
states within the same range that one system alone could reach.
Note that we almost automatically introduce new degrees of freedom.
“The first one to act” brings in the concept of qualitative
temporal ordering, with a huge increase in the number of control systems
that can at least momentarily achieve their reference conditions (think
of how scores are made in a pinball machine). Of course that doesn’t add
any degrees of freedom to those that existed before, but it brings them
to notice and provides new things for new higher-level systems to
control. I say that there are 11 major classes of degrees of freedom that
can be controlled by using our limited outputs in ways that bring up new
kinds of variables to control – ways in which the environment can be
controlled that were there all along (I presume) but which don’t get
counted until they’re mentioned. We are limited in how many of them can
be controlled simultaneously, but the “bottlenecks” of which
you speak don’t mean that n outputs can’t be used to control more than n
inputs. It just means you can’t act independently on more than that many
at one time.
As I said a few posts ago, most environmental variables change very
slowly, so with n independent outputs we can control most variables, far
more than n of them, as fast as we need to even though we have to
time-share among them. The apparent degrees of freedom of our joints and
muscles are only a part of the story; when we bring in time-sharing, we
see that the same output units can be applied to different parts of the
environment so as to affect completely different sets of variables on
different occasions, greatly multiplying the degrees of freedom of action
by allowing the same joint-angle actions to have very different
environmental consequences. I can reach to my left and press a button
that turns on a light; I can then (while the light stays in the state I
want) reach to my right and press a button that opens the spillway of a
dam. Surely these controlled variables represent two quite different and
independent degrees of freedom.
Bill P.
t A token on the board can have a color r,w or b and a
position 0,1,2,3, but to say a token is in hand means that it can’t have
any position on the board. If “in hand – on board” were really
a degree of freedom, you would be able to specify either of those
conditions, and at the same time specify any position on the board for
that token.